Researchers try to investigate whether this is a white Bigfoot or not

The Alabama Society has captured some amazing footage that they didn't know they have. Some viewers have pointed out a couple of white figures that organization missed. While some of it are just stills, you can actually see a few frames of the subjects moving.


  1. Replies
    1. guverniment tipe folk bein fiddling with tham D ans A makin critters thays shure is

    2. They should also investigate if it was a white sheet hanging out to dry, a white sign... just their plain ol dumb white asssss.

  2. The level of ignorance displayed in this video is astounding. I guess it serves a purpose - being entertainment for fellow ignoramuses.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Joe, lets take some ecstacy and see where it takes us. Hopefully to a bathhouse. And afterwards, lets type out sweet nothings to one another on the internet, and then delete our comments. It will be amazing!

    3. Why don't you take you illicit fantasies and take them to another site where you may get some action. This is a bigfoot site sir not tinder for toddlers


    4. Joe, we can learn something from the chimps in zoos. Lets let our primal sexuality flow free. It will be amazing!

  3. I have an open mind about Bigfoot but Alabama would be very unlikely.

  4. There ain't no squatches in Alabama. They're all in the Pacific Northwest.


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