Watch: Guy tries to prove we are all in a parallel universe by using the Bearstain Bears as an example

Is it Berenstein Bears or Berenstain Bears? Mind=Blown!


  1. This the same kind of crap Alex MW thinks!

    1. I like Alex Midnight walker!
      Smiter,not so much!

    2. Anyways ,maybe thinker thunker should read "The Secret life of plants"...

      one example of the book is :
      this reasercher was documenting electric responses from his philadendron,, everytime he had sex with his girlfriend ,The plant would FLIP OUT!! (electrical spikes + -),,
      SO this guy is having sex with his girlfriend 1000mi away,at the Same moment's (all documented,pst) they
      were having sex ,the philadendron was
      FLIPPING OUT! ????
      Great book,

    3. 1000 mi away ,at the same time!

  2. FBI Launches ‘Criminal Probe’ Into Hillary’s Email Lies
    State secrets shared on private server
    no Worries - JOE waiting in the wings : )

    1. JOE said his dead son before he died said RUN - JOE - RUN
      Hillary its time to pull out... NOW

    2. She needs to pull out now ! Sounds sexual

    3. N0oooo... we all want Hillary FUN CAMPS !!!


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