Bigfoot Eyewitness Reports From The Perspective Of The Bigfoot?

From the Crypto Reality youtube channel:

Bigfoot eyewitness reports are always covered the same way, until now! Let's see exactly what the Bigfoot were thinking and doing when the eyewitness became aware of them, "Conversations in the Bush"- Part 1 Bigfoot try to scare off a hunter-Part 2- Ollie and Ralph two Bigfoot- find a lighter and try to start a fire! Hilarious! Plus-An interview with a Sasquatch


  1. Good grief joe took a beating today. Tick tock tick tock


    1. It's amusing how he declares victory in defeat. He's the spin doctor, the mover of goal posts and the master of doublespeak. I do believe he has a future in American politics.

    2. ^ Oh must be iktomijoe posting anon mode as he`s full of the usual rubbish he always is.

    3. Hey hey hey I was talking about lktomijoe - don't get me mixed up with that fool. HE's the master spin doctor!

    4. This clown is getting old real fast! Notice how they refuse comments on their YouTube posts. Maybe the haze of wearing sun glasses indoors must be damaging his brain?

  2. Joe, you have been Sykes number one supporter, and you constantly quote random things from his old material. So how is it that you don't even know that his new book is out? Dmaker had to tell you. And now it is revealed that there is zero new evidence in that book, in fact the opposite.

    Sykes now is saying he doesn't believe the holy grail of bigfootery is real, and that it is a monkey suit. Remember Joerg, Sykes is supposed to be the best in his field, and he says its a monkey suit. Ooops! And Sykes says he isnt a bigfoot enthusiast, nor believes they exist!! This is getting great.
    Just wait till he says Zana was a normal african american. lol. How will you spin that Joe? Oh wait, we alreay know. You first claimed they were unknown primates, now you claim they are human and so there dna results will always be human, and thus hidden from humanity. Its laughable and pathetic.

    You know Joerg, i was watching Bigfoot the new evidence a few days ago. And i really got a kick out of it. When igor and those other guys that have spent there lives chasing bigfoot submitted there samples and were awaiting there results, it was great fun for me. But it was the expression on there faces when Sykes told them that there samples were known animals!!! They were broken men, and i loved it!!! And a few of them wouldnt believe the results, lol.

    This is the reason that the idea of bigfoot will never get any respect. All you have to do is look at the average bigfooter. Someone who has mental issues, who will bend anything to sort there agenda, who can't take no for an answer, who are chronic liars, who beleive in portals, mind speak, teleportation, zapping, blue bags, magic crystals, dissappearing on command, etc. It is a fact that 95 percent of bigfooters are like this, and they are deranged. This is why even the notion of bigfoot will never get respect in the scientific community. Just look at the people behind the idea and who champion for it. The only professionals who back it, are those whose careers need some type of reboot so they turn to the fringe communities, or those who see a financial opportunity. Its a 3 ring circus. Its sad, and there is no bigger illustration of this than the multi personality sociopath on this site known is Joetomi.


    1. Now, now - your going to make Joetomi sad with talk like that! Of course it's all true but as sure as the sun comes up there will be a rebuttal. More talk of old, dated physical evidence blah blah blah and more talk of thousands of years of sightings and tribal lore blah, blah, blah. You see you have challenged his faith and he must respond.

      The best part of Bigfoot, The New Evidence was when Dr. Sykes confronted Justin Smeja with the DNA evidence. I thought Justin was going to cry. But then again, I suppose it's hard to take being shown a fool on national TV.

    2. did you guys lose at call of duty tonight ? you guys seem to have red ants in your pants tonight. Perhaps a good psychiatrist will do you lads so much wonders. You'll feel like brand new people, seriously you should try it out


    3. Fake, creepy MMC, thank god for cut and paste...

      IktomiWednesday, March 30, 2016 at 10:23:00 AM PDT
      Wow!! Where to start!! Ha ha ha!! Ok...

      For starters, if he doesn't believe the PGF to be authentic, big whoop! He's a geneticist, not a video analyst, and there are plenty who support the existence of Sasquatch that believe that footage to be suspicious... Take Anna Nekaris for example. Sykes doesn't consider himself "an enthusiast"? BRILLIANT!! That's exactly what we want... What this field needs is a top geneticist to look at the evidence impartially. It can't be scrutinised with ad hominem should he deliver a positive result then.

