The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization takes off into an area that has bigfoot sightings dating back into the 1970's. Check out the video to see what they found.
Kelly Shaw finds his own physical evidence and researches his own sightings reports. Remember that next time you paste the same question another time times, whacko.
There are those that look for Bigfoot. Bigfoot enthusiasts. And then those that ridicule the enthusiasts and the searchers. Ever notice those that ridicule live with mom?
There is no way that IktoJoe is Steven Suefurt. Steven has been posting lately on ISF and he is surprisingly articulate , reasonable and intelligent. Nothing of the same can be said about IktoJoe.
^ every one already knows bigfoot anarchy is the enquirer celebrity gossip magazine of the bigfoot world. Nothing factual. Gossip, rumors and fabricated evidence. That little winey brit whom runs that blog is going to have an anurism.
I remeber weasel gate it was a fabricated response by Steven over Kelly Shaw's blog exposing Steven Steuetalfart, Jamie Wayne and Mitchel Wilson's conversation sent to Stacy Brown about thier discussion to hoax a bigfoot researchers corruption. Typical trolls starting up another fabricated scandal to and smear the guy that exposed thier corruption.
My god... I stopped reading after the 10th f-word. What type of person would read that junk? Oh, and in the world of a try-hard, struggling to substantiate his nonsense, a mix-up with a marten equates to a hoaxer. I can point to a dozen comment sections where the resident try-hard has botched far worse. Lucky he's too gutless to post his name.
Donald, didn't you need to be told to use capitals in your name?
Its a tit for tat love affair of trolls trolling trolls. Steven, Richard, Mitchell and the list goes on are about as worthless as tits on a boar. Rediculous full time gossiping tolls. Check your head if you believe anything that comes from that group
Found the blog Kelly Shaw wrote that provoked Steve's gang of uglies to try and smear Kelly over a friggen weasel lmao! Tough to buy a bunch of BS from a few losers trying to get back at a guy for exposing their bigfoot hoax. Bluff Creek Project owner Steven Spewfert & Jamie Wayne crash another groups Bigfoot research location in Oregon. Both admit being involved with Mitchell Wilson's plan to hoax the location
^ read the blog, had no idea that bigfoot bookstore owner was so scandalous & cruel to people. His buddies and him remind me of a pack of hyenas. Thanks for the post.
I posted clear evidence that Kelly Shaw lied and hoaxed and the only response is a series of bitter and mostly incoherent ad hominem attacks. Hilarious!
I read both posts on Kelly and Steven. The timeline of events shows Steve is a hoaxer that was trying to get back at kelly over exposing his scandal. Looks like Steve fabricated a second hoax to smear the whistle blower. Good Job Kelly Shaw! We don't need Stevens kind hoaxing to smear researchers.
Sorry Brandon, sounds like Stevens gang of wieners has you buffaloed. I remember when this all went down. Jamie Wayne stupidly turned himself and all of them in messaging to Stacy Brown over their hoax scandal. Stacy shared it with Kelly and he went public about it. Cant believe a thing these bluff creek guys and friends say or do after that. Obviously this little weasel thing was a rather hilarious attempt to try and get back at Kelly over their scandalous hoax being exposed. Makes me laugh.
I followed that link you posted and of course since it's from Shaw's website we are going to get his take. Yep - no bias there. I do know Shaw put his stamp of approval on the authenticity of the drone footage in Idaho which we all know turned out to be a CONFESSED hoax. So I know who I'm going to believe.
Keep up the great work RMSO. Tell the trolls to kids your a$$. They are jealous because all they get to do is stay at home and Chase pokemons. Pure losers. Keep on Squatching fellas
What's this? Some kind of video of fallen branches and moss by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? Isn't he the guy that claimed that he took a photo of marten that was actually a copyrighted photo of a weasel taken by someone else?
This is also the same Kelly Shaw who found "tons of bigfoot evidence" at an obvious hoax site. And then lied about it.
I'm amazed some people here still take this clown seriously. Kelly Shaw finding bigfoot? Not a chance. Kelly Shaw couldn't find his own big butt with both hands.
Rictor Riolo has contribute more to bigfoot "research" than Kelly Shaw ever will. Even Rick Dyer the Liar has contributed more to bigfoot research than Kelly Shaw. At least Rick Dyer knew he was hoaxing.
Michelle Wilson, Poopstain Wayne, Steve Spewsfarts. All as scandalous as it gets. They attract negative hostile friends spewing their hate & discontent all over bigfoot pages. Losers have no life in reality. They live in a fantasy land that they are going to take down the bigfoot world. Cept for when Steven gets on TV & then lies to Finding Bigfoot that he has had a bigfoot experience of his own. OK for Steve to lie if its for TV ya know.
Of course he is. You know he reads the comments after his video has been posted. Who else would care that much to defend him.....besides Joerg of course.
Butt hurt trolls, upset that someone confronts their sleazy and lazy attempts to smear bigfoot enthusiasts. Lose heart to troll when its harder than sucking mamas tit & making cardboard signs for the local Wal-Mart corner. Get a job steve nobody likes a parasite.
I keep hearing Shaw going on about some hoax by the Bluff Creek guys? What hoax did they actually do? All I saw was that they went to that soha place to investigate a hoax, not to do one. I also saw that Kelly pretended he took pictures of martens that were found to be someone else's photos. That is a hoax on his part, trying to make the Bluff Creek guys look bad. No other reason. He lied about that, I think because he was jealous they caught a rare animal on a trail camera. He should be congratulating them.
Some of you may be aware of Kelly Shaw and others may not. Shaw is an alleged Bigfoot researcher who likes to name things after Bigfoot, such as Sasquatch Ridge, Sasquatch Holler, Bigfoot Valley or what the fuck ever stupid name pops in to his poorly lit cranium.
Kelly's Bigfoot evidence to date consists of trees, shadows, and stumps but he tries his best to say they are Bigfoot. I have not seen any follow up by Shaw to redeem himself and his "evidence". Mostly he just likes to talk.
And talk he does. I have lost count of how long it has been since Shaw has been harping on Steven and Jamie of the Bluff Creek Project but it has been a long time. For some reason, Kelly Shaw has an axe to grind with the duo who run the project with other people.
Shaw has accused Steven S. of being lazy because Shaw himself is too lazy to clean out his shit filled ears. There was an interview with Steven that is still available online. Steven had said that if the project grew in size and area that the Project may consider hiring students to help them retrieve cameras. This work could lead to class credits for the students but I'm not sure on how any of that works. I listened to the interview and I know what was said. Anyone with the IQ above room temperature knows what was said and what was implied. The Project would possibly seek *help* with their endeavor.
Kelly Shaw heard this, shredded any truthful parts until he was left with a bare bones chassis of what was actually said. From there, Shaw embellished and just plain made up shit. He got it stuck in his thick melon that Steven from the Bluff Creek Project was going to sit back while other people did his work for him. THAT is a fucking lie. It's a lie and Shaw knows it...or he should know it, unless his comprehension skills are so bad that he requires further education.
S. NEVER said he would retire and pass off the physical work to students. The students would be a compliment to the existing crew of people who would need to retrieve who knows how many cameras spread out over who knows how many square miles. The discussion about this was a "what if" scenario. What if the Project became huge, or what if the project carried on for the next 50 years? That was what I walked away with from listening to the interview.
