Veteran Bigfooter Holds Question and Answer Session

Bigfoot researcher Fred Kanney has been investigating bigfoot since 1981, when a 9-10 foot tall creature stepped out and looked at him eye to eye. Fred spends a tremendous amount of time in the woods, and is very knowledgeable when it comes to bigfoot. He recently hosted a question and answer session on the subject.


  1. Turd boy is definitely a ISF footer.

  2. Lay of the cones you dopey turd. Have a look at this turd eater.

  3. The guy looks as though he needs a bath.

    But I guess he`ll have one come Christmas-time whether he needs one or not...he`s got morals y`know.

  4. ok ass holes i dont mind a little ragging but rude is rude 1-i dont do drugs 2 im a senior citizian and i may look rough but thats wat being in the woods everyday does for ya i ya cant post ur name on comments i guess ya are the meth smokers and ya need the bath

    1. ^ No offence meant fella...jes` a lil` fun for the folks.

    2. too...apologies...nothing meant by my comment...insensitive I guess and just an unthinking remark.

  5. Fred is one of the only true sources of info in the community. No one knows the woods or Bigfoot like this researcher.

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