      Next... The Melba study. 99.9% of all enthusiasts have condemned this work, and as Sykes said himself on C2CAM, most scrutiny came from within this very field and he appreciated how many level headed people approached that study. I found his views very enlightening and there was nothing neither I, or thousands of other people who believe in "Bigfoot" could disagree with. There is also no "scorn" from mainstream science... Only a naivety of the evidence that's to be tested. 90% of enthusiasts aren't aware of it, so how can mainstream scientists be aware? Who's gonna risk tarnishing their careers risking being ridiculed?

      His views about an alleged government conspiracy, GREAT!! I personally believe that the government can't release any acknowledgement about a creature they know as much about as we do.

      Everything else was a bit trivial. But here's the doozy;
      Coast to Coast AM March 19th 2016;
      38mins - "almost finished studying Zana's DNA."
      Tick, tock, tick, tock...

      I'll also add here, that the only known researchers that I can find who submitted samples were Dan Shirley, Marcel Cagey, Justin Smeja and Derek Randles. The BFRO did not provide any of the North American samples.

    4. Unknown pimate hair, verified on an instance where a sighting occured by multiple government employees, (where tracks were accumulated in the same instance), verified by Dr Paul Fuerst of Ohio State University & the Oregon Regional Primate Research Centre. The hairs were collected by forest rangers at a sighting where tracks were accumulated too. Dr Frank Poirier, chairman of the Ohio State's department of anthropology confirms this. These were later confirmed to also be be case by Dr Fahrenbach;
      "I have by now a dozen purported sasquatch hair samples, all morphologically congruent (which rules out hoaxing) and all effectively indistinguishable from a human hair of the particular structure (great variability is available among the latter). DNA extracted from both hair shaft or roots (hair demonstrably fresh) was too fragmented to permit gene sequencing. That characteristic is also sometimes found in human hair that lacks the medulla (as does sasquatch hair - at least what I am willing to identify as such)."
      "Eventually I found a match in a rather obscure database from Central Asia. The Walla Walla sample matched an induvidual from Uzbekistan! How on earth could that be explained. I have not had long to think about it, but my immediate thought is that I find it very difficult to reconcile this result on the Walla Walla hair with the impressive provenance provided for it by Paul Freeman and his companions. The Walla Walla hair result is the most intriguing from among my North American samples. I scarcely think I can claim to have identified the sasquatch as a feral Uzbek, but that is the closest I have managed to get at the moment".
      - Dr Bryn Sykes

      ... So you see, the hair's morphological make up is akin to a primate not catalogued to science, but once tested it comes back as human. This is because a wild human covered in hair is still a primate, and many have looked at these hairs and described them as coming from a wild human.

      AnonymousWednesday, April 15, 2015 at 6:03:00 AM PDT
      Joe,John,and the rest of the Super Friends........
      You are the lowest of the low. It is very obvious you are all just 1 or 2 people posting under various names. The Super Friends are all posting from an IP leading back to the USA Air Force. Don't care if you don't believe me....look into it yourselves....I did. Look into Tavistock.;read=103996

      Anyone claiming that a obsessed with someone I've never met on the Internet, and someone who thinks multiple people who post here are apart of the same psy-ops experiment from an airforce base, is in dire need of some genuine help.

      Get well soon.

    5. And lastly...

      "Headlines such as "DNA Debunks Bigfoot Myth" and "Genetic Testing Shows That Bigfoot Is Not Real" are completely false and misleading. The only thing the DNA tests proved were that none of the hair samples used came from an unknown primate such as a bigfoot or a yeti. Does that mean they do not exist? If the study had been about dogs living in the wild, but none of the test results matched a domesticated canine, would that mean no dogs live in the wild? It simply means the test samples did not come from the sources they were believed to have possibly come from. Mark Evans and Justin Smeja during BBC Documentary
      Another misleading matter in this whole thing is just about that. Where the test samples came from. I've read various articles that claim a little less than half of the samples came directly from bigfoot sightings. Really? How so? Because someone reported a sighting in a general area, and the hairs were found in that same general area? Did someone pluck the hair directly from a bigfoot creature, or see a clump fall out as it ran away? I'm fairly certain you could find all kinds of hairs in my front yard, that doesn't mean they came from the rabbit I saw out there. This is exactly what happened during the documentary about the Sykes study where Justin Smeja was interviewed about his claim to have shot and killed at least one bigfoot. It was well known within the community that Justin submitted a tissue sample to Sykes that was believed to be that of a bear. This was known information before hand. Yet when the documentary was released, it was edited to make it sound like Smeja claimed to have acquired the tissue sample directly from the bigfoot itself. This was not only misleading, it was an outright lie. Regardless of how you feel about Smeja, or what your opinion is on his claim, he was in fact misrepresented and lied about during this documentary. That is a fact."
      - Matt K

    6. Sorry Joe, your best source, Sykes himself has debunked bigfoot. I would love to see that face of yours as you realize that. AHHH HAHAHAHA

    7. And now your citing Matt K as a reliable source? Weren't you the one who called Matt K and Shawn a host of nasty names over the course of the last year for not dealing with the trolls? Yep thats you. Your really grasping Joergy.

