Idaho Bigfoot Drone Footage Revealed As Obvious Hoax

We post a lot of stuff on Bigfoot Evidence, sometimes legit, sometimes obviously not. But we like to stay as neutral as we can. Such was the case with the Idaho Bigfoot Drone Footage. It seemed pretty obvious at first glance that this was a hoax. The size of the creature was small, its hair the same exact shade as the most common bigfoot costume on the market, and the fact that you could see the vehicles parked in the video. But if you still aren't convinced, the creators of the video have come forward to let everyone know, yes, it was a hoax. For the two or three people who actually were fooled by this, hate to do it, but here's the bubble buster.

and here's the original footage...


  1. And... this is why we Keep on Squatchin'.

    1. Deceived...!

      I`m utterly shocked.

    2. I had just turned onto Eberhart Rd. which is a dirt road from Beaverton Rd. I was traveling south on Eberhart, and going slow as I had just turned the corner, when I spotted the creature on the right hand side of the road, under a yard light that someone had placed at the end of their driveway.
      At first I was unable to tell what it was, only that it was large and seemed out of place. In that area of the world we have many deer, and raccoons, rabbits, and the occasional coyote, wolf, mountain lion or bear. But even from a distance and with it hunched over, I could tell this was out of the ordinary.
      I slowed my car to a stop as I approached the creature, at this point I still had not seen its face as it was hunched over eating the garbage that had been placed by the side of the road for pick up the following morning. The visibility was good, as the home had installed a yard light, at the junction of the road and their driveway, and the garbage and the creature were directly under it.

      The first thing I noticed about the creature was that the fur was very short, like a horse’s or a greyhound’s, and shiny. The second thing I noticed was that it was in an odd position as it appeared to be hunched down with its arms and face low to the ground, as it was eating garbage, and it had shoulders like a man. It was jet black, and very and I cannot stress this enough, very heavily muscled, as it ate I could see the muscles in its shoulders and arms moving under the skin. It was larger than a man, perhaps the size of a bear when hunched over. If I had to guess, when fully standing, I would assume it to be over seven feet tall.
      At this point my mind was going a million miles an hour trying to identify this creature, the fur and shape was like nothing I had ever seen. Then it looked up, and I still get goose bumps to this day when I remember that face. Its face was horrible, I mean really horrible. The eyes were red, like a sort of red that appeared to give off its own luminescence, this could be incorrect and it could have been that they were just incredibly reflective from the yard light, but he was looking at me, not up, so it was very odd to me that they should glow like that.
      The teeth were the most predominate feature, they looked so unreal that I stared until it moved trying to convince myself that I was seeing it wrong and there was a logical explanation. The face was shorter than most werewolf or dog man images, and the teeth were so large that it seemed impossible that such a thing could exist. It was hideous, and so terrifying. It had ears like a doberman but they curled in slightly, and it was sitting back on its heals, and it was built like a man from the chest up, shoulders and all. Then it made a lunge of sorts towards the car, the last thing I saw before flooring it out of there, was the face twisting into a snarl and that it was coming towards me.

    3. These hoaxers were forced into admitting their scam after the location was investigated. They knew as soon as the hair was put under a microscope that they would be exposed. I am glad bigfoot research forced them into admitting their scam & stop the cash flow of their hoaxed video. Other wise it would be an unknown novelty that would of helped them make money on a viral video for years to come.

  2. Any footage claiming bigfoot is a hoax because bigfoot does not exist

    1. 3:49 here daily, yet claims Bigfoot does not exist. I would say that makes you the crazy one.

    2. 4:02 yes,in the video...are you blind as well as stupid?

    3. He will have to take it off his mom first.

    4. ^ Cor,futt me , dass a bit strong ain it?

      Futt me.

    5. Here`s the latest from a bigfoot researcher -

      “Sasquatch is definitely Nephilim, we have hair samples that are being tested right now (April 2016), in two different labs, they have a language, they can materialize and dematerialize, we have had many accounts of that”

      Hmmmm - ..."fringe" --- I think we`re way,way,way beyond that.

      Hah hahah hahahahahahaha

    6. Why worry yourself? It's just a fringe topic??

    7. ^ It isn`t fringe so much as way over the edge of sanity and reason...but you`re the person been claiming it`s a fringe topic.

      You subscribe to the belief that bigfoot is one of the Nephilim ? ...really ? ...that`s what Scott Carpenter seems to endorse.

    8. If it's "the edge of sanity and reason" (something you've obviously learned in he last 24 hours), then you'll have no problem explaining the evidence away. That must be super easy for you to do, right?

      But here we are, because that's a little out of your league, it means you're resorted to putting words in people's mouths. It means you have to focus on the sensational, as opposed to the rational and what can be measured by basic scientiriallyscienific means. It means you'll even apply am impossible, ilogical, whacky conspiracy theory as opposed to having the b*lls to confront what should be so easy to confront.

      Considering you're obsessed with a fringe topic, that's a pretty poor innings.

  3. I just don't understand why Bigfoot remains a fringe topic. Odd.

    1. Why worry? It's just a fringe topic.

    2. Not worried at all. Your perceptive abilities seen a bit off.

    3. Well taking time out of your daily priorities, every day, to comment about it would not indicate the actions of someone who isn't worried.

    4. ^ more of a "border-line" persona rather than "fringe".

    5. ^ Gorrr blarmey , futt me matey , futt me.

  4. Here`s the latest from a bigfoot researcher -

    “Sasquatch is definitely Nephilim, we have hair samples that are being tested right now (April 2016), in two different labs, they have a language, they can materialize and dematerialize, we have had many accounts of that”

    Hmmmm - yeah right.

    Hah hahah hahahahahahaha

    1. ^ Bigfoot isn`t so much "fringe" but the very edge of reason.

    2. It is logical to assume there is a creature with the same anatomy as what is being widely reported, based on the repeatable scientific evidence. It is however ilogical to maintain that isn't good enough based on the inability to understand that evidence.

    3. The person in the suit, is not the same person in the original shadow @41 sec original footage, to .56 sec of suit video....Original subject is 2x as big.
      Cover up!

    4. If someone can explain the difference, I'm all ears!


    6. ^ dr crotch number 1 crazy asshole...

    7. Time of day changes length of shadows.

    8. No, Dr. Bag Squatch is correct. I happen to know that the original footage showed a real Bigfoot and the "admission" of a hoax was manufactured by government agents to discredit the footage and cover up the matter.

    9. How do you know it wasn't the same time of day??
      You would think that a hoaxer would let the video run a few months first, then admit it, not a day later..?

    10. Something really stinks here, doesn't it Doctor?

    11. Matt can "clean me up" anytime mate !


    12. You can over and clean me up joe.
      my handy wipes are ready tiger !

  5. Where has my british boy toy joe gone to ????
    Come out come out wherever you are.
    Don't be a shy boy

  6. Well obviously the Men in Black got to them first and forced this repudiation under threat of anal probing.


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