Bigfoot Enthusiast Shows How It's Possible To Fake A Bigfoot Stride

Recently a youtuber and independent film maker that goes by the name Thinker Thunker stated that it is impossible for humans to have created the famous London Trackway, and other bigfoot trackways, due to the superior stride length between tracks. A challenege was made for anyone to show how it could be done without the use of using heavy equipment, and without leaving immediate evidence that it was human made. Youtube bigfoot enthusiast The Paranormal Review accepted the challenge, and here is his video:


  1. Replies
    1. I concur gents. Perhaps we can celebrate with a gay orgy!


    2. You will find some when the Bigfoot fantasy is put away.

    3. And tossers like yourself are schooled daily regarding the overwhelming evidence of an unclassified primate living in North America. Peace!


    4. ^ not me but at least i;m agreeing with this
      5:13- go to yourself as usual


    5. And as usual, I will be in bed tonight with a sexy piece of man meat!


    6. ^ yes, you and your teeny tiny pecker
      enjoy mate !


  2. what a dope. Point was to fake w/o leaving trace of faking.His little stick is 4 ft long.
    You can fool a video audience...but that's it.

    1. Cliff Barackman declared the London trackway to be a hoax, that's good enough for me!


    2. ^ fake Joe is having the time of his life . Someone please put this baby in the corner
      Bloody toddler !


    3. ^Not me of course, this tosser is quite obsessed.


    4. ^ haha, you are quite the romantic aren't you eh?
      Lunatic alert !


    5. ^The fake me is on a tear today. I guess it's Internet day at the insane asylum!


    6. Joe is an extraordinary example of a Brit, or he is really trying to seem like it. What are the chances he's in Missouri or Texas?

    7. if I was born there I might have to do crazy stuff like marry my cousin or sister . Sorry mate, I prefer the London scene . at least we aren't as bonkers as some of you pillocks


    8. HAA HAAA HAA LOL!!! Just shoot me^

      :-)) AC c :-))

    9. How about if I come beat you to death with your plastic light sabre ------ oh my God what an Idiot!

  3. Wow! Look at all them real Bigfoot footprints in this video. I'm now a believer.

  4. I don't know if this guy is making a good point or not- it's hard to tell exactly what's good on through the mumbling and bad camera work.

    1. Agree, before showing how to make fake stride and footprints, he should learn how to hold a camera. I have barf two times.

  5. It can be done, but not the way he did it. Video may only show fake tracks, but anyone who is standing there looking at the fake tracks will see all of his crazy prints running parallel to the fake prints
    all within 4 feet of them.

  6. It can be done, but not the way he did it. Video may only show fake tracks, but anyone who is standing there looking at the fake tracks will see all of his crazy prints running parallel to the fake prints
    all within 4 feet of them.

    1. It doesn't matter how obviously fake the tracks are, some people will still scream bloody murder that they are "undeniable proof of bigfoot".

      I've seen "undeniable proof of bigfoot" trackways that were only one foot running exactly parallel to an equally one sided bear trackway. Did that convince the true believers they were bear double prints? Of course not. The bigfoot must have been hopping on one foot into the bear tracks. No other possible explanation.

      Bigfoot believers will believe anything.

    2. I'm sorry... Do you have one example where an enthusiast has claimed that tracks are proof of the existence of Sasquatch?

      Again... Putting words in people's mouths for lack of genuine argument.

    3. Look at your own posts on this very forum, schmuck. Don't you remember all that babble of yours about "unhoaxable dermal ridges"? I'm pretty sure you were talking about tracks there and not, say, bigfoot butt prints. Give me a moment to go check.

      Yup. You were definitely talking about tracks being proof of bigfoot there and not butt prints.

      Did you really think we wouldn't remember that? Exactly how stupid are you?

    4. Plenty of proof around his prints that they were faked. When did Cliff Barrackman declare the London trackway fake?


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