Shaw found something, or so he thought. He twisted it, added his own bullshit and then peddled it in any group that would listen to him cry. I'm not sure why Shaw has it out for Steven S. Maybe because it's because Shaw can't debate with Steven. Maybe it's because Shaw is proven wrong every time he opens up his lying piehole. He call Steven a coattail rider of the PGF, yet Shaw will drive around to various locations so he can parrot old BFRO reports on his YouTube channel. Am I the only one to see the hypocrisy here?
Under normal circumstances I try to stay out of one on one arguments between people but I will defend my friends when I think they are right.
Kelly Shaw has singled out Steven for whatever reason. I really have no clue where his hate comes from. He demonizes Steven when it really isn't warranted. Maybe Shaw is upset that he isn't as intelligent as Steven. Maybe he's bitter because he loses debate after debate on any given topic. It's very sad that an individual is attacked, bullied, and relentlessly bothered because he is intelligent. It's difficult to beat Steven in a debate. Some have beat him but not by much. I am not one of those people but I have no ill will towards Steven for that.
People get up in arms over racism, sexism and many other "isms" but it seems acceptable by some that it's okay to bully people who are educated. Steven runs a book store for f*** sake. I bet he reads books like some people drink coffee. It's obvious to me that the man wants to learn as much as he can about any topic that he finds interesting. Is that a sin? Where the hell did this anti-intellectual movement come from? When did it become okay to bash the smart people?
I think Shaw is bu**hurt that he gets his a*** kicked every time. Maybe a bit of self education will put Kelly on a more level playing field one day. I suspect that won't happen any time soon because he is consumed with hatred. Kelly Shaw is so consumed that he has resorted to outright fabrications. There is no way out for Shaw now. Any credibility he had is shot to hell. Kelly only has himself to blame.
This. This photo right here is what destroyed Kelly Shaw. It's very amusing that the photo is of a weasel. A long tailed weasel to be exact.
Kelly knows so little about wildlife that he called this a coastal marten. When I was trying to find the real source of this photo, I was searching for Humboldt Martens. What I noticed was that the Marten looked nothing like this animal above. The face was different. The Marten has pointier ears, different fur colour and length. I started to search for weasels instead and it took me all of five minutes to find out that this little fellow (or female) is a long tailed weasel.
I will give you the context in a screen shot.
As you can see, Kelly immediately tries to come off as some self proclaimed expert on the Humboldt Marten. Maybe Shaw doesn't realize that people actually studied the animal, it's habitat, range and numbers. You know, factual things that are written in articles and put on websites. Websites like this one.
National Park Service ~ link
"The historic range of the Humboldt marten was described as sea level to about 3,000 feet (914 m) along the narrow, humid, coastal strip, chiefly within the redwood belt, from the Oregon state line south to Sonoma County. By the 1950s, populations of Humboldt martens were highly reduced. Currently, a single population of the Humboldt marten (not including the detections within RNSP) occupies an area that is less than five percent of its former range and is estimated at less than 100 individuals."
So far Kelly has lied about what kind of animal he allegedly took a photograph of and he has lied about the rarity of the Humboldt Marten.
You may think to yourself "so what?". Kelly could be blowing hot air just to ruffle feathers. I might be able to accept that if it wasn't for the fact that my friend and awesome amateur detective, Skyla found the source for the weasel photo.
The photo comes from this website: Jay Ryser Photography.
There you have it folks. Kelly Shaw swiped a copyrighted photograph so he could tell more lies about Steven, and lies about an endangered animal that the Bluff Creek Project managed to photograph from one of their trail cameras. Shaw is bitter over someone else's success.
As if this wasn't enough, Shaw once again opens up his stupid piehole to tell another lie.
Look at that! Shaw challenges people to post the photo that he claims he has a copyright on. Not only have I posted the photo but I will post it again. Go ahead, sue me you worthless lying sack of s***. Shaw is the one who needs to be ashamed of himself. He is a pathetic excuse of a human being. He's a window licker, mouth breather and all around knuckle dragging moron.
Shaw doesn't have any facts on his side so he needed to completely fabricate a story in order to vilify Steven and the BCP.
Kelly Shaw has had his a** kicked by pure facts. This isn't anything I made up. The truth speaks for itself folks. There is no denying that Kelly Shaw is a liar. He knowingly lied in order to prop up his over inflated ego.
I would ask you this. Since Shaw has no problem lying about things such as a photo of a weasel and the honor of good people, I have to wonder if he has lied about his Bigfoot evidence, photos, videos and anything else related to Kelly Shaw's "research".
Shaw was quick to label people hoaxers based on weak evidence that was clearly taken out of context but he seems to fancy himself as above the "law". Based on the evidence in this blog post, I have no problem labeling Kelly Shaw of the RMSO a hoaxer. There is no way out for Shaw. There is no back pedaling and no denying. Kelly hung himself with his own hatred and with his own web of lies.
Anonymous Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 11:49:00 PM PDT Some of you may be aware of Kelly Shaw and others may not. Shaw is an alleged Bigfoot researcher who likes to name things after Bigfoot, such as Sasquatch Ridge, Sasquatch Holler, Bigfoot Valley or what the f**** ever stupid name pops in to his poorly lit cranium.
Kelly's Bigfoot evidence to date consists of trees, shadows, and stumps but he tries his best to say they are Bigfoot. I have not seen any follow up by Shaw to redeem himself and his "evidence". Mostly he just likes to talk.
And talk he does. I have lost count of how long it has been since Shaw has been harping on Steven and Jamie of the Bluff Creek Project but it has been a long time. For some reason, Kelly Shaw has an axe to grind with the duo who run the project with other people.
Shaw has accused Steven S. of being lazy because Shaw himself is too lazy to clean out his shit filled ears. There was an interview with Steven that is still available online. Steven had said that if the project grew in size and area that the Project may consider hiring students to help them retrieve cameras. This work could lead to class credits for the students but I'm not sure on how any of that works. I listened to the interview and I know what was said. Anyone with the IQ above room temperature knows what was said and what was implied. The Project would possibly seek *help* with their endeavor.
Kelly Shaw heard this, shredded any truthful parts until he was left with a bare bones chassis of what was actually said. From there, Shaw embellished and just plain made up shit. He got it stuck in his thick melon that Steven from the Bluff Creek Project was going to sit back while other people did his work for him. THAT is a fucking lie. It's a lie and Shaw knows it...or he should know it, unless his comprehension skills are so bad that he requires further education.
S. NEVER said he would retire and pass off the physical work to students. The students would be a compliment to the existing crew of people who would need to retrieve who knows how many cameras spread out over who knows how many square miles. The discussion about this was a "what if" scenario. What if the Project became huge, or what if the project carried on for the next 50 years? That was what I walked away with from listening to the interview.
Shaw found something, or so he thought. He twisted it, added his own bullshit and then peddled it in any group that would listen to him cry. I'm not sure why Shaw has it out for Steven S. Maybe because it's because Shaw can't debate with Steven. Maybe it's because Shaw is proven wrong every time he opens up his lying piehole. He call Steven a coattail rider of the PGF, yet Shaw will drive around to various locations so he can parrot old BFRO reports on his YouTube channel. Am I the only one to see the hypocrisy here?
I want to discuss Kull's huge face. Was that a botox treatment gone bad? Did somebody sucker punch him on the street? Was it an industrial accident as some have speculated?
Kelly Shaw makes me look like the greatest Bigfoot researcher, and I might as well be because I know how to ask questions first before assuming everything is a Bigfoot.
