New Footage: Juvenile Bigfoot Filmed at Scape Ore Swamp?

This landing in our inbox a few days ago. This "Bigfoot" or whatever it is appears to be small. Could be a juvenile if it's a Bigfoot. The sighting is pretty creepy and the family have decided to release the footage to us. Bigfoot Evidence reader "Frank" writes:

"My neighbor said you guys were the place for Bigfoot type videos. I took this video back in May. Though my wife believes me that it's real, she said she would be embarrassed that everyone would think I was a loon. I took it in Scape Ore Swamp off Camden Highway in Bishopville. A few other people have come forward recently and it's given me the courage to finally release it. However, at her request, I don't want any personal public attention on me or our family. I absolutely believe it's real. I saw it while coon hunting and took this video. When it noticed me I high tailed it out. My phone made me clip the video to send but the rest was just me running in the woods."


  1. It's a bigfoot. Confirms on all points. Unsubstantiated back story. Blurry video.

  2. There's an easy way of telling if this is the real deal. Does bigfoot exist? No it doesn't, so this video is not bigfoot. Feel free to use this strategy when you look at all videos on this site. I'm a freaking genius!!!!

    1. I see where your coming from and your right it's genius. If only someone had thought of this before. People wouldn't have ruined there reputations by trying to tell people that bigfoot exists.

    2. Except the problem with your strategy is your underlying premise that bigfoot does not exist. Can you prove that bigfoot does not exist?

      You may not be a freaking genius after all. You may actually be a freaking jackass.

    3. You shall feel the wrath of Joketomi later on today.
      Don't say I didn't warn you guys but Joe can be quite the admirable foe on here

    4. You don't need to prove that something doesn't exist. It doesn't exist until it's proven to exist. Bigfoot has never been proven to exist so it doesn't exist.

    5. How do you know that it doesn't exist until it's proven to exist?

      See, more of the freaking jackass than freaking genius.

    6. Because bigfoot doesn't exist

    7. It's pretty simple stuff even for a dopey terd like you. I can try and explain it again if you want.

    8. Explain what? That you're more jackass than genius? Skeptard. Why don't you go to a different website other than a BIGFOOT site!

    9. ...3:27: That may be good zoology but it is bad metaphysics...If a thing is not real until it is seen or held, then it can never be seen or held, for it does not exist because it has yet to be seen or held and therefore will never be seen or held...

    10. 5:05 is Joe/Iktomi .
      cover blown

  3. Hi,
    Boom, Unbelievable...

    Hope you may need voice over artist to perform on your website..

    Just visit my website for best rates..

    1. Can you do porn. I may need your voice work for future projects . I'll get in touch with you pal

  4. It has to be a juvenile otherwise they wouldn't have used the creepy child like music for the video.

  5. What's with the music soundtrack? I was expecting a creepy circus clown to jump into the clip.

  6. You hunt raccoons at night. They aren't out in the day unless they're rabid.

  7. Why cant the quality of these videos be any better? Who coon hunts in the daytime? I have never heard of that. Im calling BULLSH@T!

  8. That music!! Hahahha!!
    As far as what the hell that was...I'm guessing human.


  9. Someone who sent this with no name and put music to it, well how clever. Where have we seen this before? Said Bishopville and swampy. Must be Bishopville, SC. Was there not a post yesterday about some monster in Bishopville. Looked like it had a pumpkin for head. Coincidence. There are no coincidences.

  10. YES if you had a AK you could spray and pray : )
    and takes lots of clips for your SAFETY

  11. This is a hoaxed video of the lizard man notice the tail!


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