More Than Bigfoot Haunts Salt Fork State Park

The Squatch Master himself, heads out into the famous Salt Fork State Park, but this time he isn't hunting bigfoot...


  1. ..First...Lets feature a hoaxer lumping bigfoots in with ghosts and werewolves..Tha will add credibility to the subject...Good

    1. ^ about as much as your next door neighbor being a 10ft 1200lb hairy psychic that uses INFRASOUND to zap you as he runs away in 40 degree below zero, at speeds in excess of 42 mph!

      Yes credibility is KEY!!!

      Holey smokes!

    2. Sasquatch are ancient modern^
      homo sapien sapien. dna say's so.

    3. ..Not really...A more accurate statement is that the principle investigator in an ongoing research project indicated the last known appearance of ancient modern humans may be much closer to our era than previously thought...We may infer the possibility that the alma and\or
      yeti phenomena is due to an extant

  2. Why do people persist in thinking there are bigfoots at that silly little state park? It's just "researchers" answering each other's wood knocks.

    All the actual bigfoot activity is around Stringtown. Why don't any of these youtube "researchers" go there?

    1. These so called "Researchers" are not researchers, they don't have any evidence, and wouldn't if they visited Stringtown, or any where in Ohio, for that matter!
      The Squatchmaster is no Squatchmaster, he should change his name!

    2. If they went to Stringtown they might be able to shoot a bigfoot and get a body. That would be evidence.

      They can't do that at Salt Fork because there aren't any bigfoots there to shoot. You can't get evidence of what isn't there.


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