Santa Clause might as well be real in Kelly Shaw's world. Because that's how much of a fool he is and has shown us to be. Bigfoot loser of all time. More so than Michael Merchant.
Rictor prides himself as being a star of a failed Bigfoot TV series called bigfoot bounty that forced contestants to bring in faked evidence every episode that had nothing to do with bigfoot. The 1st pair of contestants that refused to bring in moss or squirrel crap were promptly cut from the show. Rictor must be proud of himself for shooting cows with darts along with finding raccoon crap & moss each week to stay on 1/2 the season. That failed show made every contestant look like a clown. Cept for Rictor the show was a step up for this loser.
Bigfoot bounty was an embarrasment to the Bigfoot community. People presenting fake bigfoot evidence for money. The true winners on that show were the pair that refused to collect moss and call it two who left the show with thier dignity in tact. The rest of the contestants were humiliated every episode presenting what they know was nothing but calling it evidence for the show. I am sure most want to forget about the humiliation. Have no idea why someone would hang on to that humiliation and dry to use it as validation that they accomplished something. Collecting moss, bark and squirel poo then claiming it was bigfoot evidence each week?
Cool video! Keep on Squatching RMSO. Ignore the trolls. Good indication you are doing great things when jealous trolls show up in a little pack. Childish behaviour. I'll keep in watching if you keep on squatching!
For my money Bigfoot Nation was far superior to Bigfoot Bounty. That's what I'd like to see on television: a show about bigfooters and the bigfoot community, not about bigfoot itself.
But regardless of your opinions on reality television shows, Rictor is still a better bigfoot researcher than Kelly Shaw.
Because Rictor doesn't lie.
Because, like real researchers, Rictor isn't actually looking for bigfoot. Not really. Rictor is looking for the truth, whatever it may be. That's the mark of a real scientist, more than any credential or degrees or how much time is wasted wandering around in the woods.
But Kelly Shaw isn't looking for the truth. He's not even looking for bigfoot. No, Kelly Shaw is only looking for attention and notoriety, and sees bigfoot as an easy way to get it. He'll happily misinterpret, lie, cheat, defame, steal, and hoax to boost his own ego. And he has. About the best that can be said for Kelly Shaw is he's so bumbling and incompetent that his lies are easily refuted.
To be fair, Rictor is also looking for attention, but he's honest about it.
I wish he'd get back on schedule, though. Waiting months between Off The Rictor episodes is ridiculous. Then again, Rictor probably has a real job to occupy his time, which is more than can be said for so much of the bigfooting community.
Top Secret Bigfoot Habituation Area Exposed: Invasion Of The Bigfoot Skeptics
Like shooting a game winning buzzer beater, or tossing up a Hail Mary for a touchdown win as the clock counts down to zero, the end of 2015 went out with a bang in the bigfoot community. For what seems like several years now, there has been an ongoing feud within the community between certain individuals and Dr. Matthew Johnson. The "certain individuals" namely being Steven S., Jamie W., and various other skeptics that frequent the facebook group known as the "Coalition". The full name being the Coalition for Critical Thinking in Bigfoot Research.
This group prides itself on taking a rational and skeptical approach to any and all bigfoot evidence and claims made in the bigfoot community. Sort of a self-imposed peer review. It's no wonder that a feud arose between the two factions. Johnson is known for making bold and extraordinary claims about his research area and findings. Things such as "cloaking" bigfoot, telepathic inter-species communication, bigfoot having the ability to phase through solid objects, even magic portals being used to travel back and forth between multiple dimensions are all common and regular claims made by Matthew Johnson. Claims that many people, myself included, find absolutely asinine. The Coalition, which is founded on scientific and rational thought, of course find it particularly insulting and damaging to a community that needs as much credibility as it can muster.
So, over time, certain individuals worked together and uncovered the location of Dr. Matthew Johnson's famous research area known as SOHA. The Southern Oregon Habituation Area.
The funny part about all of this is that the information they used to find SOHA was all supplied by Johnson himself over the years. He would make videos, post photos, give away certain clues here and there, and was even kind enough to provide an aerial map view of the location itself. It was really only a matter of searching landmarks on Google Earth at that point until they found a spot that matched. That's exactly how Mitchell Wilson eventually found the location. Dr. Johnson himself said it was close to Grants Pass, Oregon. Tends to narrow it down a bit, don't you think? After finding it on a map, Jamie W. and Steven S. then drove to the location to confirm it on the ground, and guess what? BINGO! SOHA location confirmed.
They posted a few photos of the two of them at the location, made some videos of the area, and did a quick investigation to see if they could find any preliminary explanations for some of the claims that had been made by individuals who had visited SOHA in the past. Then they went home.
Of course shortly there after they made a public announcement letting everyone know they had found the location, and posted their materials for the public to view. They could have kept the entire thing quiet. They could have set up elaborate hoaxes and made Johnson look like an absolute fool, but they didn't. In my opinion they took the high road in this situation, and to my astonishment, a lot of people in the bigfoot world are attacking them for it.
When I said 2015 went out with a bang, that's exactly what I mean. A war between factions has commenced. Now that the curtain has been pulled back, certain individuals are in a very foul mood. Their playtime has been disrupted. Even those who did not necessarily support Johnson are still siding against Jamie and Steven for invading SOHA.
See, researchers are very particular about their research areas. They don't want others coming into their territory. They're afraid that outsiders will mess things up for them. Yeah right, they are most likely afraid someone else might get a video or a photo in their area and get all the glory. But for whatever reason, it is an implied rule among researchers that you respect each other's space. That's where the problem began, there was never any respect in this situation to begin with. And I don't mean on the part of Jamie and Steven.
Matthew Johnson has never been respectful to anyone that questions his claims. I questioned something he said one time and the man booted me from his group (that he invited me to join personally) and blocked me from his facebook page. Likewise, he has never given or shown respect to any other researchers unless they make the same type claims he does. He has never shown anyone the respect of offering up any sort of evidence to support his claims. He has never shown the respect of letting someone who was skeptical come to his location and experience or view things for themselves. When challenged or questioned, he does not respond in a respectful manner.
Dr. Matthew Johnson is disrespectful to bigfoot research. Period.
The North American Wood Ape Conservancy has a secret research area. Do you see anyone trying to expose it? Why do you think that is? Because they are respectful. They offer evidence transparency.
The Olympic Project. They have a private research area. Once again, they offer up their findings. They are respectful. No one is trying to expose their location.
The list goes on and on. In fact just about every group or individual bigfooter out there has their own research area. Why are Jamie and Steven not going after everyone? If these guys are so evil, and the bane of the bigfoot community who are just out to expose secret research areas and supposedly harass and stalk innocent bigfoot researchers, why are they not going after everyone? Because they want what most true researchers want. The truth. Regardless of what the truth is. Not the fantasy, not the fictional, not the fairy tale. The truth.
Another item that I feel key to all of this is the location itself. I have had my research area invaded by other researchers before. It sucks. I do not think it is right to infringe on others research spots unless invited. If you really just have to go to someone else's area, and they aren't inviting you, at least do them the courtesy of letting them know you're going to go poking around in their spot before hand. Like the famous SOHA, many of these locations are on PUBLIC LAND. That's right anyone and everyone has the right to be there, and you can't do anything about it. SOHA included. That's why it's important to remember that even though an area might be public, it is also someone's research area, and you should be respectful of that.
When its easier to lay out the facts of Bluff Creek Projects scandal than it is for these clowns to back pedal out of their plot to hoax. You know these losers are full of BS. Get a job Steven, nobody likes a leach.
