The Hand Of Bigfoot Video

From the youtube channel of Tim Fasano:

Kevin and I had walked into an area when I spotted something hiding behind a tree. I zoomed in and eventually a hand reached out. We went in looking for more but of course, it was gone. For the record, Kevin does not agree with me. This is for the folks to look at.


  1. I thought Tim spent most of his time building sheds.

    1. Tim Fasano should have his own TV show!

    2. yep....the T-FATS guide to rest area's and 24 hr buffets

  2. bloody hell Fasano ! try keeping your hand steady for a change. it's hard to make out much when i'm suffering from vertigo watching this !


  3. Get medical help Joe your double personality is so obvious.

    1. toss off you ISF loon !


    2. Which Joe are you now ?

    3. the real one I should hope nit the fake one who comes on here and hits on every person with his nasty talk


    4. T-FATS DID HAVE HIS OWN SHOW, it was on floridas public access channel I think FAT-Mano gave up on it after 2weeks. He briefly got into some ghost hunting garbage and yes he failed at that too. The reason I come down so tough on Timbo is because he is the one putting his heavy breathing ass videos out here and gets mad from time to time when a failed real t.v. Show finding Bigfoot wouldn't have his known HOAXING ass on that said show and he huffs and puffs about us the viewers and goes into self imposed retirement. (3x's) just remember the palmetto monster and know why he's garbage! Fame seeking cab driver at best!

  4. More Tim Fasano!

    We wanna see Tim Fasano rooting around the jungle because we like watching Tim Fasano root around the jungle!

    He's a very sexy man!

    Bigfootevidence: we feature sweaty researchers with plumbers crack and moobs! He can't find bigfoot but look at him move! We get the clicks so what you want fool? Joe gonna show up waving his tool!


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