Strange Bigfoot Tracks Found In Weird Places

Why do so many people find only one bigfoot track? Why do some trackways seem to just disappear? The Bigfoot Outlaws discuss some of their findings, and talk about some weird encounters they've had.


  1. Replies
    1. Aaaaaaaay

      Screu you guys, I'm going home

      Eric C.

    2. TRUMP to save US all in 2016....


  2. Easy explanation. Bigfoot has one foot stuck up Steven Struefarts bungie hole. Sheesh every body knows that. Next question on bigfoot trivia. I have all of the answers

  3. An eyewitness account by Mark Zaskey offers some explanation of why only a single print is found.

    Mark saw a large bigfoot leap over foliage and clear a single-track dirt road/trail landing perfectly with his weight mostly on one foot (nearly 20 feet). Such a hyper-agile creature could be moving so fast that the next print is some distance away.

    1. Coonbo says something very similar on the 11mins mark here;

    2. Mark Zasky actually ment 120ft
      But failed to mention the FLAMING RED CAPE flapping in the wind like an empty sctotom wrapped around the bigfootssss

      Kelly Shaw

  4. ^ Rictor trying to impress RMSO. Keep your butt cheeks from flapping in the wind Riolo. That's kind of impressive to the right kind of guy

    1. Rictor????

      Wasn't he the first guy to get kicked off that little show.???..i can't remember the name of it.
      Oh well

  5. Can't remember the name of that show either. Lost interest as soon as they started to force do contestants to fabricate bigfoot evidence to stay on that bigfoot game show. No wonder Americans laugh at bigfoot enthusiasts with lame shows like that

    1. It was Bigfoot Bounty. Rictor wont let anyone forget he was on that embarrassing show. The guy has no shame. Most would want everyone to forget they was on a show that was all about fabricating squirrel poop as bigfoot evidence. Not Rictor he still brags it up. As you can see he has set the bar really high for himself.

    2. Quit picking on Rictor. Not his fault that show sucked & the whole thing was a scam. He took lemons & made bigfoot piss. Sometimes that is what you have to do when your a middle age obese guy without any looks of any kind to fall back on. Give the guy a break!

  6. Funny how so many of these "disappearing bigfoot tracks" happen in the middle of a bear track way. But then calling it for the double bear print that it actually is doesn't get youtube views.

    1. Let me guess... Instead of the "Bigfoot disappearing", it's more believable that a bear disappeared mid-trackway?Think before you post rubbish, bro... And adding your own information to an occurrence is not only chronic assumption, but considering it comes from you, total fabrication.

      Oh... Abd for your information, in bear prints you still have claw marks. Bears have dual tracks, the left paw and the right paw are parallel as you track through. In the Bigfoot track way the right and left foot tracks are in front of each other; a singular track way.

    2. What part of "middle of a bear track way" are you failing to understand? That means there's bear tracks in front of the solitary "bigfoot" print and bear tracks behind the "bigfoot" print. The bear doesn't disappear. It's the supposed "bigfoot" that was never actually there.

      Oh, and you've obviously never tracked bears. They don't always leave claw impressions. When they do, the claw impressions are almost always slightly in front of the toes. Do you see how the plaster stops at the front of the toes in the picture at the top of this page? That's because bigfoot "researchers" never seem to be able to put in enough plaster to cover the claw impressions.

    3. nobody can get trail cam photos of bears so yes iktomi
      go on with your story!!

      black bears prints show claws
      60% of the time,brown bear 89%
      depending on track angle,substrate,age..ect..
      Its ok ,
      teaching the obvious,never gets old .

      Uno who

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. 2:37... Stop your whining and source an example. As was put to you up top, adding your own information to an occurrence is not only chronic assumption, but considering it comes from you, total fabrication. I'll pop back later to see if you come up with one example. Also... Your comment makes no sense whatsoever. The source of this exchange is the fact that solitary Sasquatch track impressions exist. Adding that they must be in the middle of a bear trackway is perversely moving the goal posts, and special pleading at its most embarrassing.

      Sure! Some bear tracks are misunderstood for Sasquatch, I would in fact expect that... But Sasquatch castings display very clear toe impressions. There's also too much data in them. if the ridge characteristics in dermatoglyphics are consistent with other examples from Sasquatch footprints, are verified in collaboration with tens of scientists who have determined anatomy like heels, ankles, and Achilles' tendons... And are consistent with casts over a period of 50 years (after examining hundreds of alleged Sasquatch footprints), then this is not only unequivocally not from a bear, but repeatable scientific evidence.

    6. You keep demanding that other people produce a source. That's a laugh given what you, yourself, try to pass off as sources here.

      Ikky, you wouldn't know a valid source if it kicked you.

    7. Guess there's no example coming from you then? So many "rubbish Ikky sources", not enough rebuttals to quash them.

      Look after your blood pressure better buddy.


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