This Might Be What Bigfoot Research Will Be Like If SHTF

This is one of the strangest and most entertaining videos I've ever seen that involved the subject of bigfoot. Youtuber MOUNTAINOUS packed a tremendous amount of information into this video. Everything from squatchin' to survival bushcraft to shooting airsoft guns. This guy does it all. Have a look:


  1. Replies
    1. Who the fuck is this twit and does being in his pressence cause woman two have un-natural bowel movements.

      Something seems to have made him obcessive-compulsive. Likely rejection from the opposite sex.

      Plop guy gives woman diarea, ha ha ha ha ha.

    2. Joe, lets invade each others bunkers and bug out under the covers. It will be amazing!


  2. What a terminal dumbass. He knows nothing of any of the subjects he just demonstrated. Incredible waste of bandwidth.


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