Payson Canyon Bigfoot

Nathan Reo of the Utah Sasquatch channel explores the bigfoot hotbed of Payson Canyon, Utah. This area has had a huge number of bigfoot sightings. Check out what Nathan has to say:


  1. Replies
    1. I accept your surrender Iktomi.

      Glad you`ve seen sense at last.

    2. The next time you encounter a troll online, remember:
      1. These trolls are some truly difficult people.
      2. It is your suffering that brings them pleasure, so the best thing you can do is ignore them.

      ... Surrender? Just think, the second you attempt the subject matter, you'll be annihilated as usual.

    3. ^ been badly burned by trolls and it clearly is a subject that still hurts

    4. Iktomi, surrendering to the trolls was the right decision. You've saved yourself from a lot of future pain and suffering!

    5. 3;23

      You`ll notice that point "2" remarks that it is imperative the trolls be ignored, presumably if a person is to retain their sanity and equilibrium - but it is this exact issue that Jotomi is able to adhere to - time and again he rises,as a trout to the fly,to become hooked on the line of despair...he`s caught each day,hook line and sinker,(sanity and equilibrium thrashing wildly at the end of the line) I guess at heart he`s also a masochist,loving the pain inflicted by his re-read your points again,Jotomi,paying a special attention to point 2 of your mantra.

    6. ^ think you`ve had a typo there and mean "unable"

      ps. makes perfect sense

    7. This isn't about Iktomi, its about evidence or lack there of:

      You make it about Iktomi or me, because you can't handle the truth!

      What ever happened to the Utah sounds that people claim he hoaxed?
      Did he remove the audio?
      Did he hoax??
      When people lack Bigfoot evidence, That's what they end up doing!

      Speak up Reo!

    8. Let August 13 be forever remembered as the glorious day when Joerg surrendered to the trolls! I hereby proclaim August 13 to be "National Troll Day" and we shall celebrate every year on this date to honor the service and sacrifice of all trolls around the world! ALL HAIL TROLLANDIA!!!!

    9. Wherever there is a troll, i'll be there to stomp them down with intelligence and facts .
      Wherever there is a troll , i'll be there to give a literary kick in the arse to them
      Wherever there is a troll I shall not remain silent and have no fear taking them on because in the end trolls are nothing more then lonely pathetic tossers who deserve getting trash heaped upon their xbox playing lives

      Tally ho !


    10. One other thing . I'll continue to compliment cute blokes !


  2. LOL at first the "I'm an Army guy so I know tactics and strategy" thing was amusing but at this point it is really absurd. Stop drawing circles and arrows on maps and predicting the location of bigfoot and GO OUT AND GET SOME IMAGERY ffs!

    1. ^^^ 100& correct!!

      Utah your starting to make Bigfoot researchers/yourself look bad by your lack of evidence!

    2. I still did not implement my intention to go research for bigfoot everday.
      For about more than 16th months I live in areas with bigfoot.
      The difference between my research and yours is great.

      I think that the difference between my research and yours is that mine is better, especially focused on defecation.
      It is my theory.
      But of course I need to check it practically every day because my main goal is to discover bigfoot.

    3. So your specialty is unsubstantiated pieces of crap found in the woods? Your main goal should be to get a girlfriend and a paying job. Maybe do the latter first as it helps with the former. Chicks ain't cheap.

  3. Sasquatch Odyssey documentary MIRROR:

    Hey there gals, guys and trolls

    This may be the best BF video that you have never seen



  4. #1 In Bigfoot Crapturd research-(Not really a Dr )SquatchSaturday, August 13, 2016 at 9:23:00 AM PDT

    Only the best squirrel closeups make it into my now over 1500 photo evidence log,that's a lot of time with squirrels

  5. #1 In Bigfoot Crapturd research-(Not really a Dr )SquatchSaturday, August 13, 2016 at 9:34:00 AM PDT

    The only thing that's more crackpot than my Bigfoot evidence would have to be the whole Mormon relgion

  6. #1 In Bigfoot Crapturd research-(Not really a Dr )SquatchSaturday, August 13, 2016 at 9:38:00 AM PDT

    Zaskey, Johnson, Dyer, Fasano...all better research and evidence than me, all I see are squirrels, freaking squirrels

  7. I'm sorry you all have been conned. It has become clear that Nathan Reo is a huge nothing-burger, just a confidence man separating a few fools from their cash. There has been a million before him. There will be a million after him.

    1. agreed 100%...also merchants flavor of the month first it was dr.j that soha thing. now it's reo....i can picture merchant dancing barefoot in circles singing rio from duran duran...remember folks bigfoot are plants

    2. But wait, he has magic underwear!

    3. A Morman? Explains the limos..

  8. Still no Sasquatch? Wow the pressure is on for this guy now.

  9. lol the people here doubting him have absolutely no clue how legitimate this dude is, evidently. half of you claiming him to be a fraud NEVER witnessed a Bigfoot ever in life! damn hypocrites. he has posted COUNTLESS forms of evidence pointing towards an unknown FOREST species, to say the least. & by that I mean SASQUATCH. luckily, I was one of idk how many people that were able to watch a video of his on his YouTube channel which showed an INSANELY INTENSE, & 100% authentic, multiple Sasquatch encounter where he was circled & showed HUNDREDS of structures & intruguing vocalizations. he was agreeably & undoubtably FORCED to delete the video soon after due to DUMB A$$ES messaging him on Facebook telling him that they "know where the area is" & they're going to go try & hunt them (disgusting trigger happy LOSERS) & others even took pics of them standing next to the VERY structures posted in his video & sent them to him... all to his shocking surprise & dislike. it was a nightmare to him & just in general. he felt extremely ashamed of the fact that his video was potentially the reason why countless people were showing up to ultimately scare them off & ruin their peaceful habitat. if YOU people want proof of Sasquatch get it YOURSELF or stfu! he doesn't owe any of you CRAP. his videos are very informative & if you actually listen you CAN track down a Sasquatch habituation site if you live near appropriate areas. like I said, he's 100% the truth & ahead of the majority of you sorry "researchers"!

    1. What a bunch of silly crappy excuses!! Is this the only site Utah has to research?? C'mon, how could someone shoot one of these creatures that Utah has ZERO proof of, no pics, NOTHING!!

      Crazy rant over someone with ZERO PROOF!



  10. Dr. Squatch #1 in overblown claims, all caps drama and unrestrained egomaniacal jealousy of others who are solving the central mystery of mankind without his crazy ass.


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