Could A Bear Do This?

Robert Dodson lets it fly, as he tries to figure out if he's dealing with a bear, or a bigfoot. It has him, and a lot of other people, perplexed.


  1. #1 In Bigfoot Crapturd research-(Not really a Dr )SquatchFriday, August 26, 2016 at 2:21:00 PM PDT

    Real evidence, not like my dog and squirrel pictures, damn you Dodson

  2. Leave DS alone,he's obviously retarded and can't be held responsible for his behavior

    1. Kind of like Iktomi squatching night and day from his mom's basement?

  3. Surely,Robert,the sensible thing to do would be to aim a camera at it or hide yourself away at a vantage point and

    Instead of enjoying a comfy night of sleep in your berth...oh the sacrifices to be made!

  4. Where do you research??^ Oh thats right. In your seat.

  5. Amazing how he`s now had several episodes where a zipper bag has been opened and other events that require fingers and hands...yet he isn`t satisfied with the results he has and is fighting the answers staring him in the face...he`s a bit of a fool as he also has cameras that he leaves behind and he`s been through the very same issues time and again...what is wrong with the guy?

    1. If you filmed a juvenile Sasquatch like Robert claims, would you be out placing food, DUH!


  6. ^ You clearly are an idiot if you can`t see what needs to be done...the guy also has cameras yet doesn`t out them up so what does that tell you? He`s merely playing at are you with your snide remarks types from your armchair (probably threadbare),,so don`t pretend you`ve been anywhere cos I doubt you`re slim enough to walk more than the few yards you walk to your car.

  7. i dpn't know about robert but i can you tell his body of work is beneath me

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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