These Are Some Of The Classic Bigfoot Stories Everyone Should Know

In this video, youtube user Paranormal Junkie takes a look at some of the older, classic bigfoot stories of encounters and sightings. If you're interested in the bigfoot phenomenon, you should know these stories.


  1. Replies
    1. Racist much? Trump and his extremely uneducated team of Nazis thank you


    2. Better than the live baby dismembered that we currently have. Btw, most of those poor babies are not white.

      But something tells me that's ok with you


    3. First off, I'll confess that I haven't voted in a presidential election for well over a decade. There haven't been any worthwhile candidates offered and I can't even find one I would consider to be the lesser of two evils. I'm disgusted with both parties and feel that they no longer represent our interests. They represent big money interests only.

      I am not a fan of Donald Trump, but I do understand why he is appealing to a large segment of our society. People have been pushed to the point where they no longer trust the established system and are demanding change. We've lost our common goals and values as a society. People from all levels below the wealthy class have lost too much ground and don't see much of a future for themselves or their children. This goes across most demographic groups. We've heard the same old speeches from the Republicans about bringing more diverse groups under the party's umbrella. Trump seems to be attracting more diversity because he is expressing what a severely underestimated segment of the population is feeling. He appears to be the unpleasant procedure needed to heal the sick patient. Many people view him as the only way to break the stranglehold of big money on the Republican party. The party leadership have themselves to blame for this. Look at the disasters of the 'it's my turn' candidates they've run in the last few campaigns. Dole, McCain, and Romney – really? Now it was time for a third Bush- like the previous two weren't enough? How many years did people hear- if only you'd deliver the house and senate majorities- we'd clean up Washington and take our country back. Nothing more than back door deals and more jobs outsourced and more manufacturers moving out of the country. All the big talk and promises proved to mean nothing.

      The Democrats are no better- look at what they're offering. If they are successful with their push for amnesty and more immigration they will capture the majority vote and achieve their goal of a one party system. Then there is nothing to stop them from replacing our representative republic with a full blown socialist government.

      I believe Trump's popularity is a push back to excessive political correctness and because people feel powerless. Of course, we could just keep things the way they are...

    4. Kilry says "Young black offenders are superpredators with no conscious that need to be made to heal" Google that Einstein. Some little black girl had the guts to confront her last week. Brave girl.


    5. ^ That's about the only truthful thing Hillary has ever said.

  2. Even if I knew nothing about Donald Trump Drumpf, the fact that Art Bell endorses him would make me hesitant. A man who handed over his entire show to a stranger from the internet indicates that he may not be thinking clearly on some matters.
    Donald Drumpf fer 'Murica.

    1. Besides, I doubt that Art would even think of giving Heather any warning any time he decides to change course. She's just hanging out, standing at ease, and all of a sudden it's the bridge of the Enterprise during evasive maneuvers. She's so black and blue it"s not funny. Actually, it's kind of funny.

    2. ^ Low information voter.

  3. When Twitter went public back in 2013, it was an unprofitable company. More than two years later, that hasn’t changed. In fact, the company revealed in its annual 10-K filed Feb. 29 that it has lost more than $2 billion in total since launching a decade ago.


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