Bigfoot Expedition Has Some Startling Results

From the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization:
RMSO Camp Jarbidge Bigfoot Expedition

Walk through an RMSO camp site. Derek gives a recap of the last 48 hours & shows off his dutch oven cooking skills.


  1. Replies
    1. Hey, did Kelly Shaw eat his reputation? Sure is getting pretty fat!

    2. My goose bumps are already flying south for the winter ! Ooh la la somebody please change the subject around here.:)

      It's just me,

    3. RMSO Rocks! Keep up the good work Kelly Shaw! Tell the haters to stay on the couch!

    4. ^ If the above thinks Kelly Shaw does good work he is obviously not too critical when it comes to evidence. There will always be an asterisk after whatever Shaw puts his backing behind and this comes from a believer. I'm not a hater but Shaw accepts things too easily for my taste.

    5. ^ Must be one of the three stooges that plot bigfoot hoaxes & also backs up bigfoot hoaxes. Poopstain JamieWayne, StevenStruefart,Mitchel Wilson or their panzy sidekick who hangs out with RickDyer. Rectum Riolo.

    6. Footers - just one big happy family.

    7. Sounds like some jealous footers afraid Kelly Shaw is going to steal their thunder. There is a remedy for that you know. Get off the couch & look for bigfoot your selves.

    8. There's no "thunder" in the bigfoot community to steal. Just blunder.

  2. So does anyone believe that dr johnsons friend had an all night foot massage from a cloaked bigfoot?

  3. What's this? Some video by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group?

    Not interested. Done.

    1. The moderators must keep a sharp eye on what goes on in here. ...Or Alain is one of the management. Either way it's a fascinating subject.

      It's just me,

    2. I'd have to say thumbs down for the"Ricky" character..not sure if its mmc or Clive but time to shelve it...Nothing really funny with this one

    3. Why thank you new best friend 4:21. If I have time tonight I plan on giving a speech on how to catch Dogman. I'm tired of just hearing about witnesses telling stories about seeing this creature, I say it's time to go on the offensive! I HAVE A DREAM about capturing one!:):):):) That is all for now...

      It's just me,

    4. Sorry i was thinking about an earlier comment, i mean my new best friend at 7:45 :)

    5. Yep, the "Ricky" character is extremely poor.

    6. Ricky is a loser named "Resume" who pretends to be a skeptic on the ISF.

    7. Is "Resume" pronounced like the word that means to begin to pursue something or the word the refers to a document that summarizes a person's work history and qualifications?

    8. Tee Hee Hee Hee !!! Sausage dogs !

      Hello again new friend. Weenie dog jokes always make my laugh OUT LOUD !!! :)

      It's just me,

    9. Yeah, "Ricky" is one of the more anemic characters in the history of this blog. I'm certain Ricky's creator is fairly young. I'm a cynic by nature, but even I have a hard time thinking a grown man could think up such juvenalia.

  4. Looks like somebody is putting on a little weight.

  5. Dude needs to lay off the pork rinds and 'Dew.

  6. When your face is getting that pudgy its time to consider more hiking and less dutch oven.

    1. I'm sure his parents are proud, and that's what counts.

    2. So what does your son do Mary?

      He chases Bigfoot.

      OH! Well,'s nice.

    3. Dude needs to be careful or he will turn into a fat duechbag like RictorRiolo.


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