Massive prehistoric monolith found at bottom of Mediterranean Sea

At the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, archaeologists uncovered a 10,000-year-old man-made monolith that they believe is evidence of a prehistoric civilization. The rock monument's colossal size (12 meters, or about 39 feet in height) suggests that quite a few people would have been needed to move it — something that would have been difficult if, as previously suspected, the inhabitants had been hunter-gatherers living relatively solitary lifestyles.


  1. Replies
    1. Louis Farrakhan Cites Koran, Calls for 10,000 to “Rise Up And Kill Those Who Kill Us”
      Incites murder of police, federal officials
      the NEW NORM

    2. The black race is a zit on the ass of this nation.

    3. TEXAS Bans Sharia Law…Democrats and Muslim OUTRAGED
      the NEW NORM

  2. Oy it's obvious ain't it?! The Atlanteans asked Bigfoot to help them build this monument AND also the pyramids... how else could would they move all those big stones. Geese the stupidity of some people! :))

    1. Bill Brock (Monsters Underground) need to get to the bottom of this : )

  3. sometimes bigfoots looking like mermaids, so you thinking that's a mermaid over there but its a BIGFOOT

    1. sometimes U thinking - mermaids might be real so if that the case and lots of folks do - then they might have built these monoliths

    2. Ha ha ha .. Cork yur pus hole 11:49!!
      It seems you have been running amuck
      during MY absence (2whole days) an acting a fool!!!------Now that being said
      TELL ME & ALL THE FOLK'S here you're
      PINHEAD THEORY of a 50,000yr old
      clovis (siberian mogoloid) culture that existed HERE in N America ??
      Dr B Sykes


      Ruined with just one paste.

    4.,,, =13,500yrs bp.

      one sentance.(no paste)Lol!!
      Its YOUR pleasure!! :-))
      Dr B (top debater)Sykes!

    5. masterbater------------^-------------Moron!

  4. could have been a GRAY base of operation way back in the day! over time they abandoned it and wwent back to the mother ship with their DNA samples that were used for cloning


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