Dr. Johnson doesn't do research. He goes and camps out, and makes up stories. He influences people who don't know any better. He takes photos and videos, and circles things that he says are there but invisible. He feeds junk food to wildlife and claims it can't possibly be wildlife taking the food. He takes small children there and his family, and makes it a family event. That's all fine and dandy, don't get me wrong, but that's called camping, not bigfoot research. At the very most it's nothing but an out of the way staging area for hoaxes. But I don't think the guy even puts that much effort into it to call it hoaxing. I think he just makes stuff up, and takes really gullible, naive, and inexperienced people out there. Anyone who might realize things for what they truly are never get invited.
That is why Jamie and Steven did what they did. That's why Jamie and Steven had every right to do it, and the community should be THANKING them instead of attacking them. How many people sit on their hands and say the bigfoot world needs better standards. Then when someone actually does something, and the reality of what it means sinks in, they get attacked for it. If you want to live in a world where bigfoot gets to be whatever anyone wants it to be and no one has to be held to any type of responsibility for the claims they make or the things they lead others to believe, go right ahead. But some of us, such as myself, have seen these creatures first hand and know they actually do exist, and we want to know what the hell they are, and understand what exactly we experienced. Regardless of what the truth actually may be. But we do want the truth.
Well if you only read my Bigfoot blogs, I could see why you might ask that, however if you read ALL my blogs you will see that I’m quite the fan of the Mustelid family, by which I mean Weasels, Ferrets, Stoats and of course Pine Martens.
Because I keep Ferrets and have fallen in love with their sleek design and almost perfect adaptations for their selected prey
Seriously, quite the Mustelid Fan
“Okay Richard, you like Weasels. So What? Still Don’t see why this was a dumb move”
Because it’s not a f***ing Marten that’s why! Anyone with even the slightest bit of Mustelid knowledge will tell you that that animal in Shaw’s picture is obviously a Weasel and not a Pine Marten
The ears are wrong, the claws are wrong, the tail is wrong. The only thing it’s got in common with a Marten in the creamy chest, that’s it
“Well Richard, you might be wrong, after all you’re not a Doctor in Anthropology specializing in Mustelids”
By the powers you’re right
In fact if you want specifics it’s the very common Long Tailed Weasel.
“Okay Richard, Kelly got the animal wrong but as you yourself have said; He’s an idiot and therefore would not know a Stoat from an Ermine (Mustelid fans will get that joke) How does that equal him hoaxing?”
Well there are very clever members of the community, in this case credit goes to Skyla Ballard, former co host of the Fortean Slip Midnight Rendenvous and all round awesome gal.
She figured out that Shaw didn’t EVEN take the photo as Kelly Shaw claimed, instead stole it off the internet, you can prove this yourself by grabbing the Photo Kellys been using and checking the properties, however if you are lazy here is the proof: ...
So you can clearly see it was not taken by Kelly Shaw but by a bloke called Jay Ryser who is a professional Animal Photographer I guess.
Here is his website and the Weasel Photo:
So Kelly Shaw has made a false claim, used a false photo of an animal that isn’t even relevant to the subject at hand.
The Bluff Creek Project managed to snap a photo of a real live Endangered species, which was useful for animal conservation, they also did the same with the Ring Tailed Cat which made it into the news
They haven’t found Bigfoot, but they’ve done important work for Wildlife research in the Californian area
Hate on them all you want but you can’t take that away from them
Kelly Shaw has attempted a deliberate hoax, he has used fake information to try and discredit a real organization
So he joins an illumni that includes Rick Dyer, Todd Standing and Ed Waterman.
Welcome to the hoaxing circuit Shaw, I always knew you could do it.
Steve's gang of uglies to try and smear Kelly over a friggen weasel lmao! Tough to buy a bunch of BS from a few losers trying to get back at a guy for exposing their bigfoot hoax. Bluff Creek Project owner Steven Spewfert & Jamie Wayne crash another groups Bigfoot research location in Oregon. Both admit being involved with Mitchell Wilson's plan to hoax the location
There was no Bluff Creek hoax or plan to hoax, not that I've ever seen any actual evidence of brought forth by Kelley Shaw. Telling the Big Lie over and over again does nothing to support Shaw's position. It just makes him look really, really dumb.
Bernie Sanders revealed he was bothered by Hillary Clinton's characterization of his policies as 'false promises' in a hacked audio clip, but remained adamant about his support for her. ... Bernie go back to your $600,000 cave
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Wait... someone cares about a picture of a weasel?
I know this whole bigfoot thing is hard to swallow but some of you out there need to stop trippin. The researcher-on-researcher virtual violence needs to stop. I'm gonna do a video on it and call out some of the worst offenders by name.
The historic range of the Humboldt marten was described as sea level to about 3,000 feet (914 m) along the narrow, humid, coastal strip, chiefly within the redwood belt, from the Oregon state line south to Sonoma County. By the 1950s, populations of Humboldt martens were highly reduced. Currently, a single population of the Humboldt marten (not including the detections within RNSP) occupies an area that is less than five percent of its former range and is estimated at less than 100 individuals."
sweet mother of god not that!!!! the ever powerful mmc is gunna say bad things about researchers? i'm sure the whole community is gripped with fear.....
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
kekky shaw the weasle
ReplyDeleteKnown hoaxer.
DeleteBored bookstore owner trolling bigfoot media sites. Better hope Trump doesn't get elected otherwise your welfare checks will be cut off Steven.
DeleteArt Bell, just give up the map...
Deletegive up the MAP Art ...the MAP
What "work" does Kelly Shaw do ?
DeleteRehash old tales of doubtful and dubious quality.
Judging from his ever expanding girth, Shaw does a lot of "work" at the Golden Corral buffet!
DeleteKeep on Squatching RMSO!. The losers will always be trolls.
Deleteyour an idiot or have no knowledge of the english language
DeleteStewfart the welfare riding bigfoot bookstore owner? Yes he can't afford to Bigfoot on welfare so he hates on those that can. Get a job Steven
DeleteNO worries Bill Brock will see that a bigfoot is trapped before the day is done
DeleteKelly Shaw finds his own physical evidence and researches his own sightings reports. Remember that next time you paste the same question another time times, whacko.
DeleteThere are those that look for Bigfoot. Bigfoot enthusiasts. And then those that ridicule the enthusiasts and the searchers. Ever notice those that ridicule live with mom?
DeleteThey're sporting so many emotional issues, it's unreal. The articles psychologist are thunking out says it all.
DeleteKelly Shaw claimed that he took a photo of marten that was actually a copyrighted photo of a weasel taken by someone else. Liar and hoaxer.
There is no way that IktoJoe is Steven Suefurt. Steven has been posting lately on ISF and he is surprisingly articulate , reasonable and intelligent. Nothing of the same can be said about IktoJoe.
Delete^ every one already knows bigfoot anarchy is the enquirer celebrity gossip magazine of the bigfoot world. Nothing factual. Gossip, rumors and fabricated evidence. That little winey brit whom runs that blog is going to have an anurism.
DeleteIf iktojoe believes Kakky Shaw researches his own reports he`s more troubled mentally than I thought.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete2:12... Read what psychologists are saying about your behaviour, now that's some really troubled ****.
