Video Taken As Something "Big and Red" Is Spotted Moving Around Them

From Sooner Sasquatch on youtube:
Kept seeing a huge red figure moving in the distance. Then would hear movement all around us. It was an active day for sure!


  1. Well. if your just going to leave it lying around, First

  2. I've got something big and red poking through my glory hole. I'm so excited!!!!


    1. sounds like you are infected with some STD fake Joe. i'd get it checked out mate . Than again who really will miss you if you knock off ?


  3. Ifs you hears the wordsk communiky ors vibrantsk don't be buyings no houske in thats neighboorhoods because yous knowsk itsk fulls ofs darkies, Ikstomi tolds me

  4. About the 10 worst videotape on bigfoot, this one is the best or the worst, as you prefer. I had nothing again the fact that you can try, and try hard to film BF but please, in the sacred Name of God, learn how to use and hold your camera and buy a monopod stick.


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