Blurry Image Could Be The Face Of A Yowie Bigfoot Creature

When it comes to trail cams, nobody seems to have much luck. Often times the subject is moving too fast, or is too close to the camera, to really see what it is. The camera just doesn't have a chance to get in focus, and you end up with images like this one. Sort of like a Rorschach Test, different people see different things. The owner of this image, an Australian Yowie hunter, believes this could be the face of the Yowie.

These Images was captured with my tree camera. Key things to look out for: Eye Brow Ridge, Right Eye Socket, Upper Lip, Teeth Showing.


  1. Replies
    1. How's the PR business going Joerg?

    2. ^ how is the search for the monkey suit coming along anon ?


    3. I guzz Piss because its FUN!


    4. ^ The daily Joe report!!

      Thanks Joe we believe you!!!

    5. ^^ the daily troll report. Going strong despite no brain cells


    6. ^ LEAVE OUR PET'S ALONE !!!!!

      Big Ghey Jon (aka,,Joe) !!

    7. 4;32

      About as well as the search for "bigfoot" (chortle).

      Maybe see it in your dreams ?

  2. Replies
    1. ^ The daily Shribe report
      Nothing of substance as usual



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