Bigfoot Witness Turns Into Bigfoot Filmmaker

On this episode of Sasquatch Chronicles, Wes has guest Mike Wooley come on to talk about his bigfoot encounter, that would ultimately lead him to making a movie about bigfoot. Check it out:


  1. First for iktomi and vegasthedog.


    1. Keep up the good work schooling the cement heads lktomi. Have you seen this interview from Gimlin? Pretty good stuff.

    2. So is that what the never found Bigfoot cast member Bobo Fey is doing with his time for work these days? That Bigfoot looks just like Bobo! He's always been known for filling in for the big guy in those investigations remember!

    3. ^ you have your nose too near your pals sweaty arsehole

      but it is pretty clear that Joe wrote the comment himself

      what a prick answering his own post and thinking people wouldn`t know = soppy bastard

    4. ^ Has detailed reports delivered to him.

      Has the secret "evidence" but won`t share it here.


    5. tham bigfeets acks lack tham injuns hidin in tham hollers

  2. Replies
    1. The CARS - Candy-O(1979):


    2. Great song MMC! Here's another... Burnin' for You - Blue Osyter Cult.

    3. Great song Ikitomi. Everybody loves Godzilla also


    4. This is also one of my favorites MMC. The guitar solo that kicks at 0:54 is classic!



    5. ^fake arse joe getting his kicks once again. i'm flattered you try so much to be like me, i really am


  3. Why does that bigfoot look like Weird Al Yankovic?

    1. Ha ha ha ha!!

      That's a drawing by Sybilla Irwin. She's one heck of an artist and her drawings are very accurately based on eyewitness reports. Along with those of Harvey Pratt, I consider these drawings the most accurate (based on the many reports I've read).

    2. Joe, you have only dreamed of seeing a bigfoot. Yet in your "expertise" you have deemed these the most accurate drawings of bigfoot? Do you realize how insane you sound.

    3. "Along with those of Harvey Pratt, I consider these drawings the most accurate (based on the many reports I've read)."

      Learn to read, you pitifully angry, desperately dense soul... And I've shared more eyewitness reports than the times you've interacted with a woman.

    4. Do you realize how stupid you sound Joe? Obviously not. "Ive shared more eyewitness reports than the times you've interacted with a woman". And your proud of that comment. Thats the sad part. You are proud in the great monumental feat of sharing an encounter that you read online. Wow Joe, thats something to be proud of. What skill that takes. You are certainly an expert now.

    5. Actually you sound like the stupid one, at least he can verify his woman was REAL...Unlike your "STORIES"

    6. Yep! Proud as punch putting an angry little nerd like you in his place.

      And nope! I've actually had very detailed reports come directly to me. Reports that I've been privileged to have come my way, as well as having the honour of knowing people who have 30 years plus of wilderness experience and who've had multiple close encounters.

      Basically, I know ten times more than your little mind could handle. Stuff I wouldn't dream of sharing on this sewer of a blog. Just think of that.

      : )

    7. ^ Don`t make us laugh any more than we already do.

      You have detailed reports coming to you ?

      More fantasy from a deluded moron.

      ha hah hahh ahahhahahhahha

    8. What's the matter... Scared? That "laugher" makes me think you're trying a little hard to mask a bit of bum twitching.

    9. 6:13, 6;42 and 8:45- do you realize how pathetic you are by commenting on something on a site in a subject you have zero interest in ?
      you need a better hobby. May I suggest button collecting or counting sheep ?


    10. haha, I don't think i have a witty comeback for deplorable vulgarians as yourself sir. Have a great day and don't get too drunk on your moonshine pal


  4. The above pic is not even remotely close to what they look like.
    Looks like Russell Brand.

    1. But that can't be DS. Joe says its one of the best depictions of sasquatch ever!!! Remember, he has shared many reports over the internet. Remember that. You can't argue with that level of expertise.

    2. And I'm entitled to my opinion of your "evidence", correct?

    3. Of course.......But to say "My pics aren't real" or that I filmed "Pareodalia" is not a relevant scientific rebuttal Vegas, it's just "Your opinion" and that's of no value.

    4. ^ You haven`t the nous to have an opinion of your own though,eh ? All you can do is repeat the dubious opinions of others.

      Try some thought yourself.

    5. Here's my issue with your evidence DS.

      1.) How do you know one is female and one is male? How do you come to these conclusions? What do you see between the subjects that sets the sex of the subjects apart?

      2.) Physical Evidence: I know you said Meldrum stole hair samples from you, but you are claiming to see multiple subjects a day. Why don't you have casted footprints or hair samples?

      3.) Lack of depth: why do we not see multiple angles of the subject? How do we know the size of the subject? All we are seeing is a still shot from a video. Why don't you show the video where you are producing the stills? Why do you need to tell the viewer where the eyes, nose and mouth are? I hunt, nobody has ever had to tell me where the face of the animal is located, it's obvious.

      I could go on, but I know it's not worth my time. There is nothing that can make you question your evidence.

    6. +1 Vegas

      Dr. Squatch is a lunatic.

    7. 1) The females will of course have breasts, or will be holing a baby, they have female qualities, and the males will be very big and muscular. I'm not claiming 100% accuracy here, but close enough.
      2) I have a whole handful of hair, it's black, light brown, and grey, 4-6 inches long.....they want $6000 to test the hair, and it will come back "unknown species"....I have footprints on video, i don't need to cast them, and if a BF sees you casting a print, they will leave that area, imo ( I don't have proof for my statement, that is a theory)
      3) EVERY VIDEO AND TIME ARE LISTED UNDER EACH VIDEO....Nothing to hide, it's all right there for the viewer to see for themselves.
      These creatures are masters of camo....what i see perfectly, others can't see at all, unless i's a courtesy for those who don't do any research...It takes YEARS to train your eyes to see them.........Lack of depth? I'm no expert, i don't have any fancy software, and everything i learned over the past 2 years, was self taught!
      4) Go on and on as much as you like, i will answer whatever silly questions you have.


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