Backpacker Has Bigfoot Encounter Near Enchanted Pools

From the youtube channel of the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization

Robert's Bigfoot encounter near Enchanted Pools in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. A view of the area surrounding his encounter & details of what happened.
To read the full report & 1st interview follow up by B Brewer.
BFRO report # 15821


  1. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where it's "skeptics" are more obsessed and deluded that it believers.

    1. I'd like to find another kind of "backpacker" if you fancy my meaning !


    2. Keep up the good work rmso! The area looks very squatchy.

    3. When i see Joergy, i am going to Joerg his fat face like its going out of style.. Ohhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyy Joerggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The waters are referred to as "enchanted" because the indigenous red-headed tribes (the true Israelites) witnessed first hand accounts of Sasquatches using the perfectly reflective surfaces of the water as focus points to open their portals.

  3. Both of these Wrights Lake videos are excellent. We've started looking around up there because of the first RMSO expedition to that location. Don't camp up there, day trips only lol.

    1. Get lost you freak. Your not wanted here.

    2. It looks like an excellent area love both of these videos that Shawn and RMSO posted.

  4. Odd that Bigfoot is still a fringe topic. There is a crazy amount of outstanding proof. Just odd.

    1. I haven't seen any proof.

      But I've seen incredibly convincing imagery of bigfoot all over the planet.

      They were common knowledge 2000 years ago. Since then we have undergone cultural brainwashing to the extent that many will literally fight to deny evidence. We have failed to detect a parallel species because we are perceptually blind.

      I have watched so much footage of people walking right past bigfoot in plain sight that I regard it as a physiological affliction. It isn't that people cannot see them, it is that people cannot see what they cannot conceive.

    2. Really not so surprising given that most enthusiasts aren't even aware of the current state of scientific evidence... And that this is typical of somethings that's labelled... (Cough, cough)... "Fringe"?


      What's far more fascinating is how something so allegedly unthreatening should cause so many disbelievers to be so obsessed. Anyone would think they're not so convinced about that.

    3. Only partially true what you claim (AHW).....People cannot see them unless A) They have trained their eyes to see them. B) the Bigfoot let you see them.

      People have been brainwashed, and it will effect their perception to a degree.

      The Bigfoot you claim you see that people walk right by, I'd like to see some examples of what you claim.

      You also claimed that some pics don't stand up to your standards....what are those standards. I only saw i think one or two of your pics, and i mean this nice, but that Giant head, like as big as a house was ridiculous, i would pull that video if i were you.

    4. You're all correct sort of. There IS something psychological going on. :-)

    5. like most animals they know how to hide themselves in the forest very well. They rely on it to both hide from predators and to hunt . People have lost that ability since it's so bloody easy to walk into a supermarket and food is right there in front of us all prepared unlike our ancient ancestors and bigfoot


  5. No worse than your claims DS... maybe he just needs a better camera lol

    1. I can back up what I claim.

      Yes, you and I both know he needs a better camera, the BFF should not look like blurry wet suits as he claims.

  6. hi ..

    check out.



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