Dogman Attacks Baby Sasquatch And Wears Pants: What The Heck?

There are a lot of stories of dogmen type creatures out there. Everything from people being followed in the woods, to dogmen trying to enter homes through pet doors. But this is the first time I've ever heard of a dogman wearing pants or attacking a baby sasquatch.

From the youtube channel of Brenton Sawin's Mysteries To Search:
Dogman in the desert eating a roadkill and dogman hunting baby squatch. Also a dogman wearing pants and a tiny pterodactyl by the beaver pond. Interesting stories from viewers.


  1. That Dogmen chase an eat juvenile sasquatch ??

    Shure what the heck!

    1. That`s nothing...a friend of mine watched a group of Reptilians holding a 4th July parade back last year...the greys were standing traffic duty and holding back the throng of vehicles while the parade passed by.

  2. Dr meldrum associates with these nutters at conferences

    1. Meldrum needs to get with BILL BROCK expert cryptid hunter find BOGFOOT and get the JOB DONE !!!

  3. This isn't asinine. It's asiten!

  4. sometimes homeless looks likes DOGMAN, so you thinking that's a DOGMAN but its just the homeless living in the bush and off the grid.

  5. Oregon stand-off stretches into day three: Militia defend their right to bear arms at 'peaceful protest' as FBI takes control of efforts to end occupation....

    1. Time to call in snipers.

    2. ^`re truly owned by the powers.

    3. ^it was a joke...however, it is definitely more than just a peaceful protest. Saying you going to defend yourselves against the authorities by shooting them whilst taking over a government building...not good

    4. gummint bein heers sumwhars ans takin tham guns we deedin tham guns fer hawg huntin ans such

    5. Burn them out, just like Waco.

  6. Homeless living in the woods is harsh I know and shaving is particularly difficult but there must be a tribe of tramps out there in the woods that are extremely ugly with huge noses to boot.

  7. 8:43, yeah this is only slightly more believable than the GRAYS. He should stick to Bill Brock.

  8. At least somebody is standing up for the rights of those poor arsonists.

  9. BIGFOOTs like Lycandroids are real
    Mothman not so much

  10. Gigantopithecus was killed off by climate change: Huge 10ft Gigantopithecus apes became extinct 100,000 years ago when trees were replaced by savannahs
    Holly Crap were next CRAP!!!

  11. Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization hunting BIGFOOTS I am sure they get the JOB DONE


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