Russian Boy Finds Clear Footprint Of Bigfoot In Siberian Wilderness

Bigfoot type creatures exist all over the world, and Russia is no exception. During a camping trip, a young Russian boy found what appears to be a large, distinct track of a Russian bigfoot creature. This story was first brought to my attention by Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum:

From the article:

A schoolboy on a camping trip in Siberia has found a massive footprint of what could be the mythical Yeti, Russian media has claimed.

Denis Alexandrov, 12, noticed the alleged sign of Bigfoot on an early morning walk with other children close to his tent in the mountainous Shorsky National Park in Kemerovo region.

The print was twice the size of a man's foot, said his father Andrei, 49.

'I'm into hunting so I understand a bit about footprints,' said Andrei, who claimed he did not believe in the Yeti before he witnessed the giant mark in clay.

'We went to the place were the kids saw the footprint and the only thing I can say was, "I now know it exists".

For the rest of the article, and more photos, click here. 


  1. You are aware Russians are piss taking bastards most of the time?

    1. French high schools believe that by allowing students to smoke on school grounds they prevent them becoming targets for extremists when they gather for cigarette breaks on the street outside


  2. for the person who I think was a piss take a few threads back about renting the new Star Ware you can watch here free.

    1. It doesn't seem to work all that well. Do you have another link by any chance?

    2. i have a link in my pants for you joe

  3. Why has there never been any evidence of Bigfoot on this site? Obviously the people claiming Bigfoot exists are young children or mentally retarded. It seems that the people who believe are lonely and need a mythical creature to focus their lives on. This gives them a sense of belonging. They join the other believers on the net and become a disfunctional family. Most likely they where bullied as kids, obese and virgins.

    1. Unfortunately for your predicament, you have very real psychologists offering a very real diagnosis for your behaviour;

    2. 2:03 is sorely needing some love in his poor life. We are so sorry about your bad childhood but there is no reason to be so bitter
      BTW- what do you care if people believe ? How does it ruin your life is we are on here discussing bigfoot ?
      Why stew in your bitter juices ?
      Go out and enjoy life. Take up needlepoint, join the army , it'll do ya a world of good and a sense of belonging


    3. Thanks for your reply Joe. My childhood was a very happy one and it doesn't bother me if you believe or not. It doesn't ruin my life at all. I just enjoy occasionally coming on here and leaving a little comment and then watch you lose you s hit over it. Your so fun to f uck with. You care so much what people think of you and your beliefs. Just don't worry about it little fella. I'm sure one day you will just except who you are and stop worrying about what others think.

    4. joe just got blown the f%ck out. what a plagarizer

    5. 4:53... Like I said, your actions suggest something a little more telling. Don't take it from me, take it from the experts. I don't actually care what people think of me, it's not like they know who I am. What I care about grately is making sure I make the most out of using average idiots off the street like you to expose how backward thinking people are today in regard to this subject matter.

      So don't go too far.

    6. ^ balding and fat since his early twenties ^

      hence he`s just plain envious of anybody leading even a hint of a normal life

    7. "Normal" people don't spend their existence on a subject matter they hate... In fact people with abnormal emotional ties do.

    8. ^ "footery" is awash with weirdo`s and outcasts..all the misfits of society are among those who call themselves "footers" so your normality is slightly skewed to the rest of society

    9. Um... The only person I have read use the word "footers" in my entire time invested in this topic, is you whenever you have a relapse on the anti-depressants and decide to inflict your pitiful existence on everyone here.

      The reality is that the haters that this subject attracts are far more kooky than any enthusiast you can shake a stick at, and the plain and simple truth is there are no psychologists calling us psychopaths.

      You on the other hand...

  4. So Joe is Itkomi. Wow this guy is a complete loon. He constantly backs his arguments with his other alias. Get some help you freak. You clearly care about what people think of you. You put people down to try and make yourself look smart and let's not forget the constant plagiarism. Your always trying to convince the world that your smart and worthy of love. I feel sorry for you Itkomi/Joe. You must live a truly pathetic life.

    1. Sorry, but me and Joe are not the same poster... And I don't have to remotely try and make myself look smart at your expense pal, ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Weren't you going to phone the police about me for plagiarism?

      Ha ha ha ha!!

    2. ^ suffers from multi-personality disorder

    3. Suffers from a cruel streak with the intellectually inferior, more like.

    4. haha, these trolls think we are one and the same. No one is safe around here with wild trolls on the loose. Someone call animal control ASAP !


    5. lots of folks live in the basement and its not so bad you got lots of time to do Bigfoot research

  5. Oh and BTW- your daisy dukes are on too tight 3:01- it's cutting off the circulation to your brain



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