DeleteI remeber weasel gate it was a fabricated response by Steven over Kelly Shaw's blog exposing Steven Steuetalfart, Jamie Wayne and Mitchel Wilson's conversation sent to Stacy Brown about thier discussion to hoax a bigfoot researchers corruption. Typical trolls starting up another fabricated scandal to and smear the guy that exposed thier corruption.
DeleteEmbarrassing. No wonder this field is laughed at.
DeleteYour buddies Daniel Dover and Vegas the Douche commented approvingly of the post. It's documented with screen shots that Shaw lied and hoaxed.
DeleteMy god... I stopped reading after the 10th f-word. What type of person would read that junk? Oh, and in the world of a try-hard, struggling to substantiate his nonsense, a mix-up with a marten equates to a hoaxer. I can point to a dozen comment sections where the resident try-hard has botched far worse. Lucky he's too gutless to post his name.
DeleteDonald, didn't you need to be told to use capitals in your name?
2:21... You are a child and an embarrassment to your family.
DeleteIts a tit for tat love affair of trolls trolling trolls. Steven, Richard, Mitchell and the list goes on are about as worthless as tits on a boar. Rediculous full time gossiping tolls. Check your head if you believe anything that comes from that group
DeleteFound the blog Kelly Shaw wrote that provoked Steve's gang of uglies to try and smear Kelly over a friggen weasel lmao!
DeleteTough to buy a bunch of BS from a few losers trying to get back at a guy for exposing their bigfoot hoax.
Bluff Creek Project owner Steven Spewfert & Jamie Wayne crash another groups Bigfoot research location in Oregon. Both admit being involved with Mitchell Wilson's plan to hoax the location
^ read the blog, had no idea that bigfoot bookstore owner was so scandalous & cruel to people. His buddies and him remind me of a pack of hyenas. Thanks for the post.
DeleteI posted clear evidence that Kelly Shaw lied and hoaxed and the only response is a series of bitter and mostly incoherent ad hominem attacks. Hilarious!
DeleteI read both posts on Kelly and Steven. The timeline of events shows Steve is a hoaxer that was trying to get back at kelly over exposing his scandal. Looks like Steve fabricated a second hoax to smear the whistle blower. Good Job Kelly Shaw! We don't need Stevens kind hoaxing to smear researchers.
DeleteSorry Brandon, sounds like Stevens gang of wieners has you buffaloed. I remember when this all went down. Jamie Wayne stupidly turned himself and all of them in messaging to Stacy Brown over their hoax scandal. Stacy shared it with Kelly and he went public about it. Cant believe a thing these bluff creek guys and friends say or do after that. Obviously this little weasel thing was a rather hilarious attempt to try and get back at Kelly over their scandalous hoax being exposed. Makes me laugh.
DeleteI followed that link you posted and of course since it's from Shaw's website we are going to get his take. Yep - no bias there. I do know Shaw put his stamp of approval on the authenticity of the drone footage in Idaho which we all know turned out to be a CONFESSED hoax. So I know who I'm going to believe.
DeleteThis site is nothing but trolls, don't any one of you have a real life?
DeleteI've have a really big wang for your tight arse !
Rimjob Riolo likes big wangers. He will also eat your cornhole & then let you watch him pick the corn out of his teeth.
Delete^ so troll killer does kiss and tell
DeleteNone of the above was written by "the bookstore guy." Most of it, though, certainly was written by the lying troll, Kelly Shaw.
DeleteThere was no Bluff a creek "hoaxing scandal." That is a product of Shaw's childish imagination, spread out of pure malice.
DeleteK S
3:16 got smoked.
DeleteDo facts even matter to you?
DeleteRead the comment section... Learn to ascertain what others have to say. And if facts were that impotent to you, you'd have given up a long time ago.
DeleteAmazing structure. I heard something screaming in your video. Thanks for posting. Good job RMSO!
ReplyDelete^kekky's last holdout fan....poor fella
DeleteKeep up the great work RMSO. Tell the trolls to kids your a$$. They are jealous because all they get to do is stay at home and Chase pokemons. Pure losers. Keep on Squatching fellas
ReplyDeleteJoergin Juicer
DeleteAhh feel goood,
Ahh`m juicin with Jeorg nah,
Ahh fell goood,
Juicing wid Jeorg nah,
^ I hear that Joe does a little hand dance to this tune that also involves his pants round his ankles..neat trick .
Deletehey dipshit at 12:20 "kids your ass"? what is that special idiot lingo?..
ReplyDeletei think it`s probably written by a paedo
DeleteRMSO has got the goods! RMSO goes in the woods! RMSO does the job! Dr. Squat can gobble my knob!
ReplyDeleteF'ing awesome video RMSO!!! What the hell was that vocalizing half way into the video? I would of shit my pants!
ReplyDeletegood thing your mom just picked up a new box of pampers to save the day huh kelly
DeleteWhat's this? Some kind of video of fallen branches and moss by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? Isn't he the guy that claimed that he took a photo of marten that was actually a copyrighted photo of a weasel taken by someone else?
ReplyDeleteNot interested Done.
This is also the same Kelly Shaw who found "tons of bigfoot evidence" at an obvious hoax site. And then lied about it.
DeleteI'm amazed some people here still take this clown seriously. Kelly Shaw finding bigfoot? Not a chance. Kelly Shaw couldn't find his own big butt with both hands.
Rictor Riolo has contribute more to bigfoot "research" than Kelly Shaw ever will. Even Rick Dyer the Liar has contributed more to bigfoot research than Kelly Shaw. At least Rick Dyer knew he was hoaxing.
^^ 38 years old & still living in a room at moms house. When is momma going to cut that umbilical cord & make you get a job?
DeleteMichelle Wilson, Poopstain Wayne, Steve Spewsfarts. All as scandalous as it gets. They attract negative hostile friends spewing their hate & discontent all over bigfoot pages. Losers have no life in reality. They live in a fantasy land that they are going to take down the bigfoot world. Cept for when Steven gets on TV & then lies to Finding Bigfoot that he has had a bigfoot experience of his own. OK for Steve to lie if its for TV ya know.
Deletekekky sure must be butthurt...he's been posting his ass off on this thread..
DeleteOf course he is. You know he reads the comments after his video has been posted. Who else would care that much to defend him.....besides Joerg of course.
DeleteYou nailed it!
DeleteButt hurt trolls, upset that someone confronts their sleazy and lazy attempts to smear bigfoot enthusiasts. Lose heart to troll when its harder than sucking mamas tit & making cardboard signs for the local Wal-Mart corner. Get a job steve nobody likes a parasite.
DeleteBunch of pathetic liars, and it still doesn't make Kelly's Bigfoot claims any more true.
DeleteI keep hearing Shaw going on about some hoax by the Bluff Creek guys? What hoax did they actually do? All I saw was that they went to that soha place to investigate a hoax, not to do one. I also saw that Kelly pretended he took pictures of martens that were found to be someone else's photos. That is a hoax on his part, trying to make the Bluff Creek guys look bad. No other reason. He lied about that, I think because he was jealous they caught a rare animal on a trail camera. He should be congratulating them.
DeleteSome of you may be aware of Kelly Shaw and others may not. Shaw is an alleged Bigfoot researcher who likes to name things after Bigfoot, such as Sasquatch Ridge, Sasquatch Holler, Bigfoot Valley or what the fuck ever stupid name pops in to his poorly lit cranium.
DeleteKelly's Bigfoot evidence to date consists of trees, shadows, and stumps but he tries his best to say they are Bigfoot. I have not seen any follow up by Shaw to redeem himself and his "evidence". Mostly he just likes to talk.
