Ohio's Other Cryptid The Loveland Frogman

The Ohio Grassman isn't the only cryptid Ohio is known for. It also lays claim to fame of the Loveland Frogman. Yes, frogman. The story has different variations of what exactly happened that led to the sighting of the frogmen in 1955, and some might say that casts a pretty big shadow of doubt on if it is true or not. But that wasn't the only sighting. Even a police officer has seen the frogman of Loveland.

Moving forward in time, the next encounter with the Loveland Frogmen gives us an exact date, time, location, and a seemingly credible witness. On March 3, 1972, at 1:00 a.m., police officer Ray Shockey was traveling on Riverside Drive headed into Loveland. The police officer was traveling cautiously due to inclement weather (described as icy roads), when he saw an animal on the side of the road. The creature scurried across the road and the officer stated that he slammed on his brakes to keep from hitting it. Once stopped, the officer had the creature fully illuminated in his headlights. He went on to describe the creature as crouching like a frog. Then the creature went on to stand erect, bipedal, and stared directly at the officer. Finally, it turned and climbed over a guard rail down into the Little Miami River. Again, the creature is described as being 3 to 4 feet tall, 50 to 75 pounds, with leathery skin and resembling a frog or lizard. Further investigation by other officers found that the guardrail had distinct abrasions exactly where it was reported that the animal crawled over the metal barrier.

For the full article, click here. 


  1. May Mr. Toad give you a wild ride!!

    1. I'm always intrigued by these sightings.
      Last night i watched the 3rd episode of the latest X files with the gecko bloke which was quite good xx

    2. I believe people in general report exactly what they see .

    3. 2:16 Eva ... did you ever see the Monsters and Mysteries in America show about the woman attacked by a green frog type creature while swimming with her family .. and a guy from the Govt tells her she can never speak of it again ?

      Strange tales indeed...heh heh heh .

    4. From the website link above -

      "Besides the basic description of the creatures, the most interesting detail is that one creature is claimed to have held a cylindrical metal object, sometimes described as a wand."

      Somebody under the bridge taking a few hits from a crack pipe is my guess .

  2. sometimes DOGMAN looking like Frogman so you thinking that's a Frogman in the bush but its a DOGMAN

    1. ^ it be dem dang `tilians a-runnin` an` a hootin` an`` a hollerin` all roun` de place scarin` alla de folks

    2. i saw the n i g n o g man downtown yestydy

  3. tham bigfoots eatin me chickins ans me hawgs wonderd ifn tham frogman critters doin da sumway

  4. Conspiracy theorists claim to have spotted an 'interstellar mother ship' near Jupiter's moon Europa


  5. AC Collins is a gov. Paid troll. And he is also the Frog Man!

  6. Relax people. It's just Kermit.


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