    8. 11:49... I'm sorry, but anyone with a brain can see that Sykes has done nothing of the sort, and having the best geneticist in the world interested in the subject is as progressive as you're gonna get. I know you don't read me comments, you'd have to have a brain to understand them... But at least everyone else can see how stupid you are, even if you lie t yourself.

      11:50... Here's my exact comment;
      IktomiWednesday, November 4, 2015 at 4:23:00 AM PST
      What's the point in holding back form the sh*t hurling???
      The reason I suggested everyone ignore you, was because I expected that Matt K would actually try and do something about cleaning up this sh*t hole of the psychos who are trying to drag every comment section down. But, the clown clearly doesn't give a monkey's a-hole... Even after he puts the work in at making articles, which is beyond comprehension.
      So here we are! You... Me... Sh*t hurling... Brrr, scared (sarcasm).

      ... And I stand by it. You would have never have been around a year ago, because Shawn would have banned you like he has done many times before. You're a crazy person, thank god you're anon and a coward because you'd never live the things you've posted down, ha ha ha ha!!!

    9. Everyone here has heard you call Shawn and Matt aholes. Don't act like you haven't we all have seen it that have been here awhile. They know it too. They saw it. But like normal, you will lie and say you didnt'.

      Sykes has now said in his book that he has no expectations that bigfoot exists. In fact, with each new test, he basically is adding to its debunking. The best samples possible were sent to him. I see now that you are claiming that only a few people sent him samples that were researchers. Yet at the time he was first testing them, you were touting the samples as the best out there, coming from the best sources available. what happened to that Joerg? And every sample turned out to be nothing but common DNA.

      You really have to get over this wild human hair crap. There are many people out there with long hair, who are dirty, and who, if sampled, would have hair degredation the exact same as the degredation on the sykes samples and others.
      with naturally worn tips, just like you hold so dear. Naturally worn hair is nothing exceptional, and you are now using that is your key arguement.


      I love it. I love the suffering of footers. FEED ME

    10. If I've called Shawn an a-hole, post the comment.

      If Sykes has claimed there has no expectations of "Bigfoot" existing, post the extract. In fact...
      Coast to Coast AM March 19th 2016;
      42.5mins - "I think it's worth while looking. And I've spoken to so many people that I think they have seen something. The ones that have impressed me the most are the ones along the way you are regular people who have seen something, that's didn't want the fuss. These are the people who have convinced me it is still worth looking... I'm just a scientist and what I think doesn't really matter. If I can say that without answering the question?"

      No... The only samples sent to Sykes from known researchers, was cited up top. The BFRO submitted not one sample. This is easily attainable information.

      The hair samples are amazing because you have both no way of explaining them away, nor is there a means of this. Too many primatologists have studied them and too many have come from track impressions and Sasquatch activity... And repeatable scientific evidence, species traits cannot be hoaxed or misunderstood. Normal human hair would never have got through the screening process and is easily distinguishable from the hair samples that required thousands of dollars to test. Why would anyone waste their time? But that's logic... Something as alien to you as a hug.

      These are not "naturally worn hairs";

      Sorry... I may have missed something? I don't know if you're trying to persuade yourself as much as anyone else, but your "cornerstones" that have allegedly fallen are in fact as prevelant as they were when they were used as a progression in the field. Sykes has only now finished studying Zana's DNA. I'd be praying even more if I were you. It appears the only thing you suffer is a break in mental health.

      Tick, tock...

  3. 6:14 I don't believe all footers are liars or crazy but I do agree about Iktomi being a complete and utter baffoon and makes the rest of the community look foolish. In other words, he's a nut.

    I also don't believe you are MMC.

    1. 6:14 = Joes unhinged admirer


    2. ^ Joe pretending to be MMC

      (minge mouthed critter)

    3. ah c'mon lads, you must get rid of all this pent up aggression you seem to have in droves.
      Tiddly doo mates


    4. what kind of a straight "man" says tiddly doo? Oh right, the same one that calls Eva darling.