And talk he does. I have lost count of how long it has been since Shaw has been harping on Steven and Jamie of the Bluff Creek Project but it has been a long time. For some reason, Kelly Shaw has an axe to grind with the duo who run the project with other people.
Shaw has accused Steven S. of being lazy because Shaw himself is too lazy to clean out his shit filled ears. There was an interview with Steven that is still available online. Steven had said that if the project grew in size and area that the Project may consider hiring students to help them retrieve cameras. This work could lead to class credits for the students but I'm not sure on how any of that works. I listened to the interview and I know what was said. Anyone with the IQ above room temperature knows what was said and what was implied. The Project would possibly seek *help* with their endeavor.
Kelly Shaw heard this, shredded any truthful parts until he was left with a bare bones chassis of what was actually said. From there, Shaw embellished and just plain made up shit. He got it stuck in his thick melon that Steven from the Bluff Creek Project was going to sit back while other people did his work for him. THAT is a fucking lie. It's a lie and Shaw knows it...or he should know it, unless his comprehension skills are so bad that he requires further education.
S. NEVER said he would retire and pass off the physical work to students. The students would be a compliment to the existing crew of people who would need to retrieve who knows how many cameras spread out over who knows how many square miles. The discussion about this was a "what if" scenario. What if the Project became huge, or what if the project carried on for the next 50 years?
That was what I walked away with from listening to the interview.
Shaw found something, or so he thought. He twisted it, added his own bullshit and then peddled it in any group that would listen to him cry. I'm not sure why Shaw has it out for Steven S. Maybe because it's because Shaw can't debate with Steven. Maybe it's because Shaw is proven wrong every time he opens up his lying piehole. He call Steven a coattail rider of the PGF, yet Shaw will drive around to various locations so he can parrot old BFRO reports on his YouTube channel. Am I the only one to see the hypocrisy here?
Under normal circumstances I try to stay out of one on one arguments between people but I will defend my friends when I think they are right.
DeleteKelly Shaw has singled out Steven for whatever reason. I really have no clue where his hate comes from. He demonizes Steven when it really isn't warranted. Maybe Shaw is upset that he isn't as intelligent as Steven. Maybe he's bitter because he loses debate after debate on any given topic.
It's very sad that an individual is attacked, bullied, and relentlessly bothered because he is intelligent.
It's difficult to beat Steven in a debate. Some have beat him but not by much. I am not one of those people but I have no ill will towards Steven for that.
People get up in arms over racism, sexism and many other "isms" but it seems acceptable by some that it's okay to bully people who are educated. Steven runs a book store for f*** sake. I bet he reads books like some people drink coffee. It's obvious to me that the man wants to learn as much as he can about any topic that he finds interesting. Is that a sin? Where the hell did this anti-intellectual movement come from? When did it become okay to bash the smart people?
I think Shaw is bu**hurt that he gets his a*** kicked every time. Maybe a bit of self education will put Kelly on a more level playing field one day. I suspect that won't happen any time soon because he is consumed with hatred. Kelly Shaw is so consumed that he has resorted to outright fabrications.
There is no way out for Shaw now. Any credibility he had is shot to hell. Kelly only has himself to blame.
This. This photo right here is what destroyed Kelly Shaw. It's very amusing that the photo is of a weasel. A long tailed weasel to be exact.
DeleteKelly knows so little about wildlife that he called this a coastal marten. When I was trying to find the real source of this photo, I was searching for Humboldt Martens. What I noticed was that the Marten looked nothing like this animal above. The face was different. The Marten has pointier ears, different fur colour and length. I started to search for weasels instead and it took me all of five minutes to find out that this little fellow (or female) is a long tailed weasel.
I will give you the context in a screen shot.
As you can see, Kelly immediately tries to come off as some self proclaimed expert on the Humboldt Marten. Maybe Shaw doesn't realize that people actually studied the animal, it's habitat, range and numbers. You know, factual things that are written in articles and put on websites. Websites like this one.
National Park Service ~ link
"The historic range of the Humboldt marten was described as sea level to about 3,000 feet (914 m) along the narrow, humid, coastal strip, chiefly within the redwood belt, from the Oregon state line south to Sonoma County. By the 1950s, populations of Humboldt martens were highly reduced. Currently, a single population of the Humboldt marten (not including the detections within RNSP) occupies an area that is less than five percent of its former range and is estimated at less than 100 individuals."
So far Kelly has lied about what kind of animal he allegedly took a photograph of and he has lied about the rarity of the Humboldt Marten.
You may think to yourself "so what?". Kelly could be blowing hot air just to ruffle feathers. I might be able to accept that if it wasn't for the fact that my friend and awesome amateur detective, Skyla found the source for the weasel photo.
The photo comes from this website: Jay Ryser Photography.
There you have it folks. Kelly Shaw swiped a copyrighted photograph so he could tell more lies about Steven, and lies about an endangered animal that the Bluff Creek Project managed to photograph from one of their trail cameras. Shaw is bitter over someone else's success.
DeleteAs if this wasn't enough, Shaw once again opens up his stupid piehole to tell another lie.
Look at that! Shaw challenges people to post the photo that he claims he has a copyright on. Not only have I posted the photo but I will post it again. Go ahead, sue me you worthless lying sack of s***. Shaw is the one who needs to be ashamed of himself. He is a pathetic excuse of a human being. He's a window licker, mouth breather and all around knuckle dragging moron.
Shaw doesn't have any facts on his side so he needed to completely fabricate a story in order to vilify Steven and the BCP.
Kelly Shaw has had his a** kicked by pure facts. This isn't anything I made up. The truth speaks for itself folks. There is no denying that Kelly Shaw is a liar. He knowingly lied in order to prop up his over inflated ego.
I would ask you this. Since Shaw has no problem lying about things such as a photo of a weasel and the honor of good people, I have to wonder if he has lied about his Bigfoot evidence, photos, videos and anything else related to Kelly Shaw's "research".
Shaw was quick to label people hoaxers based on weak evidence that was clearly taken out of context but he seems to fancy himself as above the "law". Based on the evidence in this blog post, I have no problem labeling Kelly Shaw of the RMSO a hoaxer. There is no way out for Shaw. There is no back pedaling and no denying. Kelly hung himself with his own hatred and with his own web of lies.
DeleteAnonymous Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 11:49:00 PM PDT
Some of you may be aware of Kelly Shaw and others may not. Shaw is an alleged Bigfoot researcher who likes to name things after Bigfoot, such as Sasquatch Ridge, Sasquatch Holler, Bigfoot Valley or what the f**** ever stupid name pops in to his poorly lit cranium.
Kelly's Bigfoot evidence to date consists of trees, shadows, and stumps but he tries his best to say they are Bigfoot. I have not seen any follow up by Shaw to redeem himself and his "evidence". Mostly he just likes to talk.
And talk he does. I have lost count of how long it has been since Shaw has been harping on Steven and Jamie of the Bluff Creek Project but it has been a long time. For some reason, Kelly Shaw has an axe to grind with the duo who run the project with other people.
Shaw has accused Steven S. of being lazy because Shaw himself is too lazy to clean out his shit filled ears. There was an interview with Steven that is still available online. Steven had said that if the project grew in size and area that the Project may consider hiring students to help them retrieve cameras. This work could lead to class credits for the students but I'm not sure on how any of that works. I listened to the interview and I know what was said. Anyone with the IQ above room temperature knows what was said and what was implied. The Project would possibly seek *help* with their endeavor.
