The Trail To Bigfoot Team Has A Big Announcement!

The Trail To Bigfoot team has a big announcement to make, and what better place to do it than in the middle of the Florida swamps.


  1. Replies
    1. Hopefully the little feller got a bikini wax,,,, we wouldn't want curly hairs on the GARTER BELT as it gets tossed to the next bride to be ,,,


    2. Joe, they want you for best man. And bridesmaid.

  2. Congratulations. Now everyone who watches ABC's Nightline will know how crazy you guys are as well.

    1. I'm sure they have EVIDENCE RIGHT??? You guys aren't going to make BIGFOOT RESEARCHERS LOOK BAD RIGHT!
      They better!

    2. The only face pics i've seen, are of THEM!

  3. i'd love to see that ! i hope they post the video of it soon because i can't get ABC here


  4. The big announcement was..... the guy in that black t-shirt "gone squatchin" actually washed it for the 1st. time!

  5. Wow they can't concentrate on a topic without thinking Sasquatch is just over there? Seriously guys coming across as nutters isn't helping the Sasquatch cause! Geez Louise!

    1. I'm starting to see those researchers who film themselves constantly, and don't have any evidence, are nothing more than dis-information agents! This ABC thing is going to be joke! Think about it, i'm the only one with EVIDENCE, and if ABC was interested in EVIDENCE, i would get the call....They chose these 2 because they don't have any proof.

    2. Possibly the problem is that your evidence is literally the worst crap in the entire bigfoot research world Dr. Squatch. Why on Earth would they call you?

    3. show me who has better proof...IDIOT!

  6. Bigfoot is real ive seen them up close as in within arms reach so dont beleive?cool.move on with ur life.


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