  4. Keep up the good work Iktomi...Thousands of eye witness's can't all be hoaxers. Schooling cement heads is a full time job.

    1. "Thousands of eye witnesses cant all be hoaxers"

      They're not all hoaxers, there's mistaken identity, bears, etc... the bottom line is that there are no 9 foot tall hairy men in the US. That's absurd. Grow up.

    2. in reply to 6:42 it only takes one liar to spoil the bunch. that is why there is zero credibility in this field. so your the cement head or sheep so keep on bah bah and follow your prophet idiot

    3. also tiddly do..really? and you want to be taken seriously ?

    4. Hunters, police officers, fire firefighters. They are all retarded and have no idea what they saw. Sound logic you got going there. Maybe it's time for you to grow up and face your fears 6:49.

    5. ^ Military and government employees as well 7:11.

    6. face my fears? are you mentally deranged?my fears are geared towards the saftey of my children not the possibility of an unknown ape..this really is religion for you? sorry to hear that. for me it's a part time hobby.i'm a semi-believer not a zelot

    7. 7:07 that wasn't me with the tiddly doo! I can say what I have to say without any tiddly doo's. That Joe guy is the one who uses that goofy phrase all the time...he's the tiddly doo doer not me.

    8. What are you lads blabbing about now ?
      of course all those witnesses are not all liars and just because there are a few hoaxers and liars out there you can't throw out the bigfoot with the bath water. it's absolutely ridiculous to go with that flawed logic. Even before western settlers arrived the natives had tales of the hairy forest giants or were they all liars as well ?
      Like it or not bigfoot exists and if you don't want to accept that axiom then perhaps you should go back and play your halo 4 or minecraft or whatever the bloody hell game you play and leave us alone to politely discuss the evidence that is put forth on this site
      And yes, tiddly doo of bloody course !


    9. The problem for psuedosceptics and intellectual cowards, is there are reliable sources of eyewitness testimony and embarrassingly for them, the legal system accounts for much of it. When you have people from walks of life like long term experienced hunters, geologists, lawyers, teachers, police officers, wildlife biologists, anthropologists, wildlife consultants, doctors, psychiatrists, business owners and forestry commissioners reporting the exact same thing from unprovoked and impartial circumstances you have an issue to deal with called credible consistency. More so when you put occasions of multiple eyewitness accounts where physical and biological evidence had been accumulated from one site. When there is steady level of reports that span cultures, then mediums, then into physical and biological evidence, then the reports by reliable professional people hold weight. The truth is that sheer frequency of professional people who are accustomed to decades worth of experience in wildlife and the wilderness account for much of the opinion and accounts to which from the basis of this field.

      It is therefore a far greater leap of faith to claim that everyone over thousands of years is mistaken, than it is to look st the frequency of reports and then the physical evidence, an conclude that there is a wild human residing in the wilderness areas of the planet.

      But the poster up top isn't partial to using a brain... So...

    10. ^ it seems that is you bendover buttcheeks that doesnt grasp the fact that bigfoot doesn't exist. The rest of the world already has. lol

    11. In actual fact, the best conservationists and primatologists in the world would beg to differ... Not to mention million of people who are nowhere near as sick as you.

      Get well soon.

    12. I find it funny how you always use testiomny from cops as evidence. Let me jog your memory a little joergy. Remember Rick Dyer? Rick Dyer had a partner. What was his profession Joerg? OH thats right, a COP. There testimony is always credible remember. And get this Joerg. Over the next few years pretty much all cops are going to be forced to wear body cameras due to this business with darkies. And after a decade or so passes, not one of those cameras will pick up a bigfoot. Something mysterious will happen during that time when the cop says he saw one. The camera will malfunction, or the bigfoot will zap the cop, or judt dissappear and teleport. lol. This is what you believe in.
      Would you like a tissue?

    13. "Darkies"?? You're a crazy young man, aren't you?

      Unfortunately, there are corrupt and bad people in any walk of life, and you may have had a few run-ins with them, but police are credible people, trained to observe detail under stressful situations and again, the judiciary system depends on them.

      Many different instances of police officers over many decades is as much a leap to believe they're lying as it is to believe thousands of people are hoaxers and apart of the same conspiracy.

      You're a paranoid racist who needs help because he thinks people on the Internet are trying to get him with a psy-ops experiment... And plenty of Saaquatch have been photographed and filmed;

    14. Im a proud racist, thank you very much

    15. You're the scum of the earth, and I don't mind telling you that you deserve to be filled in, you coward.

  5. Mark Zasky...I am in love



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