Dr. Matt Johnson Compares His Approach To Bigfoot To Jane Goodall


From Kitsapsun.com:
 New approach for approaching Bigfoot
BREMERTON — Matthew Johnson had done all the things he thought would attract Bigfoot, the elusive humanoid some believe makes the forests of the Northwest its home.

For 10 years he banged sticks together, set up trail cameras, whooped into the woods and basically, as he put it Saturday at the Bigfoot Habituation Research Conference at the Baymont Inn in Bremerton, acted like the Sasquatch paparazzi.

He collected his share of footprints, scat piles and bedding nests.

But then he starting thinking, “So what?”

“Is this all I’m going to get?”

Now he advocates what is called the “habituation” approach — the Jane Goodall approach, he said — where those seeking to encounter the woodland giants simply approach prospective habitat respectfully, offer gifts or food, and let the Bigfoots get used to the presence of homo sapiens.

Johnson, a psychologist from Puyallup who works at Western State Hospital, said the approach has led him to have multiple encounters with Bigfoot, and this weekend’s conference, billed as “How to really find Bigfoot,” was a first to gather those who want to try a new tack.

For the full article. click here.


  1. Dr Matthew Johnson is the most credible voice in the bigfoot world today

    1. Yes, but Joe is the only footer whose first name has become a verb. A la Joerg!

    2. "Dr Matthew Johnson is the most credible voice in the bigfoot world today"

      That's the saddest thing I've heard in my entire life.

  2. Wait I didn't see any mention of Dr. Johnson's testimony that he has encountered Bigfoots opening portals into other dimensions. He has claimed to have personally witnessed Bigfoots entering our world from alternative dimensions. Is he backing off these claims? What's the deal here. If he is trying to get out the message of habituation, shouldn't he be sharing his personal experiences regarding this potentially dangerous occurrence?

    1. I wonder if a bullet can go thru a portal ?

    2. I can definitely go through my "portal" !


    3. Evening fake Joe,

      I believe you're looking for love in all the wrong places.


  3. Matthew Johnson. Melba Ketchum. Robert Lindsey. Smeja, Dyer, et al. Do you remember pre-joe? This site was hopping.

    1. What the hell ever happened to Ketchum? Or Lindsey for that matter. This site was an amazing mess over 2012-2013 when Ketchum's DNA study was coming out. The slow trickle of information, release dates kept getting pushed back, how about the PR woman named "Forrestpeople"? Good times, good times. And in the end, we were all left with poo on our faces and the scientific community laughing at us.

    2. Years ago, this site actually had a serious tone. Now it's a joke.

    3. lol. this site was always a joke, thats why we are all here

    4. Those were the days! And not just Lindsay and Ketchum, but the Erickson Project too! And it had all been such a buildup! Then....nothing but a long, dry, whistling fart! And all the best comments were back then! Remember Captain Jack Bindernagel? Or the Recipe Guy? The Mayor? Or Taterhole? Ah, that was living!

    5. Those were the days! And not just Lindsay and Ketchum, but the Erickson Project too! And it had all been such a buildup! Then....nothing but a long, dry, whistling fart! And all the best comments were back then! Remember Captain Jack Bindernagel? Or the Recipe Guy? The Mayor? Ah, that was living!

    6. Recipe Guy briefly returned, but then Joetomi started posting his own stupid recipes and totally ruined the joke (just like he ruined everything here).

    7. I wish I was a Mayor McCheese, but Joetomi drove him away as well.

    8. ... And you are still very bitter about it.

    9. ...Whatever happened to "poop in a jar
      guy"?...He made the most sense and I learned a lot about life from him...

    10. I remember when Autumn Forest was a regular contributor.

      Back then, this site wasn't the joke that it is now.

    11. Those were the days, man. What a cast of characters. Remember those bleevers who were SO. DAMN. SURE. that Ketchum's paper was going to prove bigfoot was real once and for all? All we needed to do was wait? And then after a year+ of dangling that paper in front of us all, Ketchum self-published it under some domain name she purchased herself and geneticists around the world were laughing at us?

      It was absurd. It was a soap opera. But it was OUR soap opera. Why can't we get fun hoaxes like that anymore? At least the DNA thing was believable. It seems some footers are so desperate for attention that they've totally nuked the fridge: it's no longer DNA samples and wood knocking, now we have people talking about mindspeak and portals into other dimensions.

    12. ...Yeah, the blog was better during the ketchum wars..There were some(often funny) bombs thrown by the forum guys, but there was some good stuff about dna and scientific journals..These days the blog is a one dimensional an Iktomi hatefest..

  4. It's funny how the ISF mouth breathers don't realize that the poster over there named "EXFooter" is Alaskabushpilot...lol

    1. I love watching Joes anger over the ISF guys who know the patterson footage is fake. Kit saw the suit, and Joe can't handle it. Alaskabushpilot is another ISF poster who scares the heck out of Joe. I love watching it all unfold. Kit will blow the lid off this.

    2. ^ Kitakrazy is a known liar and bollocks pusher . He has no credibility. He saw no suit- do you have monkey suit mate ?
      of course not because you are a tosser just like him so either show us the suit of shove off


    3. Wow, you were correct Anon 7:41! Look how Joe reacted. Those guys over at the ISF know the real story about Roger Patterson and Joe hates them for it.

    4. Joe crapped his knickers when he read that Kit proved the PGF to be a hoax!

    5. ...Kit knows a lot and is a good read, but he proved nothing...

    6. kitakrazy said he saw the suit- so where is the suit ?did it get swallowed up by a portal ? there is no suit wankers !
      Show it or stuff it


  5. Matthew Johnson is a liar and a fraud. He has never seen Bigfoot or found hair or s-hit samples. Just like all the Bigfoot losers out there he is a bulls-hit artist and probably eats turds just like Joe.

    1. All the bigfoot community is. The only decent people are ButchyBoy, Rick Dyer and Mark Anders for their satire.

    2. Dr. J has nice man titties though !


    3. ^ bollocks X 5 !
      Check your diapers because you are all so full of it.


  6. Is Johnson an employee or a patient at Western state hospital?


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