Youth Leader Spots Bigfoot At Church Camp In Colorado

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization shares a report from a Colorado Church Camp youth leader who had a bigfoot encounter during some night games at the camp.


  1. Halloween and bigfoot go together like bologna and lime Kool-Aid.

    I love it!

    1. Never thought I would hear about Bigfoot and baseball in the same encounter. Thank you for digging up this Bigfoot sighting and taking us to the area it happened. Looks squatchy to me.

  2. What is this? Some post on some bigfoot blog about some youth leader at some camp in some state called Colorado, that will garner a reply from some guy will post about it being researched by Kelly Shaw's group and thus he's not interested, and he will garner a reply from some other guy who will call that guy a troll and then some other guy will say that he lives in his mom's basement? I'm not interested. Done.

    1. Evening I'm Done guy,

      You sure know how to put your foot down when you're fed up with something.

      See ya tomorrow.

    2. What's this? A post commenting on a post I was going to make about a report of a Bigfoot encounter by a youth leader reported by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization in which I ask if that's Kelly Shaw's group and ............. aw forget it.

      I'm not interested. Done.

    3. Keep up the great work RMSO! That bible camp was creepy.


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