Classic Breakdown: Is This A Black Hills Bigfoot Or A Dude?

In this classic breakdown, Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at a video where the person was unsure of what they filmed. They didn't know if it was a bigfoot or just some "dude". They raise the question that if it is a person, why would they be where they are? It seems unlikely. Phil takes a closer look, and it might just be a sasquatch. Or a dude.


  1. Replies
    1. Lol...i don't think the Grays want to clone me,one of me is probably enough :) xx

    2. itbe tham boosh injuns shure is

  2. Reno Replaces American Flag With LGBT Rainbow Flag
    SO no worries : )

  3. Well there is a lion walking around Milwaukee.

  4. I miss Phil's trademark jazzy opening.


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