Bigfoot Brought To Life

Artist Dred Funn does a realistic version of a bigfoot combining the features of a human and a chimp. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. Non Human ... Beast of Barmston Drain

      In Halsham, England, an animal rescue worker who knows her beasts claims she and her friends recently encountered an eight-foot-tall fur-covered werewolf with a human face approaching their car on two legs. This is the same area where earlier this year there were reports of sightings of the legendary Beast of Barmston Drain, a similar creature with a famous past, and Old Stinker, another beast with extremely bad breath.

    2. ^ "Jemma Waller told local media that she kept driving and the beast – seen by everyone in the car (at least two other people) – ran off."


    3. Would any cute blokes fancy putting their "Beast of Barmstom Drain" inside my "Old Stinker" ?


    4. The amount of reports within the UK of strange scary-crypto sightings is astonishing - and made by people from all walks of life and at all times of day and night - take a gander at this reports map -----

    5. Dogman sightings from across the world -

      - interactive map -

  2. Want the truth about what they look like?

    Many look straight up Caucasian human.

    Others look incredibly primitive but still human and absolutely none look like apes or monkeys.

    Some large individuals look almost lion-like but human and pretty scary, so predatory looking.

    One type is troll/goblin looking, it is basically a short hairy cylinder with a face at one end and undersized spindly white limbs. Many people see a face in a tree but can see no body. It is this type they are seeing. They are often carried by others of more human-like proportions. These "disembodied heads" are often the top head in the frustratingly common "head stack".

    The really weird types are going to make it even more difficult to accept their existence and its going to frighten people. I'll just say it... there are extraordinarily large individuals and very small individuals. Their size range is much greater than ours. Infants are very tiny so probably relatively easy births. It is entirely possible that they have a different gestation period than our own.

    The Shoshones have a particularly accurate and literal oral tradition regarding them that is worth study. Pretty much every word has proven true if somewhat allegorical.

    There. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    1. That beat the usual crap I read around here, for sure.

    2. 3:14 i'm afraid has escaped from the mental hospital once again.....please ignore this complete deliberate farce as knowledge...seems as the lithium has worn off...must be dr.scotch's pr man

    3. joe that's a stretch fun to read but worthless none the less i'm afraid

    4. They have an "accurate and literal oral tradition" that is "somewhat allegorical"? That reads like something Joerg would write.

    5. I was thinking the same thing, lol.

    6. 3:14 seems to be poking fun at someone,,SMART ASS!,,LOL!

  3. The Foot family up the street has been at it again. Last night they threw rocks from the shadows. And of course dumped my trash can to get the blue Wal-Mart bags and old pizza.

    Still better than mexican's if you know what I mean.

  4. #1 In Bigfoot Crapturd research-(Not really a Dr )SquatchWednesday, August 31, 2016 at 3:45:00 PM PDT

    The pootpoot tribe loves large redheaded transvestites ,Iktomi says so

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