Rabid Bigfoot Gets Bitten By Snake and Fights Grizzly Bear To The Death

Can bigfoot get rabies? How do they deal with snake bites? Could a grizzly bear win a fight with a bigfoot? The Bigfoot Outlaws tackle these questions and tell a few encounter stories of their own, including some of the "grizzly" bigfoot victims they have found in the woods.


  1. The Bigfoot Lamos talk a lot of s-hit. I wish I could act like I'm a kid again and live in an imaginary world. Pretending magic monkeys exist and pretending I'm an expert on them. It must be so fun to be a adult with the mind of a child. So much easier than living in the real world.

    1. The troll's imaginary world is one where he controls everyone on the Internet. Here, the troll up top would like to imagine he is able to control people in thinking "Bigfoot" is a trait of the imaginary. Unfortunately for decent folk, the Internet provides a platform for these people to act this way. The psychopathic personality is a particularly antisocial and predatory one, with a major characteristic being a high need for control.

      How ironic it is that every time this troll comes here, he ends up running away at the first sign of intelligent discussion and ends up imagining he's never been obliterated on the evidence the very next time his emotional issues get the better of him (and needs to troll).

    2. Iktomi,your troll thing I'd over the top. I agree there is some inappropriate behavior on here but labeling everyone a psychopath makes you look lame.

    3. I say to Iktomis troll :

      We are not your Barbie dolls, your GI Joe or your poor teddy bear

      You can not treat people like you do.

      That poor teddy bear and the unmentionable trauma that he goes through

    4. 4:58... Sorry mate. But as always I never make a claim without it having some basis in expert opinion. And the "psycho-troll" doesn't come from me...




    5. You're efin psycho, fa que homojoetomi.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. David Paulides discusses cases from his new book Missing 411:Hunters on Where Did The Road Go:



      One case involves a hunter whose gun was found snapped in half?????

    8. Thanks for this NC!! I listened to his interview on C2CAM at the end of July and that was great, did you listen to that? Should still be on YouTube. Thanks again for the links, I'll listen to them this afternoon.

    9. I haven't listened to that one yet, but I'll be sure to check it out. He mentions a case where a hunter witnesses something unbelievable, but won't allude to what it was. I guess you have to buy the book to get that particular story.

    10. Yeah... I think there's a chapter devoted to a "predator" type situation, with apparent photographic evidence (all in the book). Quite incredible really: listen to the C2CAM interview, it goes into detail about it. Here we go buddy;



    11. http://m.liveleak.com/view?i=937_1466953104

      Try this troll ^^^

      I am sure you will be able the make enough for everybody

    12. Come and see come and see your very pants you will pee- MY MAGIC AIR FORCE BASE! IN the sky, oh so high, watch me fly to the magic air force base. And for uniforms of so grand such joy I can hardly stand: monkey suits- ZIP ZIP ZIP!!!! OH oh, I just wet my self.

      And be sure to know I will NOT DELETE THIS. So you should please pass it on!

      - Site Troll

  2. @4:33 you don't live in the real world. You live in a artifice of lies.

  3. Iktomi is the biggest troll on here!


  5. The "skeptics" who post here make me embarrassed to be a modern human being.

    We're the species who failed to detect an entire parallel species right next to us. I'm sorry but no matter how you sort it, we are a very very stupid species. All of our achievements are eclipsed by this one epic failure that defines us for eternity.

    Human = fail.

    1. 100% retard^^...lay off the sauce mr hawking

    2. Humans are so stupid, all they can do is find lame evidence, like the kind iktomi celebrates.


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