Gamecam Footage From Bigfoot Hot SPot Released

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization released this video showing photos and video captured from their trailcams in the Monte Cristo hotbed of bigfoot activity.


  1. Replies
    1. Agree Steven is a loser. Organized troll thinks he is an authority on a mythical creature because he uproots his family to open a business going bankrupt near the PG location. News flash Steve. Moving to Willow creek doesn't make you an expert and persecuting bigfoot sighting witnesses makes you a douche

    2. Kelly Shaw's butt boy^^^^^

    3. ^^ Rictor's corn hole receiver. I know its just a little corn hole stabber, but he makes up for it in the way he eats out your corn hole. The fatass has 0 talent but he eats a mean corn hole.

    4. Will Kelly Shaw's hate campaign against Steven S. ever end? It's doubtful because he's been wounded deeply. The truth can be a painful experience to those caught lying. Keep on watching and we'll keep lying should be his catchphrase.

    5. It's amazing the lengths Kelly Shaw will go to perpetrate the lie that he actually has a brain. It's hilarious to see the obsessed dunderheaded baloney that he and his childish buddies post here over and over again under anonymous cover thinking they are "winning." All it does is discredit him as a would-be actual researcher.

    6. His lack of evidence discredits him just fine!

  2. Let me guess, it's a boring video showing NOTHING

    1. Pretty much, although it shows a lot more than DS's videos.

    2. Thanks for putting in all of the hard work RMSO! Interesting look into the habitat of a bigfoot hot spot.

    3. 5:36 How do you know it's a Bigfoot hot spot, when no EVIDENCE is shown??
      4:43, so jealous, i don't film animals, does Kelly have any proof at all?

    4. C’mon guys, had you going there right? How many of you thought I was going crazy?
      Kelly Shaw should use that excuse however to explain why he went to a Bigfoot hoax site and found Bigfoot evidence, I wouldn’t buy it but it would be something.

  3. What's this? Some kind of video showing local wildlife in the area by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? Isn't he the guy who steals other people's pictures of animals and claims them as his own?

    Not interested. Done.

    1. ^^ Momma boy basement dweller. Thinks he is a tough little guy trolling internet sites from the protection of moms basement. Do your mum a favor block. Get a job and get a life home slice.

    2. Ah. Slice home? Where do you get that? What is this? Some reply to some post about some video on some bigfoot site? Guy, you don't understand bigfoot. That, or money. Done.

    3. What's this? Some kind of Kelly Shaw fan who gets butthurt when people makes fun of him? Is this the guy who actually believes Shaw is doing something useful?

      Not interested. Done.

    4. What's this? Some kind of a baby troll up past bed time? Keep up the good work RMSO! A lot of jealous freaks in the bigfoot world. You know you are on to something big time when the trolls come out of their basements & closets to throw stones lmao

    5. I’ve often wondered what makes people want to believe in such ludicrous concepts.
      Not just the Invisible Mindspeaking Forest People.
      The photos of nothing with red circles or the videos of things that are blatantly not Bigfoot as well.
      Alot of these things have supporters.
      Hell even Ed Waterman has supporters.
      EVEN Kelly Shaw who famously went to the location of a Bigfoot hoax and found Bigfoot evidence – People still take him seriously as a researcher!!!
      He didn’t even apologize for his mistake, he just said he suspected the entire time it was a hoax and felt he was a hero for going out and busting it, even though he didn’t!!
      It boggles my mind.

    6. Evidence collected is evidence collected. Hardpack101 admitted he hoaxes in the comments of Kelly Shaw's YouTube after he was told hair collected was going to be analyzed by Meldrum. Joy collected evidence of a hoax and forced the admission of guilt. Otherwise every one would still be debating the authenticity of that scam. Upsets basement dwellers that they can't be looking for Bigfoot and busting hoaxes through on site evidence collection. Only so much a guy can do from the comfort of his bookstore or from the den of his Vegas apartment. Jealousy runs rampant in many Bigfoot circle jerks.

    7. Wow - so Shaw is actually a hero and now a debunker of Bigfoot hoaxes.

      You should go into politics. They would love a spin doctor such as you.

    8. The Perpetraitor harpack101 admits the collection of evidence to be tested in the comments of Kelly's is why he admitted his hoax. Plain as day. You step over the facts because it does not fit into your troll agenda. Jealousy will get you no where kiddo

    9. That's your interpretation - they would have admitted it in time anyway. They just did it sooner to save foolish Shaw time and money.

    10. ^ Troll back peddaling when confronted with the truth then tries to spin it again to save face. Go back to mums basement and your tinker toys troll.

  4. Is that Kelly's Coastal Martens in that video?

  5. Kelly shaw went to the location of a Bigfoot hoax and found Bigfoot evidence, He has a podcast and a Bigfoot finding organization…. This is our reality guys. We can do better.

    1. According to the comments in Kelly Shaw's YouTube video. Hardpack101 admitted he hoaxed because Kelly was taking a hair sample to Meldrum. Sounds like some jealous couch Squatching trolls are jealous Kelly did what is impossible for them to do from thier couch. Collect evidence and force an admission of guilt from a hoaxer. Read the comments on his YouTube. Evidence collected by Kelly forced an admission of guilt from Hardpack. Of coarse jelous trolls can't accept he is doing what they can't do from the comfort of thier book store

    2. Yeah right. Kelly Shaw...debunker of hoaxes - hahahahahahaha! But then again you footers will believe anything.

    3. What Shaw actually did was go to the site and find "Bigfoot sign" everywhere. He got incredibly excited about it in his video of it. He had tracks, hair, a nest, stick structures, and habitat. He practically jumped out of his skin exclaiming that the silly hoax was real. Then his bubble was bust when the hoaxer admitted it. If by foolish and fanatical belief a good investigator is made, then Bigfooting is lost.

  6. ^ Fact check troll. Harpack101 admits it in the comments of Kelly's video. You won't find facts playing with your tinker toys in mums basement. Perpetraitor admitting the collection of evidence forced his admission. Troll on loser.

    1. Yeah he admitted it alright...because he had pity and did not want the stupid fool Shaw to be spending money on his hoax. I think he should have let him do it...a fool and his money are soon parted.

      You must be broke by the way.

    2. What Shaw actually did was go to the site and find "Bigfoot sign" everywhere. He got incredibly excited about it in his video of it. He had tracks, hair, a nest, stick structures, and habitat. He practically jumped out of his skin exclaiming that the silly hoax was real. Then his bubble was bust when the hoaxer admitted it. If by foolish and fanatical belief a good investigator is made, then Bigfooting is lost.

  7. Obvious attempts of a couple of bored trolls to smear Shaw and Steven. Click away at that keyboard at the same time telling mum I don't know why I can't find a job.

    1. Couple of trolls??? It's those two clowns themselves posting these comments.

    2. What is this? Someone calling someone else a troll over and over and insisting they live in their mom's basement? I'm not interested. That, or money. Done.


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