New Footage Bigfoot Gets Caught On Video Looking In Window

A lot of people believe bigfoot are curious creatures, and if given the opportunity they will observe humans. There are quite a number of reports from credible witnesses that claim they saw bigfoot looking through their window. Youtube user Beautiful Planet posted this video with the following description:

Bigfoot caught on tape looking through window 2015
Every year the fruit just seemed to disappear overnight off my apple and pear trees. Also the birdseed used to vanish without a trace. I thought it was raccoon or something and so I set up a camera. This is what it was caught on camera. You can make up your own mind as to what it is.


  1. Replies
    1. ...........D C...........234 !!
      ..........d maker.........55 !!
      ..........Jotomi............0 !!

      SCOREBORD BABY !#!!!

    2. You fools will never learn. one day I will be proven right and i'll have the last laugh !


    3. I "ALWAYS" enjoy when dullards respond to the name Joto !!
      What were you Say'n about the last laugh there Joe??
      Gaffaw, :-))

    4. I see all the losers from the losers from the Natzi Shotzi BFF are here racking up their daily numbers.

    5. Laugh all you want now because there is a saying about he who laughs last and trust me when bigfoot is proven to be real my laugh will be both epic and redemptive in nature and i shall stand in victory like General MacArthur on the beach at Luzon !


    6. LOL , I have to admire you're stawart Dullardness. ..joe

  2. Absolute shite. Why not place the camera outside near the trees and bird feeder? The camera points at a window for no reason than to set up this awful hoax.
    I give it 6/10 for originality but a 1/10 for execution. Poorly done.

  3. Replies
    1. Bigfoot doesn't blink?.....Not very often. When they are looking at you, or something like a deer, they tend to stare for long periods of time without blinking. When they do blink it is very slow and methodical. That's why it is said when they stare at you it's like they are looking into your soul.

    2. How could Bigfoot blink if there is no such a thing as a bigfoot? Der her her I'ma so smurt, I sher did shut those Bigfeeterers up din I?

  4. Replies
    1. You can`t see the beady eyes peeking in ?

    2. Yeah, I don't see anything either. Where exactly should I look? A red circle would have helped.

    3. If the guy in the costume was not blocking the shot maybe we would have gotten a clearer view.

  5. Still very very spooky-if it was. My window I'd be reaching for a firearm!

    1. not scary at all...just his crazy friend or nephew ( see dr squatch ).every time these hoaxes are posted the credibility of all footers goes down

    2. ^ Face reality for once in your life...these creatures and events are real...albeit I`ll grant you that this episode looks like a large teddy bear looking in.

    3. i never stated they were not real. all i stated was the obvious.this is not and it seems like more and more are frauds. thus making people think its a you understand? or shall i try again lil' fella

  6. It seems to jolt like cgi. Wish it was real tho.

  7. Confirms on all points and it's also carrying a baby one.

  8. Beautiful Planet is yet another in a long line of bigfoot BS hoaxers.

    1. Yea like you know what you're talking about. The guy has two videos up since effing ignorant debunker - get a clue and go back to the Forums and complain about somebody to the natzis scnatzis over there

    2. this is a hoax sorry to ruin your day . that being said 6:13 is indeed correct...1 hoax or 50 once a hoaxer always a hoaxer

    3. GREAT POST there 7:45, we here at the forum have to stick together, so thats why we always tell each other how grand the post they just made to shut up the gullible-it's too bad that we're TOO good at being jackasses because the only people who even bother coming here anymore are too dam smart for us, or it's us

  9. obvious cgi. and poorly done at that

  10. Its a horney lonely troll searching for turds through a bathroom window. I think he smells some!

  11. Creepy. Why would it look through the window and what does it want?

  12. are a critter outside in the dark, with your pupils wide approach the window, the inside of which has a bright light...wouldnt your eyes need to squint or blink a few times to adjust to tge difference in brightness? i call this as a hoax.


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