Vermont Bigfoot Witness Tells His Amazing Story

You might recognize Dax Rushlow from the reality tv competition Bigfoot Bounty. But Dax isn't just a tv personality when it comes to bigfoot, he's the real deal. In this video he talks about his bigfoot encounters.


  1. Nothing but lies. Grow up people. It's just a fantasy. I mean who would believe in 10 foot tall magic monkeys.

    1. Sometimes a fantasy is all you need.

    2. ...This video proves that people tell bigfoot encounter stories on video and post them on the internet..Now we are getting somewhere...

    3. life is just a fantasy can't you see the fantasy light

    4. Argh yes!! For thousands of years, there has been a culture hopping secret society of gorilla suit wearing fantasists all out to get your money. These liars, though finding each others customs undesirable and spanning from a time when they didn't even know what a non-human primate looked like... Have in fact managed to lie and cheat the best experts with fake biological species traits that span decades and States, in lottery win fashion too.

      "10 foot tall magic monkeys" might indeed be hard to believe in. But based on the physical evidence (that wouldn't be there if they were all that magical), there is in fact something to be convinced by and they appear to have an average height of 7-8 feet tall;
      "The height average for the sampled population is 7’ 10", derived from a combination of eye witness estimates and scaling from footprints."

    5. We want flesh, flesh for fantasy.

    6. You'd deny it, even if it bit you on the backside.

    7. The culture of hoaxing only came about in a strong way about fifty years ago. Plenty of misidentification, lies, and myths do go back quite some time though.

    8. I don`t think this guy is mistaken,lying,or misidentifying - he saw what he saw and is giving his account - get over it.

    9. Argh yes!! For thousands of years, there has been a culture hopping secret society of gorilla suit wearing liars and hoaxers all out to get your money. Not to mention, these people somehow misidentified a non-human primate when they didn't even know what a non-human primate looked like. They've in fact managed to lie and hoax the best experts with fake biological species traits that span decades and States, predicting and placing fake tracks to the exact yard out of hundreds of miles of wilderness so as to let hunters & alike find them in lottery win fashion too.

      Great logic!!

    10. What a crock of sh*t. Who are these "best" experts?

    11. The following have all verified forensic physical evidence of an unclassified bipedal primate; Tatyana Gladkova, Dermatoglyphics expert at the USSR Institute of Anthropology. Mikhail Urisson and Vladimir Volkov-Dubrovin (Deputy Director of the Institute) agrees with her opinion. Henrietta Heet, Candidate of Biological Sciences and Senior Scientific Worker, Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Douglas M. Monsoor, Supervisor, Criminalistics Unit, Department of Public Safety, Lakewood, Colorado. Certified Latent Print Examiner, and fellow of the Fingerprint Society of the United Kingdom. Robert D. Olsen, Sr., Criminalist, Kansas Bureau of Investigation, Topeka, Kansas. Certified Latent Print Examiner, Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Fellow of the Fingerprint Society of the United Kingdom,Member of International Association for Identification, etc. Edward Palma, Fingerprint examiner for the Laramie County Sheriff's Department, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Benny Kling, Instructor, Law Enforcement Academy, Douglas, Wyoming. Jimmy Chilcutt, fingerprint technician at the Conroe Police Department, highly regarded by agents of the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and state and local law enforcement agencies for his innovative techniques and ability to find fingerprints where others fail.

      And that's not all of them...
      "Krantz (1983: 71-72) writes: "Thus far, every specialist who has examined these casts [Mill Creek] agrees that their detailed anatomy has all the characteristics and appearance of being derived from an imprint of primate skin. These include thirty police fingerprint workers, ... six physical anthropologists ... four pathologists and two zoologists."

  2. This guy recalls an astonishing amount of detail considering this happened 29 years ago in the time frame of 10 seconds under nighttime snowy conditions. But hey, you got to make a story interesting right?

    1. If eyewitnesses make missidentifications regarding key information of an incident, they rarely make missidentifications of the actual incident. For example, if they witness a giant hairy human stepping out into the road in front of them, they may make missidentifications regarding weight, height, whether it had hair on its face, etc. But not that the giant hairy human stepped out into the road.

    2. That is your opinion ,and your opinion only!! So in the future please try to remember that.

    3. Um... No... There's actually eyewitness studies into this, and the actual events never get mistaken, merely the finer details. But you'd have to know a little something about the subject matter before spouting off to know that.

      Allow me to put this into easier terms for your bird brain. If someone witnesses a fight in the street between two individuals, and one pulls a gun, shoots the other and runs off... There is plenty of research data that proves that under circumstances that are highly emotionally driven, details such as the hair colour, clothes, height, etc, are innacurate...

      But not that one man shot the other.

      Ya dig?

    4. There's only one of us digging themselves a hole.

    5. When shovelling the vomit from these comment sections, yes.

    6. Congrats,Im proud of your honesty (for a change),,IT MAKES ALL OF OUR HEART'S soar like a hawk!
      "YOU DIGG"???

      U NO WHO.

  3. I reckon you would not forget something like that real quickly, severe incidents like the one described will burn them selves into your memory.

  4. He said his first encounter he was 7, then weeks later he was on the snowmobile and was 15 yo. Mispeak or BS?

  5. Isn't Dax the guy who slept with Rictor?


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