New Footage: Bigfoot Filmed Drinking Water From Pond?
Apple Valley, Ohio. The Finding Bigfoot crew has been to Ohio many times before, and they've found nothing. Well. We think it's time to check again, this time they can skip Salt Fork and head over to a golf course in Apple Valley. YouTube user Harold Cuerpo claims the creature was seen drinking from the pond. The video very isn't clear but there's a lot to breakdown here if you're into video breakdowns. Cuerpo explains the video:
I agree that the quality was poor. The person that sent it to me stated that it was from his cell phone and it looks as if he was quite a bit away from the creature. He told me that the group of golfers ahead of him went to see what it was, but that it had disappeared before they got to it. Not sure how, because the course is not that heavily wooded.
It was thirsty....
ReplyDeleteIf a mini ice age is upon us in 15 years, will all Bigfoot sightings be replaced by Yeti sightings? Just asking ;)
DeleteNope, but they will all be replaced by your hairy mother that sasquatch likes to bang from behind you knob polishing, choad smoking gutterslug.
DeleteYou appear to be speaking from experience, are these the bedtime stories your mother used to read to you at night, about your father?
DeleteWeird my mother read children's stories to me. Your's? Her antics about taking it up the ass off bigfoot.
Perhaps the greatest technique the modern Bigfooter can use is the camera pan into foliage. Afterwards, sometimes many days or weeks later, the Bigfooter at his leisure can look for Bigfoot faces in the thick growth. Of course friends and other "enthusiasts" can help via the miracle of the internet.
ReplyDeleteOr just send the video to DS then you will be guaranteed to find 10 to 20 shadowsquatch
DeleteProve my pics fake then douchebag!
DeleteAC collins.
Did this bigfoot forget the bigfoot rule of never apprearing infront of a camera? Did this bigfoot know, as all others that forgot that rule before it, that they should only appear infront of cameras that do not have the sufficient zoom / resolution/ operator skill to get anything but a highly ambiguous shot?
ReplyDeleteBelieving in bigfoot is beyond stupid.
Not believing the evidence of thousands of reports and documented tracks is stupidity in the qualify as a top o` the class ass.
DeleteNeither count as evidence when they can be fabricated.
DeleteWhat clearer evidence do you need? Not believing in Bigfoot is ridiculous.
Delete^4:11 Any evidence can be fabricated. Whether you are talking about reconstructing a homicide scene or examining an alleged bigfoot track, both forms of evidence can be made up or recreated. This does not mean that the evidence is always fake simply because it can be produced or reproduced. Most times a CSI expert will recreate a crime scene in order to attempt to understand the MO of a suspect and their mind set. This does not mean that the original evidence was fake though.
DeleteLet me clarify a little better (I am 7:19^)I do not believe this video is authentic, it looks like a cheap Spencer's Gifts gag gorilla costume but there are a few videos out there that look real.
Delete3:47... There are plenty of footage sources where "Bigfoot" has thrown this rule out the window;
... Because like all highly intelligent creatures, they are susceptible to curiosity and the occasional mistake. Like 4:04 alluded to, the stupidity is not only not being convinced by the frequency of evidence, but in your case it's spending your time somewhere that's disagreeable to you, when you could be spending it far more productively.
4:11... Any form of evidence submittable in any scientific or judiciary arena can be fabricated, however these pillars of modern society still stand up. What you are presenting is a suppression of evidence fallacy and the evidence for relict hominids (Sasquatch) is waiting to be shown to be fabricated, as you claim. Get busy.
Joe smoked yet again^
DeleteI think in adult debate, one requires at least a counter point. Using your schooling as a reference to anyone else's is slightly child-like, dear boy.
DeleteWho's Joe?
You, jackass
DeleteYou're not getting any closer to helping your cause.
DeleteHe doesn't really have to do anything to help his cause. The lack of evidence year after year does plenty.
DeleteYou do realise that there are tracks accumulated every week right? You do realise that dermals are found in some tracks too, right? You do realise that hairs of an unknown primate, footage, audio, thermal... All these things are all accumulated that amount to every source of evidence short of modern type specimen, right?
DeleteOf course you do, but agknowledging such would require you to debate it, and you're not too smart, are you?
The quality of that "evidence" is laughable. There is a reason no one seems to give it much credence outside those already intrenched in belief. If it starts to interest those outside that circle, then I might be impressed.
DeleteIf it is so "laughable", then you will have no issue in finding a means of showing it's not what reputable scientists say it is, right? " the evidence for Sasquatch is not what it is because scientists who have not taken the time to look at it, say it is..." Doesn't come close, dear lad.
DeleteThe scientists who have verified forensic physical evidence are not for one second concerned with this subject matter, and are simpmy applying their expertise impartially. That's IMPARTIAL, who might want to look up that word's definition.
Yes, tracks are accumulated every week and a few even have dermals in them. Yes, there are hairs, footage, audio and thermal. And what has come from it? Why would the bulk of the scientific community devote study to it when the "evidence" is so weak? The experts that you so proudly list off are but a small fraction of those involved in that area of expertise. For every one you name who supports the idea of an unknown hominoid there are countless others who don't. As for showing it's not what "reputable" scientists say it is - they have. Many, many times again and again you just don't accept it or acknowledge it. Just one example would be Melba Ketchum's findings. It got TORN apart by "reputable" scientists and completely ridiculed in the general press. I remember it well and THAT was suppose to prove that Bigfoot existed for once and all. Don't blame scientists for not taking it seriously - blame the "evidence".
DeleteWhat has come of it you say? The accumulation of some of the most pioneering and qualified scientists in the world investing enthusiasm, that's what. It Doesn't matter if they are a small fraction, every single scientific breakthrough in history has always been down to a fraction, its a rubbish argument. What's more, is that due to the nature of the topic, many scientists would rather look after their careers than be ridculed, and are therefore very much restricted to participate. It doesn't matter if you have a trillion experts less qualified who haven't even taken the time to look at the evidence (this is there reality of your situation), it doesn't get around to proving that minority wrong; it's child-like logic. If this has happened "many, many times" show me one instance, not to mention one that can in turn stand up to scrutiny... This should be easy, right? You'll find next to no one enthusiastic about this field who endorses Ketchum's work, and the most scrutinising attacks coming from within this very field, whilst a second round of testing will put the matter of her findings to bed.
DeleteI would say get around to countering that long list of evidences you listed in your comment... Do that and then you'll shut people like me up, who are not agenda driven to audaciously put quotation marks around a word you can't even muster one argument to show such punctuation warranted in the first place.
Of course its out of focus. What B.S!
ReplyDeleteI bet the big guy would like to have a wack at the ball. He probably watches from the trees. Watches the candy stripers too
ReplyDeleteSet up a trail cam at a tee adjacent to the woods. Have a bunch of balls tee'd up and a very long driver laying there. He will figure it out. Would be a great proof picture that he exists. Might be a natural
Ballz as in golf ballz
DeleteI've always wondered what one could do in organized sports. Imagine if Nick Saban could get one ruled a "human student athlete" by the NCAA, and just hand the sob the ball and point him in the right direction. Roll Tide!!!
DeleteCrows are really smart
ReplyDeleteWith footage as clear as this, I don't see how anyone can deny bigfoot's existence.
ReplyDeleteLook like Yogi Bear.
ReplyDeleteOmg! Finally proof !
ReplyDeleteOmg! Finally proof !