The Great Bigfoot Disconnect

Utah Squatcher Nathan Reo posted this video where he talks about how most bigfoot witnesses, are not aware of how much information is out there, and the psychology behind having a bigfoot sighting.


  1. Know the evidence and leave em alone!!!!

    1. Utah ScamSquatch. Isn't Reo the guy that placed over 100 fake audios into one video? Yes, it is I would recognize that con man anywhere.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yes reddit did a video showing exactly how Nathan Reo hoaxed over 100 audios into one video in post production. They even gave instructions so that you can prove it your self. Reo is a scamsquatcher. Only the delusional and nieve send this fraudster money. Always wondering what his next scam will be.

  2. NATHAN,

  3. The answer to the bigfoot question is machine guns and grenades.

    When a squatch is caught on a thermal, lob a grenade at it and fire a machine gun at it.

    1. But then you'd hit the hoaxer's friend.

    2. lol the first guy to zot a bigfoot and then attempt to drag the body off is probably in for an awful surprise.

    3. Yes... A massive secret society of hoaxers in the middle of nowhere all risking getting shot by hunters for no notoriety or financial gain.

      Makes perfect sense.

    4. Well we know of at least one in Utah, who has ZERO evidence.
      He CLEARLY has spent more time in front of the camera, that any Bigfoot research, that should tell you all you need to know.

    5. Your jealousy knows no bounds DS

    6. Are you for real?

      He has ZERO evidence?

      No need to be jealous when your the king of the mountain!

      Worked my butt off to be where I am in Bigfoot research!

    7. King of the mountain? Ha ha..only people who know you are the 10 who visit this blog everyday. That's awesome you can be famous in your delusional mind.

    8. King of the mountain? Ha ha..only people who know you are the 10 who visit this blog everyday. That's awesome you can be famous in your delusional mind.

    9. Wow, that made a lot of sense. Great grammar Einstein.

    10. Fuck off Iktomi!you fuckin troll

  4. The great disconnect: Bigfoot travels to Earth in a Flying Saucer. And then he throws rocks at people. He goes through an interdimensional portal. And eats out of a trash can.

    WTF is up with that?

    1. Bigfoot is from Earth and is firmly stuck in our dimension. He does throw rocks and eat, on occasion, out of trash cans.

      So there is nothing up with that because there is no that.

  5. If Nathan isn't gay, he should be. Their community needs him.

  6. Idk, I think he is brilliant...

    He gets thousands of hits with a video made in his living room while he is having a snack.

    I get tens of hits with a video made slogging through rainforest, devoured by mossies and hoping I'm not eaten whole.

    Who is the smart one?

  7. I stop following Reo. He delates harmless Comments. why? He hides the Monument Wallows Video. Why? Micheal Merchant pushing his behavior and became a follower... do Reo knows, how disrespectful Merchant was & even did he treat other bigfooters? Absolutly shameless! And Reo starts chatting with that Guy!
    Even trustfull Researcher losing there objectivity. Makes me getting anxious.
    Has Reo made yet a Footprint-Cast? Or a further evidence? However he is losing my believe in what he is doing.
    btw: his hashtag misses something -it should named:

    1. Utah ScamSquatch Reo is obviously in this to separate naïve dipchits from their cash load. Monument hoax of inserting over 100 post production audios explains it all. Nathan Reo, your a phucktard, sham & con artist. Painful to watch the gullible be taken advantage of so easily.


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