Security Camera Captures Bigfoot Drinking Water From Swimming Pool

In this classic breakdown video, Phil takes a look at supposed footage shot by a security camera on someone's house that shows what appears to be a bigfoot creature drinking water from the swimming pool. Did bigfoot get so thirsty that they gave up on trying to hide when it came to a nice cool drink of water? Take a look, and see what Parabreakdown had to say:


  1. For those that are interested, lktomi/Joes real name is Joerg Hensiek. You can google his name and bigfoot, and read his replies on various blogs. Its obvious its him. You should see his picture. Lets just say that Joe looks exactly like what we expected. AHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    1. ^
      An incredibly gay and lonely JREF/ISF footer who's obsessed with Joe.

    2. That's not even the half of it, apparently I'm experimenting on everyone with mind control from an air force base in Florida;

      ... Yes, he's quite clearly relapsed on his medication... AGAIN. He does it on average once every six months. Poor boy.

    3. I know its hard Abholi, I mean Joerg. But people need to know the truth about who you are. You've lost this site. Just look at the comment section. 8 to 12 comments on average. When it used to be around 80 to 100. You have driven everyone away. Its only heroes like Daniel and dmaker that saved this site.

    4. Ok, you wrote on the previous comment section;

      "AnonymousTuesday, September 29, 2015 at 2:18:00 PM PDT
      Nice try Joe, in the brokeback mountain comment. You are indeed Joerg, and its as plain as day. You now have been exposed. The trolling has only just begun. We drove off the super friends, and we will drive you off Joerg before its over. We are many............"

      ... So, have I driven everyone away or have you driven everyone away? Are you so delusional that you can't keep up with your

    5. Anyway... I'll leave you to your "episode". I hope all the good people of BFE are doing ok. See you all tomorrow.

    6. "You have driven everyone away. Its only heroes like Daniel and dmaker that saved this site."

      Hi Dressmaker.

    7. 2:19 thinks he's bloody Sherlock Holmes !
      The only people who should be driven away from this blog are the trolls. The plop guy, the guy(s) who pretend to be me and all those who come here and engage in south park type nonsense and are not serious about having any intelligent discourse about the bigfoot subject,





      THE REAL JOE!!

    9. could you possibly be one of those hillbillies I keep reading about who marries their cousin ?
      Bonkers mate !


  2. Other people manage their blogs just fine without all this stupid bullshit. Anything else is just an excuse for lazy click hounding.

  3. I usually disagree with Poling because he rarely uses facts to back his argument. Aside from this, looking at the video it is clear that this is a costume. You can see the arm material coming way short of the hand and the lower leg material hangs loosely around the feet. These obvious observations added with the actual facts that Poling gave about the video recorder, deck chairs, etc. makes it clear. Fake!

  4. You need a new act Matt. Being Phil's lap dog is getting old.

  5. Really explains everything in detail,the article is very interesting and effective.
    Thank you and good luck for the upcoming articles.


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