Kelly Shaw heard this, shredded any truthful parts until he was left with a bare bones chassis of what was actually said. From there, Shaw embellished and just plain made up shit. He got it stuck in his thick melon that Steven from the Bluff Creek Project was going to sit back while other people did his work for him. THAT is a fucking lie. It's a lie and Shaw knows it...or he should know it, unless his comprehension skills are so bad that he requires further education.
S. NEVER said he would retire and pass off the physical work to students. The students would be a compliment to the existing crew of people who would need to retrieve who knows how many cameras spread out over who knows how many square miles. The discussion about this was a "what if" scenario. What if the Project became huge, or what if the project carried on for the next 50 years?
That was what I walked away with from listening to the interview.
Shaw found something, or so he thought. He twisted it, added his own bullshit and then peddled it in any group that would listen to him cry. I'm not sure why Shaw has it out for Steven S. Maybe because it's because Shaw can't debate with Steven. Maybe it's because Shaw is proven wrong every time he opens up his lying piehole. He call Steven a coattail rider of the PGF, yet Shaw will drive around to various locations so he can parrot old BFRO reports on his YouTube channel. Am I the only one to see the hypocrisy here?
I want to discuss Kull's huge face. Was that a botox treatment gone bad? Did somebody sucker punch him on the street? Was it an industrial accident as some have speculated?
ReplyDeleteBig. Ugly. Puffy.
I guess I just assumed he was in a terrible car accident where he was pitched through the windshield and hit a mailbox with his face.
DeleteKelly Shaw makes me look like the greatest Bigfoot researcher, and I might as well be because I know how to ask questions first before assuming everything is a Bigfoot.
ReplyDeleteSanta Clause might as well be real in Kelly Shaw's world. Because that's how much of a fool he is and has shown us to be. Bigfoot loser of all time. More so than Michael Merchant.
Rictor prides himself as being a star of a failed Bigfoot TV series called bigfoot bounty that forced contestants to bring in faked evidence every episode that had nothing to do with bigfoot. The 1st pair of contestants that refused to bring in moss or squirrel crap were promptly cut from the show. Rictor must be proud of himself for shooting cows with darts along with finding raccoon crap & moss each week to stay on 1/2 the season. That failed show made every contestant look like a clown. Cept for Rictor the show was a step up for this loser.
DeleteBigfoot bounty was an embarrasment to the Bigfoot community. People presenting fake bigfoot evidence for money. The true winners on that show were the pair that refused to collect moss and call it two who left the show with thier dignity in tact. The rest of the contestants were humiliated every episode presenting what they know was nothing but calling it evidence for the show. I am sure most want to forget about the humiliation. Have no idea why someone would hang on to that humiliation and dry to use it as validation that they accomplished something. Collecting moss, bark and squirel poo then claiming it was bigfoot evidence each week?
DeleteCool video! Keep on Squatching RMSO. Ignore the trolls. Good indication you are doing great things when jealous trolls show up in a little pack. Childish behaviour. I'll keep in watching if you keep on squatching!
DeleteFor my money Bigfoot Nation was far superior to Bigfoot Bounty. That's what I'd like to see on television: a show about bigfooters and the bigfoot community, not about bigfoot itself.
DeleteBut regardless of your opinions on reality television shows, Rictor is still a better bigfoot researcher than Kelly Shaw.
Because Rictor doesn't lie.
Because, like real researchers, Rictor isn't actually looking for bigfoot. Not really. Rictor is looking for the truth, whatever it may be. That's the mark of a real scientist, more than any credential or degrees or how much time is wasted wandering around in the woods.
But Kelly Shaw isn't looking for the truth. He's not even looking for bigfoot. No, Kelly Shaw is only looking for attention and notoriety, and sees bigfoot as an easy way to get it. He'll happily misinterpret, lie, cheat, defame, steal, and hoax to boost his own ego. And he has. About the best that can be said for Kelly Shaw is he's so bumbling and incompetent that his lies are easily refuted.
To be fair, Rictor is also looking for attention, but he's honest about it.
I wish he'd get back on schedule, though. Waiting months between Off The Rictor episodes is ridiculous. Then again, Rictor probably has a real job to occupy his time, which is more than can be said for so much of the bigfooting community.
Top Secret Bigfoot Habituation Area Exposed: Invasion Of The Bigfoot Skeptics
ReplyDeleteLike shooting a game winning buzzer beater, or tossing up a Hail Mary for a touchdown win as the clock counts down to zero, the end of 2015 went out with a bang in the bigfoot community. For what seems like several years now, there has been an ongoing feud within the community between certain individuals and Dr. Matthew Johnson. The "certain individuals" namely being Steven S., Jamie W., and various other skeptics that frequent the facebook group known as the "Coalition". The full name being the Coalition for Critical Thinking in Bigfoot Research.
This group prides itself on taking a rational and skeptical approach to any and all bigfoot evidence and claims made in the bigfoot community. Sort of a self-imposed peer review. It's no wonder that a feud arose between the two factions. Johnson is known for making bold and extraordinary claims about his research area and findings. Things such as "cloaking" bigfoot, telepathic inter-species communication, bigfoot having the ability to phase through solid objects, even magic portals being used to travel back and forth between multiple dimensions are all common and regular claims made by Matthew Johnson. Claims that many people, myself included, find absolutely asinine. The Coalition, which is founded on scientific and rational thought, of course find it particularly insulting and damaging to a community that needs as much credibility as it can muster.
So, over time, certain individuals worked together and uncovered the location of Dr. Matthew Johnson's famous research area known as SOHA. The Southern Oregon Habituation Area.
The funny part about all of this is that the information they used to find SOHA was all supplied by Johnson himself over the years. He would make videos, post photos, give away certain clues here and there, and was even kind enough to provide an aerial map view of the location itself. It was really only a matter of searching landmarks on Google Earth at that point until they found a spot that matched. That's exactly how Mitchell Wilson eventually found the location. Dr. Johnson himself said it was close to Grants Pass, Oregon. Tends to narrow it down a bit, don't you think? After finding it on a map, Jamie W. and Steven S. then drove to the location to confirm it on the ground, and guess what? BINGO! SOHA location confirmed.
They posted a few photos of the two of them at the location, made some videos of the area, and did a quick investigation to see if they could find any preliminary explanations for some of the claims that had been made by individuals who had visited SOHA in the past. Then they went home.
Of course shortly there after they made a public announcement letting everyone know they had found the location, and posted their materials for the public to view. They could have kept the entire thing quiet. They could have set up elaborate hoaxes and made Johnson look like an absolute fool, but they didn't. In my opinion they took the high road in this situation, and to my astonishment, a lot of people in the bigfoot world are attacking them for it.
When I said 2015 went out with a bang, that's exactly what I mean. A war between factions has commenced. Now that the curtain has been pulled back, certain individuals are in a very foul mood. Their playtime has been disrupted. Even those who did not necessarily support Johnson are still siding against Jamie and Steven for invading SOHA.
ReplyDeleteSee, researchers are very particular about their research areas. They don't want others coming into their territory. They're afraid that outsiders will mess things up for them. Yeah right, they are most likely afraid someone else might get a video or a photo in their area and get all the glory. But for whatever reason, it is an implied rule among researchers that you respect each other's space. That's where the problem began, there was never any respect in this situation to begin with. And I don't mean on the part of Jamie and Steven.
