Possible Bigfoot Hand Print Found On Mirror

Robert Dodson's unorthodox bigfoot research methods may have paid off. When examining a mirror he has mounted to a tree, he found what appears to be a handprint. Not sure who would be out there touching a mirror in the middle of the night.


  1. First for Iktomi's delicious Weksh arse !


    1. Let the Bigfoot Role-Play Commence!

    2. Hi i'm new here,i understand bigfoot is real,how do feel about that? xx

    3. how's that puss working out for you?

    4. bigfoot..not so much. Rumor has it that its actually not real. I know, right? Crazy! Shhhhh!!!!! Don't tell anyone. Let's keep this going.

    5. I think they were being facetious, PIB.

    6. I think you're right,i think 12:58 does believe really other wise why would he or she be here? xx

    7. Would you be willing to sell me a pair of your soiled knickers ?


    8. ^ fake Joe (AKA Dmaker) is a pervert who is into wearing women's knickers over his own dirty arse diapers


  2. I like you, PIB, but read that innacurately. 12:58 was being ironic. Most people know Bigfoot isn't real but 12:58 was pretending it was a secret rumor. I should have made it clearer. Perhaps I could have chosen an easier word like flip or glib instead of facetious.

    I'm off. Have a nice day!

  3. I believe this makes more sense in light of the good Doctor Johnson's portal theory. Perhaps sasquatches are able to utilize mirrors in opening their portals into out world?

  4. Why is the Bigfoot starting half way through the frame? Where's the first frame where it first comes into the space to the left of the big tree? Looks too set up without the these frames!


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