Michigan Dogman Still Alive and Howling

The legend of the dogman, a half man, half dog creature is still alive and well in Michigan.
"I came up with the creature of the Dogman, a half man, a half dog, and developed it into a poem.

It was kind of an amalgamation of all these creatures I'd heard as a kid and heard stories about," Cook said.

It was first played on April Fools' Day as a joke song.

"And then we started to get calls from people saying 'That's no joke, that's a real thing. That actually happened. People have seen this thing'," Cook said.

Dogman fever heated up, as authorities investigated an attempted break in at a cabin as the work of this creature.

"The only footprints they could find were of a dog. The sheriff's deputy believes to this day that it was the Dogman," Cook said.

Cook later discovered that stories of dogmen date back thousands of years.

Eyewitness reports indicate the creatures have a mix of human and dog-like features, and are covered in black or gray fur.

Dogmen have been seen all over Michigan, sticking close to the woods, going from all fours to walking on two legs.

For the full article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. WILD BILL eggspurt traxer from the Mountain Monsters AIMS team saying YAHOO, Grassman, devildawg, sheepsquatch and the snallygasters, thays bein all reel

  2. Replies
    1. Good Morning Darling.

      Ricky :)

    2. ^ sup Stuey ?

      Got your meds figured out yet ?


    3. No and my drawers are full of pootz. Can someone help me?

      Ricky :)

    4. Its because I have these really tiny t rex arms with only 2 pinchy hooks for fingers. Can't reach my pampers. Or my meds.

      Ricky :)

    5. Upside is that every day in my torn up computer chair I sit a little taller atop my a "mountain" of my own making. Now thats achievement!

      Ricky :)

    6. sometimes ... you thinking them Mountain Monsters AIMS getting close to those BIGFOOTS ... But them critters be smarter than most critters, Trapper, Wild Bill and Willie needing to build better traps and get the JOB done

  3. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    1. ...but with Dogman the believers are more obsessed than the skeptics...lol..

    2. yes more encounters with DOGMAN PLEASE !!!

    3. ha ha hahaha

      Joe`s been blown the f uck OUT ... as always.

      He`s a complete schmuck.

  4. This describes Joe,and most bigfooters actually, perfectly:
    "The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which relatively unskilled persons suffer illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than it really is. Dunning and Kruger attributed this bias to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their own ineptitude and evaluate their own ability accurately"


    1. ^ copy and paste legend in his own mind.
      When you get high score in Diablo let us know so we can make you some cookies and milk for your special occasion lad
      Rule Britannia !


    2. Donald forgot to sign in with his anon account.

    3. Joe got absolutely BLOWN THE FU CK OUT.

      I also enjoy the quote that when a subject is so absurd those who are proponents of it can not be distinquished from those parodying the topic.


    4. ^ delusional bottom feeder. Probably one of those sucker fish who swim with sharks and feed off the seconds
      Bloody sad

      rule Britannia !


    5. Another issue with Joe and other footers is as follows:

      "In communication theory, this is called selective exposure, and is comprised of four parts: involvement, proximity, utility, and reinforcement. By foregrounding fringe history, the media create proximity and through repetition generate reinforcement. When other people are also exposed to the same ideas, sharing and discussing them creates utility for the information and involvement in the audience. Thus, even when non-fringe material also appears in the media, it has less of an effect because it does not hit all four parts of selective exposure and thus may not seem as prominent or popular as fringe history, even if the total number of hours of programming are larger."


      Essentially, people who do not have a formal education (such as Joe), are much more exposed to fringe ideas in the media and do not have a base knowledge from which to critically examine those fringe notions. As one person put it, they "think outside the box before they even know what is inside the box."

    6. Wonderful... Tell me... How does this make the evidence for Sasquatch go away?

      Ad hominem.

      : )

    7. It's a way of explaining the reason why people like yourself are persuaded by such dubious "evidence" despite the problems being pointed out to you repeatedly. That issue is much more interesting to me than the "evidence."

    8. Sorry... Ad hominem doesn't get around to demonstrating the evidence is dubious. Quotation marks don't make the evidence go away neither.

      Try harder.

    9. 10:23... You'd better let the author of that know that a 7.2 skeleton was dug from a burial mound in the 1950's, with photographs.

      Maybe you can add that to your pseudo-archeology hit list.


