A thirteen year old girl has a run in with a creature she will never forget while out rollerblading. Check out this creepy story from the Fortean Slip youtube channel:
The ISF is like a cult. Your skepticism is judged by who questions who. If this Bushpilot character claims to have flown on the space shuttle next week and you don't question it, you're considered a good skeptic. If you question his claim in the least bit you're considered a bad skeptic or a nuisance. They don't want anyone to upset the herd.
Has anyone else noticed that after Joe receives an unusually harsh beating, such as the one dmaker and the trolls gave him yesterday, that he tends to take a day or 2 off this site. He still uses other accounts, but he typically lays off his lktomi account for a day or 2. Its as if he has to recover from getting pounded so hard. And boy oh boy did dmaker and the trolls give him a pounding yesterday. It was a bloodbath!
You have us ISF losers figured out. We must group together somewhere because we dont fit in anywhere else. Plus most of us are so hideous that we are single and sexually frustrated.
^ Yeah it`s a tough life huh ? ... but a wank usually takes care of things ... none of that false and phoney "cuddling" up afterwards that the schmucks go in for when what they really wanna do is take care of things with a wank anyway.
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Dogman? Is that one of joes 100% modern human relic hominids too?
ReplyDeleteQuote - "It was down on all fours with its rear facing towards me" ...
ReplyDeleteWas it Joe ?
Ha haha hahahaha hahahahahahaha
^^ this idiot says and I quote " I have to give it to you "
DeleteGot Joe on his mind all the time
I`ve been giving it to you for so long now...a hard and fast truth you just can`t handle without breaking down...again.
DeleteHa haha hahahahahahahah
^^ retarded
Delete^ likes it backwards
DeleteWho doesn't like it backwards mate ?
Crimes against Humanity...UK Canada Vatican
The Queen - GUILTY and ARREST WARRANT issued -
Dawgman eats U fer shure
ReplyDelete^ you`ve seen nothing until you`ve seen Joetomi suck on a long lollipop .
Delete^ This is 8:06. I've just read all the garbage I post here. I'm so embarrassed.
Delete^ lame Joe,really lame.
DeleteDo you rollerblade Joe?
ReplyDeletewith his rear facing me.....
ReplyDeleteFill In the Blanks ^
It blew diarrhea all over your face!!! Yes I knew good things would happen today!
Delete^ hahahahahaa hahahahahahaa
DeleteMatt K. doesn't know his ass from a dogman
ReplyDeletet's funny how the ISF mouth breathers don't realize that the poster over there named "EXFooter" is Alaskabushpilot...lol
ReplyDeleteThe ISF is like a cult. Your skepticism is judged by who questions who. If this Bushpilot character claims to have flown on the space shuttle next week and you don't question it, you're considered a good skeptic. If you question his claim in the least bit you're considered a bad skeptic or a nuisance. They don't want anyone to upset the herd.
DeleteDWA you are boring.
DeleteHi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ?
Saying bigfoot doesnt exist is not lying. Its a reasonable statement to make.
DeleteI know, you're embarrassed and should be.
Got exposed area x tax scam pretending to conserve land for non existant creatures?
ReplyDeleteWhy in hell is this blog not moderated?
ReplyDeleteSomebody please explain.
Because it's a mecca for freaks and weirdos and the more who show up, the greater the ad revenue for the blog owner.
Deletekeep trying Joe. The mods dont care about you
DeleteIf I complain enough, something will be done eventually. The squeaky wheel gets the grease mate!
How bout the complaint Joe? Is it in? Is it a big complaint?
DeleteI'd rather concentrate on something else big, if you know what I'm talking about mate !
10:46 here. Sometimes I like to eat boogers. dont tell k?
DeleteI have to give it to Joe, he is the only footer in history whose first name has become a trending verb.
ReplyDeleteFor instance:
"If you want my body and you think im sex, come on baby let me Joerg"
"It's okay to Joerg on a lolly pop"
"I want to modge podge all over you and then Joerg the ashes"
"There is nothing like a good Joerging early in the morning"
"If you Joerg i will catch you, i'll be waiting. Time after time"
"Joerg the duchy on the left hand side"
"Joerg your teeth and make sure to joerg a good glass of lemonade"
"I once Joerged a small japanese child named tokyo sal"
^^ straight up pedo
DeleteThis site promotes such activity obviously
Don't worry mate, I have sent dozens of emails to the site administrator about the issue and I've been assured that action will be taken soon.
Most of these posts are probably written by a ISF footer named William Parcher. I don't think he's has anything else in life.
DeleteBigfoot is just a fantasy
DeleteCan you live this fantasy life?
Tokyo Sal, you say? I actually joerged him too when i was in japan a few years ago.
DeleteDoes William Parcher have a nice arse?
DeleteSee how far that gets you...you silly little immature boy.
We`ll be here every day just to make sure you`re well educated.
Has anyone else noticed that after Joe receives an unusually harsh beating, such as the one dmaker and the trolls gave him yesterday, that he tends to take a day or 2 off this site. He still uses other accounts, but he typically lays off his lktomi account for a day or 2. Its as if he has to recover from getting pounded so hard. And boy oh boy did dmaker and the trolls give him a pounding yesterday. It was a bloodbath!
DeleteHi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ?
You have us ISF losers figured out. We must group together somewhere because we dont fit in anywhere else. Plus most of us are so hideous that we are single and sexually frustrated.
Delete^ Yeah it`s a tough life huh ? ... but a wank usually takes care of things ... none of that false and phoney "cuddling" up afterwards that the schmucks go in for when what they really wanna do is take care of things with a wank anyway.