Matthew Johnson has never been respectful to anyone that questions his claims. I questioned something he said one time and the man booted me from his group (that he invited me to join personally) and blocked me from his facebook page. Likewise, he has never given or shown respect to any other researchers unless they make the same type claims he does. He has never shown anyone the respect of offering up any sort of evidence to support his claims. He has never shown the respect of letting someone who was skeptical come to his location and experience or view things for themselves. When challenged or questioned, he does not respond in a respectful manner.
Dr. Matthew Johnson is disrespectful to bigfoot research. Period.
The North American Wood Ape Conservancy has a secret research area. Do you see anyone trying to expose it? Why do you think that is? Because they are respectful. They offer evidence transparency.
The Olympic Project. They have a private research area. Once again, they offer up their findings. They are respectful. No one is trying to expose their location.
The list goes on and on. In fact just about every group or individual bigfooter out there has their own research area. Why are Jamie and Steven not going after everyone? If these guys are so evil, and the bane of the bigfoot community who are just out to expose secret research areas and supposedly harass and stalk innocent bigfoot researchers, why are they not going after everyone? Because they want what most true researchers want. The truth. Regardless of what the truth is. Not the fantasy, not the fictional, not the fairy tale. The truth.
Another item that I feel key to all of this is the location itself. I have had my research area invaded by other researchers before. It sucks. I do not think it is right to infringe on others research spots unless invited. If you really just have to go to someone else's area, and they aren't inviting you, at least do them the courtesy of letting them know you're going to go poking around in their spot before hand. Like the famous SOHA, many of these locations are on PUBLIC LAND. That's right anyone and everyone has the right to be there, and you can't do anything about it. SOHA included. That's why it's important to remember that even though an area might be public, it is also someone's research area, and you should be respectful of that.
When its easier to lay out the facts of Bluff Creek Projects scandal than it is for these clowns to back pedal out of their plot to hoax. You know these losers are full of BS. Get a job Steven, nobody likes a leach.
DeleteWell I know this much - Matthew Johnson is nuts.
ReplyDeleteDr. Johnson doesn't do research. He goes and camps out, and makes up stories. He influences people who don't know any better. He takes photos and videos, and circles things that he says are there but invisible. He feeds junk food to wildlife and claims it can't possibly be wildlife taking the food. He takes small children there and his family, and makes it a family event. That's all fine and dandy, don't get me wrong, but that's called camping, not bigfoot research. At the very most it's nothing but an out of the way staging area for hoaxes. But I don't think the guy even puts that much effort into it to call it hoaxing. I think he just makes stuff up, and takes really gullible, naive, and inexperienced people out there. Anyone who might realize things for what they truly are never get invited.
That is why Jamie and Steven did what they did. That's why Jamie and Steven had every right to do it, and the community should be THANKING them instead of attacking them. How many people sit on their hands and say the bigfoot world needs better standards. Then when someone actually does something, and the reality of what it means sinks in, they get attacked for it. If you want to live in a world where bigfoot gets to be whatever anyone wants it to be and no one has to be held to any type of responsibility for the claims they make or the things they lead others to believe, go right ahead. But some of us, such as myself, have seen these creatures first hand and know they actually do exist, and we want to know what the hell they are, and understand what exactly we experienced. Regardless of what the truth actually may be. But we do want the truth.
Well if you only read my Bigfoot blogs, I could see why you might ask that, however if you read ALL my blogs you will see that I’m quite the fan of the Mustelid family, by which I mean Weasels, Ferrets, Stoats and of course Pine Martens.
ReplyDeleteBecause I keep Ferrets and have fallen in love with their sleek design and almost perfect adaptations for their selected prey
Seriously, quite the Mustelid Fan
“Okay Richard, you like Weasels. So What? Still Don’t see why this was a dumb move”
Because it’s not a f***ing Marten that’s why! Anyone with even the slightest bit of Mustelid knowledge will tell you that that animal in Shaw’s picture is obviously a Weasel and not a Pine Marten
The ears are wrong, the claws are wrong, the tail is wrong. The only thing it’s got in common with a Marten in the creamy chest, that’s it
“Well Richard, you might be wrong, after all you’re not a Doctor in Anthropology specializing in Mustelids”
By the powers you’re right
In fact if you want specifics it’s the very common Long Tailed Weasel.
“Okay Richard, Kelly got the animal wrong but as you yourself have said; He’s an idiot and therefore would not know a Stoat from an Ermine (Mustelid fans will get that joke) How does that equal him hoaxing?”
Well there are very clever members of the community, in this case credit goes to Skyla Ballard, former co host of the Fortean Slip Midnight Rendenvous and all round awesome gal.
She figured out that Shaw didn’t EVEN take the photo as Kelly Shaw claimed, instead stole it off the internet, you can prove this yourself by grabbing the Photo Kellys been using and checking the properties, however if you are lazy here is the proof: ...
So you can clearly see it was not taken by Kelly Shaw but by a bloke called Jay Ryser who is a professional Animal Photographer I guess.
Here is his website and the Weasel Photo:
So Kelly Shaw has made a false claim, used a false photo of an animal that isn’t even relevant to the subject at hand.
The Bluff Creek Project managed to snap a photo of a real live Endangered species, which was useful for animal conservation, they also did the same with the Ring Tailed Cat which made it into the news
They haven’t found Bigfoot, but they’ve done important work for Wildlife research in the Californian area
Hate on them all you want but you can’t take that away from them
Kelly Shaw has attempted a deliberate hoax, he has used fake information to try and discredit a real organization
So he joins an illumni that includes Rick Dyer, Todd Standing and Ed Waterman.
Welcome to the hoaxing circuit Shaw, I always knew you could do it.
Steve's gang of uglies to try and smear Kelly over a friggen weasel lmao!
DeleteTough to buy a bunch of BS from a few losers trying to get back at a guy for exposing their bigfoot hoax.
Bluff Creek Project owner Steven Spewfert & Jamie Wayne crash another groups Bigfoot research location in Oregon. Both admit being involved with Mitchell Wilson's plan to hoax the location
Good Lord give it up Kelly - no one here believes you.
DeleteThere was no Bluff Creek hoax or plan to hoax, not that I've ever seen any actual evidence of brought forth by Kelley Shaw. Telling the Big Lie over and over again does nothing to support Shaw's position. It just makes him look really, really dumb.
DeleteBernie Sanders revealed he was bothered by Hillary Clinton's characterization of his policies as 'false promises' in a hacked audio clip, but remained adamant about his support for her. ...
DeleteBernie go back to your $600,000 cave
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
ReplyDeleteWait... someone cares about a picture of a weasel?
I know this whole bigfoot thing is hard to swallow but some of you out there need to stop trippin. The researcher-on-researcher virtual violence needs to stop. I'm gonna do a video on it and call out some of the worst offenders by name.
The historic range of the Humboldt marten was described as sea level to about 3,000 feet (914 m) along the narrow, humid, coastal strip, chiefly within the redwood belt, from the Oregon state line south to Sonoma County. By the 1950s, populations of Humboldt martens were highly reduced. Currently, a single population of the Humboldt marten (not including the detections within RNSP) occupies an area that is less than five percent of its former range and is estimated at less than 100 individuals."
Deletesweet mother of god not that!!!! the ever powerful mmc is gunna say bad things about researchers? i'm sure the whole community is gripped with fear.....
DeleteThe weasel isn't the issue.
DeleteKelly Shaw's lies about the weasel are.