    10. Right.. because humans can't grow to be 7'2". So it has to be a Sasquatch
      Show me scientific proof that this skeleton found in the 50's is a undiscovered primate.
      Show me a detailed analysis of the bone proportions so we can compare them to your gold standard of Bigfoot, Patty.
      Seems pretty easy to me. Show me the pictures of the giant skeleton and we will line up the features we know such as the elongated arms, massive shoulders, shortened neck, and large skull with a pronounced cranial crest. Lets do this today! Lets put this to rest and prove this skeleton found in the 50's was a Bigfoot! Just to make sure lets also test some DNA and make sure its not just a deformed regular human! Im excited aren't you. We'll finally be able to prove Bigfoot exists today with this concrete evidence you are about to present us with.
      Whiney rants, excuses, and conspiracy theories incoming.

    11. The point is, Sasquatch are human and there are 150 years of large human skeletal remains found all around the US. Three generations of archeologists from big hitters such as the Smithsonian, which obliterates any idea that any bones for Sasquatch have not been found. The Cherokee for example have very clear oral histories of sharing their burial mounds with large hairy tribes. Two 3rds of the way down this page, is an archeological study from the 1950's;
      ... With photos for your leisure. I know you don't like reading too much. That's a 7.2 skeleton. I don't have to show you the bones of an "undiscovered primate", because Sasquatch are human. Denying something because it doesn’t fit your expectations of a creature who's existence you don’t even think is credible, isn't very good logic. It means that nothing you claim can be taken as a substantial argument, because your original premise contradicts your methods of moving the goal posts.

      D'you know when you come across so angry and butthurt? Signing off with a smile doesn't make you seem less so.

      : p

    12. ^ dmaker posting as anon
      Daily fail


    13. ^ LOL. No. But it sure is funny to see people like you get it wrong every time.

    14. Joe gets more embittered each day.

      He`s little enough to cling on to that the only emotion he knows is "mr angry".

      Hahaha hahaha ... wanker.

    15. dmaker should be renamed to Dneier
      Nice try though. your mustache is falling off there . your disguise isn't working and that includes you posting as 12:55 as well. So pathetic

      Rule Britannia !


    16. ^ That is not me Joe. Nice try troll


    17. ^dmaker using reverse psychology . Desperate tosser


  5. My favorite part of that link is about the bank robber who covered his face in lemon juice because its used in invisible ink and he thought it would keep his face from being recorded. LMAO. I haven't heard anything scream Iktomi that loud since him and Vegas the Dog met up behind the bushes at that Bigfoot convention last year.

  6. Wait... I thought I was on a bigfoot site but it looks like I've found Retards Anonymous.

    Retards of the World... Untie!

    1. but not Mountain Monsters AIMS team they expert Hunters and trackers

    2. A 7.2 feet tall skeleton is evidence of a 7.2 feet tall man. The Adena culture did bury their chiefs in royal finery, as was custom of many woodland Indian leaders. Copper or deer antler horns, bear skins, deer or panther skin robes, and wolf tooth inserts were not uncommon for the shaman class.

      The Susquehannock tribe Captain John Smith encountered in 1605 had men cloaked in bear skins -- 7 foot fur clad men might give rise to stories of hairy man giants.

      Sasquatchology, has sadly turned out to be 90% crap in recent years, and yet the mythos of the wild man, and hairy giants of the forest stand the test of time in Indigenous cultures around the world.

      The great painter Paul Kane in his 1847 adventure into the Columbia river of Oregon and Washington, recollects in his 1859 book that the Indians he bribed to journey up Mt. St. Helen's would not dare to venture the trek, as the "scoocoom" or "evil genii", cannibals of "another speices", were known to frequent the mountain. Kane later wrote that when he was unpacking his horse, he sat by the saddle bags and took a nap in the mid-day sun next to a river. He woke to see some Indians peering at him from a distance, with susperstition. He figured, with his long red beard (Kane was an Irish man) hanging half way down his chest, the Indians had mistook him for one of the "scoocoom" . LOL

      Even earlier, the famous Elkanah Walker note of 1840 about a great snow covered mountain to the west (west of Spokane)inhabited by giants who leave footprints 1 foot and an half long, and throw stones at the Indians... certainly adds to the suspense of such later stories such as the Ape canyon incident...

      The underlying theme... whether we're dealing with bogeymen, interdimensionals, hallucinations, or relict hominids / simians, some sort of impetus got the ball rolling for ape man/ giant mythology in the St. Helens region, and I tend to think that it's a perfect type specimen for how this lore originates.

      Having compiled hundreds of giant skeleton accounts, newspaper reports, many of questionable authenticity, others of seemingly sound documentation -- I don't really think we can link one all cause explanation or underlying sense to any of these reports, and claim they all have a common origin. Just as the Indians mistook Paul Kane for a skookum, any wild man of above average height wearing the skins of animals might be mistaken for such. Or maybe something much deeper is going on? Whatever the case, the joke's on us! :)

    3. ^^^nice copy and paste..mr.mongoloid23


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