There Is No Explanation For This

Do bigfoot use logs, sticks, and other items to communicate messages with one another? Better question, do they try to communicate with us at times? A bigfoot enthusiast noticed this strange item near his home. What's the explanation behind something like this?


  1. Replies
    1. ^ make it much much later,t@ter

    2. Yeah, f uck off Itkomi. Your a d ick eater!!!

    3. ^ Sounds like you two lads got schooled again today huh?

    4. Nope, just another day of complete retards pretending bigfoot exists. It will be the same tomorrow.

    5. And you will be here for your daily lesson getting your as s handed to you as usual.

    6. Interesting ... looks like a possible territorial marking of some sort ...

    7. What lesson? Have you ever convinced anybody that Bigfoot exists? I'll answer that........ No you haven't. It's just fun giving you s hit everyday. You just don't get it do you. Maybe one day you will grow up and stop pretending that there is magic monkeys running around the forests of America. Then again you seem dumb as dog s hit so probably not. Eat a fat d ick you stupid turd sniffer.

    8. Wow! Bigfoot really gets you upset. Maybe you should take a deep breath and give mermaids a try for awhile? Not as much evidence that you have to systematically deny.

    9. If the evidence for Bigfoot is flimsy, it must really suck for mermaids.

    10. Unicorns are real though:

    11. the trolls get schooled daily and are so butthurt they come back just to be schooled even more. Can't beat it fellas


    12. Almost forgot, tiddly doo.

    13. The trolls are the only commenters here doing the schooling.

      You never offered up any evidence that isn`t an outright or probable hoax.

    14. 6:58, also known as Chewie B*llz, is a classic case of someone suffering a plethora of issues, who tries to inject his own emotional turmoil into other people by luring them into negativity. It's a way for him to feel some kind of control or power over his own disruptive emotions, at other people's expense. Psychological and emotional issues are a regular problem for him, such as depression, low self-esteem, and anger issues. He's really just worthy of pity... He also wouldn't have been around ten minutes a year ago, because he would have been monitored and banned.

      1:18... That's all you're doing is posting filth that children can potentially read, and driving away posters who would like to comment responsibly. You're not educating anyone because you've never substantiated anything you claim, purely because you are too stupid, but partly because I've studied your angle more than you have and nothing you can conjure makes the one thing that breaks you go away...

      The evidence.


    15. ^ I do not post filth here..perhaps you have me mixed up with any of the other posters.

      You also are so unaware of your own abuse and filth - as only hypocrites can be.

      Seems you need the most basic of lessons regarding learning.

    16. Iktomi = one of the worst kind of people = hypocrite prepared to overlook his many misdemeanors but wants to hang others who post the most trivial of his perceived "offences".

      What a tiresome jerk.

    17. 1:38... No, you do post filth. You're a coward that operates behind anonimaty and who doesn't even have the b*lls to admit it at that.

      1:43... How long has this meltdown of yours lasted? It's a sure sign of how pathetic you are when you admit to being a troll on to cry when you get trolled back... With FACTS I might add, not the regular psychopathy that you endure.

    18. Look out everybody, Itkomi is about to explode. He has been completely destroyed today. I don't think he can take this punishment much longer. Maybe he should hang out with people more on his wavelength. I would suggest a 3 year old. Then again a 3 year old has probably got him covered. What a dumbass!!!!!!!

    19. Yeah... Keep up the good work psycho, you're really taking me to town. What will I do?

    20. you know Iktomi is getting under the skin of the trolls when would rather come on here and insult him rather than walking around eating an ice cream


  2. The 'foots do make use of them. I remember a camping trip back in '87 when I was woken by the sound of crashing woods. This was my only encounter with a Bigfoot. I couldn't make out much, but I saw a large humanoid figure about 60 yards from my campsite. It was really unnerving. It was moving it's hands and as it did so large branches were crashing every which way, slamming trees and rocks and making noise louder than thunder. I felt the hair on my arms and neck prickling, and I knew whatever that creature was doing, it was going with it's mind.

    I also believe this is how they remain hidden, possibly something to do with electro-magnetic interference with recording equipment and brain waves.

    1. You idiot. Get help!!!!!!

    2. ^ oh , y`mean lak deys acummin frum anudder darmenshin an` alla dat stuff

      lak a dem ufo an stuff

    3. 1;01 the poster is too far gone for any version of help you care to mention.

      There`s no fool like an old fool and he must be ancient from the sound of it.

    4. ^ probably was dicktomi posting


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