"Zombie Road" Is Possibly The Scariest Byway In The U.S.

One of the scariest places in America, the Zombie Road in Missouri looks like something straight out of a nightmare. I don't even think bigfoot would hang out here for too long.

Montage of personal photos taken on what has been touted to be "one of the most haunted byways in America." Dating from the mid 1800s, the formerly foreboding Lawler Ford Road (nicknamed "Zombie Road") was originally gravel and dirt until recent renovations changed it just a few years ago. Now paved and remade into a modern day bike trail and jogging path, the notoriously popular 2-mile stretch is today known simply as Rock Hollow Trail. Photograph video sequence compiled by K. J. Wood (2012)

For more photos and info, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. ^ Oooooh it`s so exciting .. only one day to go and i can have my chocolate egg that mommy got me.


    2. The day you feel better about yourself is the day you stop trying to anatagonise people on the Internet, fake Joe.

    3. Fake Joe sadly does not know anything other than being a troll. If he's not a troll on here than he's a troll on the model railroading sites and if not there then he'll be on the ice sculpture forums antagonizing people with his "chocolate egg" remarks . Truth is when he mentions the term "chocolate egg" it has a whole perverse meaning to him. Poor toddler, wasn't hugged much as a child


    4. disturbing voicemail left by man who found dead ...

      Bizarre Voicemail Released in Missing Man Case


    5. You are up early playing cowboys and injuns today.

    6. ^ we play kidnappers and hostages these days - unless demands are met they`re interfered and meddled with.


    7. ^ deliberately un-plugs phone and turns off his cell .. we know why.

  2. Replies
    1. only if the joetomi freak is hiding in there

  3. Good day to Iktomi an real Joe. May you both have a wonderful Easter! :-)
    Lovely as usual to see you both here.

    1. ^ Notice how there`s no mention of any other "regulars" ...now why is that ?

      Because stonereader1 is the SAME PERSON as he sends good wishes to...narcissism at its very best dear readers...what a pathetic jerk he is.

    2. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/your-online-secrets/201409/internet-trolls-are-narcissists-psychopaths-and-sadists

    3. The only narcissist is you, 10:09... Weirdo. What a horrible existence it must be to wait around wanting to hate all day. I pity you.

    4. ^ You`re the only one describing hate..that`s because you hate the truth being revealed in your pathetic fantasy world.

      And you are the biggest troll hater on the blogsite.

      Need a bigger mirror to stare into ?

    5. 11:15

      That could well be your very own personal write up...fits you perfectly.

    6. You must hit the refresh button all day 10:09, just waiting for Joe/Iktomi to post. Problem is you don't stop despite having your arse handed to you everyday. That's pathetic. Jerk.

    7. 11:32... I've never read so much as a letter of truth in anything you decide to vomit around here. The only "fantasy" surrounds the idea that anyone could be remotely affectionate to something as hateful as you. Seriously, you're worthy of the pity.

    8. 12:09 - there is more than a single anon commenter here .. for that matter you refer to though,you`re doing pretty well yourself.

      You`re pathetic.

    9. 12:23 wouldn`t know a truth if it poked itself up his jacksy....aahhhh the pleasure he says.

    10. This subject attracts far bigger nut jobs than anyone believing in "Bigfoot". One day you'll come to terms with your self esteem issues.

    11. Hi Stonereader and Iktomi- happy Easter to both of you.
      It's hard to be passionate about a subject while seeing trolls come on here and cause nonsense drama. One day there will be undisputed evidence and they will rue the day they thought bigfoot was just a myth



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