More Bigfoot Encounters From The Bigfoot Community Group Campout

The info is still coming in from all the adventures the bigfoot community group had on their annual campout. They cast a handprint they found next to the gifting station and had a late night visitor tossing things at their tents. Sounds like they had a blast.


  1. Replies
    1. that be 1 of tham hawgzilla critters caws folks be shootin tham critters fer yeers heers in da boosh

    2. It's good to see the X files coming back for a bit,wouldn't it be good if they did a bigfoot one xx

    3. but the batsquatch and Yahoo are all abouts

    4. I was told playing with the bald headed monkey for 48 hrs wasn't possible. Well I did it, so bigfoot is real. My dick hurts though.

    5. Ha ha 1:08 you remind me or this


    6. based on the Devil footprints of England

      Enjoy Eva.

    7. Thanks i'll watch that at the weekend xx

  2. must have been a paid plant
    They wouldn't want people asking for their money back when they pay all that money and not one squatch in sight

  3. we goin hawg huntin heers fer yeers ans usin tham AKs ans 154 grain fer that thar bigfoots


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