Central Florida Researcher Talks About His Group's Findings

From the youtube channel of Crypto Reality: David Sidoti

Mark Interviews fellow Bigfoot Researcher David Sidoti, founder of the I.S.R.T. Of Florida- to see what's been happening in Central Florida with his Bigfoot research and Bigfoot evidence.


  1. Replies
    1. 3;10 has so little going on he needs to feel superior by being first - a first he`s waited all night on.

    2. Yes... I waited so long and anxiously that 40mins went by from its initial posting.

  2. no way am i watching a video from a guy with an anagram of idiots as his name

    but there are many here who will lap it up faster than a kitten and a saucer of milk

    1. ^ how about listening to more nonsense as a starter ?

    2. The thing that perplexes me, is why you stick around for it if that's the case? And please, nobody would believe you're enjoying anything with the anger issues you appear to have.

      Find something else to do. You might find you'll feel better about yourself.

    3. ^ funny how you feel a need to interpret a valid response with insults - you seem unable to hold the anger rising up inside of you - more to do with your home life i imagine = probably all the c@ck you`re forced to suck

    4. 4:12 = being "perplexed" isn`t a new feeling for you is it ? , you clueless fa gg oty fool

    5. I think I hit a nerve, and I used no insults to manage it, those are anger issues. Like I said, find something else to do. You seem to not get anywhere with your self esteem issues the longer you stick around.

      I can assure you that you don't provoke anything but pity for your predicament. I genuinely hope you sort your head out soon, for the sake of children possibly reading your outbursts.

    6. Yet again we see that what you think has no bearing on reality - you issues of low esteem and barely contained anger betray you as you try to hide it,but we soon see the reverting back to type.You attempt to transfer your issues to others here that you cannot bear to face - it`s why you delve into the fantasy of bigfoot and the unprovable - you couldn`t bear another failure in your life.

      You are fa gg oty fool .

    7. Sorry... I didn't manage to get through that. You're a blubbering mess. Fantasy's don't leave physical evidence;


      I hope you're ok.

    8. 7:24 is projecting. I'm certain that's the issue at hand here. You shouldn't feel any shame, guilt or anger for who you are, it's 2016 and love has no gender. Living in the closet with all that stress has made you a horrible person.

    9. Hey sup fluffy^^^...joe's personal fluff girl

  3. Joe is really cool. He isn't obsessed with men's butts.He isn't fat or a loser. He is the smartest person on earth and doesn't have a miniature c ock. You the man Joe.

    1. ^ damaged goods . He rolled over his easter eggs sunday morning while in bed and now he needs to take his anger out on the world
      Sad sod he is


    2. ^

      get a grip of yourself and take a look into your own inner turmoil - you spoil the site

    3. You wanted some kind words. I give them to you and you just insult me. Your a sad person Joe. You must live a lonely life. Have you been bullied all your life and your so damaged you can't even except kind words? I truly feel sorry for you.

    4. ... Blubbering again. It might be better to leave the desktop and unwind for a bit.

      Take care bro.

    5. ^ sobbing into his chocolate egg and now it`s all melted - the heat of his angry tears responsible

    6. 5:54- sorry , you know what , I must have read it all wrong . Now rereading it again it came out all wrong as to what i originally read it. My apologies mate. I'm so used to people being nasty to me that i'm not used to them being nice. sorry bro, you were in the right this time



      And makes me chuckle !!

    8. And a tiddly doo to all.


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