The Infamous Bigfoot Siege At Honobia

From Sasquatch Chronicles

We will be discussing The 'Siege' at Honobia! Bigfoots had been harassing a family who lived deep in the sticks in Honobia, Oklahoma for some time. The family had planted a lot of Austrian snow peas, a crop that deer loved to eat, so deer congregated on their property. The family then hunted the deer for food, mostly by spotlighting at night. They stored deer meet in a freezer in a shed outdoors. The Bigfoots were coming around the house mostly at night, attacking the house with rocks, banging on windows and doors, screaming and yelling, stealing deer meat from the freezer, damaging property, and just in general raising Hell. These incidents took place at a rural homestead outside the town of Honobia, Oklahoma in January of 2000. Some BFRO contacts went to visit the family. They stayed overnight and were impressed. Weeks later television stations and newspapers in Oklahoma mentioned the incidents but never told the whole story. Mid January, 2000 The first message received by the BFRO, from the uncle of the Honobia family: "Too many incidents to mention here, please have someone contact us. This is no hoax and my brother is afraid for his family. This creature is getting bolder every time it returns. This thing is huge, walks upright, smells like a musky urine, burned hair type odor. He repeatedly comes back in the early morning hours after midnight and harasses them until just before dawn. It has on more than one occasion tried to enter their home. We don't know where to turn. Everyone thinks we are crazy when we mention it. Please, we don't know what to do but I do know that something needs to be done! There are stories we could tell that would make the hair stand on your neck..."


  1. I'm really not sure about this Seige of Honobia. Someone very knowledgable with this topic told me last year that the details of this appeared to have been base on many different encounters from a book called The Locals.

  2. Cool story,if only cameras had been inven... oh wait.

    1. Why do you want more photos? Aren't they always a "man in a suit"?

    2. JOE (IKTOMI) F's "Suit" is a strait jacket.

    3. AC Collins doesn't get enough credit for the work he's done in proving the paranormal aspects of Bigfoot.

    4. Haites... That'll a lot of photographic evidence that amounts to a pretty big burden you know.

      Got monkey suit?

    5. There should be way more high quality repeatable predicable photo evidence. The current evidence easily falls into the range of psychology (hoaxes or mistakes).

    6. Iktomi you are so stupid. Photos or video will never prove anything. We need a specimen to study you fuctard!

    7. 1:50...
      ... Got monkey suit? And who says there should be more "high quality repeatable predicable photo evidence", whatever the **** that means? You?? Throwing something out because it doesn't fit your expectations of something who's existence you don’t even think is credible, isn't very good logic.

      For the circumstances of recognised creatures being photographed, these images are attained by professionals with professional equipment and are in a familiar, relaxed environments. I find it laughable that most "sceptics" require photographs when every photograph or footage has and always will be a "man in a suit" to them. This is the appliance of rhetorical arguments to make the perception of normal debate. Even wildlife photographers are assigned specific instructions and are allocated specific areas that would imply specific results. You would have to know how to track a Sasquatch for that. They erect little hideouts that don't do much for hiding against a creature with the wilderness awareness of five green berets, whereas the majority of this field are people from the general public who have to capture images of a far more evasive and intelligent creature than that of the projects of most wildlife biologists (the innumerable blobsquatches testify to this)."

      4:26... Sorry you try-hard chump. Nobody claiming photos are proof and until a modern specimen turns up... You can content yourself with the repeatable scientific evidence.

  3. Wow! After an incident such as this, you should have lots of hi res photos and lots of tangible evidence.

    Oh, sorry. All you got is a few blurry pics and the testimony from a few drunks.

    Try again.

    1. "A Few drunks"!! haints

      what a hartless thing to say,,GLUG,GLUG,GLUG,,AAAAWWWW,YES!!!
      AC collins

    2. Hey Iktomi...check your email...sent u more crazy stuff from mtn fork ranch...100% bowhunter truth...tkoenig

    3. Haints sounds so jelly! Hey you know what goes really well with jelly? Biscuit-ard. Biscuit-ardi and jelly!!!!!

    4. Hope you went to the dentist tk ! make shure you get some hi res photo's of "IT"..

      tic toc tic toc :-))

    5. ^ never learned talk is cheep

    6. Never learned that "cheep" is for birds and "cheap" is for his sister!


    7. Hey tkoenig!!! Will reply later today!! Thanks very, very much!!


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