Watch: Skunk Ape: The Legend of the Florida Everglades

We don't understand the hatred to David Shealy. Is he really that bad of a Bigfoot researcher? Reading the comments on social media, it doesn't seem like he's well liked. Some say he has zero credibility as a researcher, and others say his stories are unbelievable. Watch this famous documentary about Shealy and the Skunk Ape and see if you can tell what people are talking about.


  1. Replies
    1. Yep, maybe it's possible this entire video was filmed with a cell phone its so pixelated. Early in the video it says he's the "top" researcher in the nation. I don't know about making a video and having a narrator add that claim.

      He said he thinks the odor from bigfoot has to do with it living around a lot of swamp gas. Many researchers believe sasquatches, like many primates including man, has an axillery gland located in their arm pits that gives off the odor in stressful situations.

      In most it doesn't smell bad, but male gorillas give off a horribly pungent odor during stressful times, like when fighting or being pursued by a poacher.

      Only about 8% - 10% of encounters involve any kind of smell.

    2. I must confess... I didn't watch the video, I usually get around to it much later, which is why I'm usually late in commenting about them.

      Thanks for the breakdown Dover!! I'm always very much inclined to go long with your opinion.

    3. I rarely find myself in agreement.

    4. ... .Always a first time for everything.

    5. No wonder, you're still stuck on blue bags.

    6. ^^^ Dover hasn`t ever been there for himself but still feels he ought to pass not only comment,but judgement...shut`back to your dingleberry butt service.

    7. Grammar king... Do you honestly think that anyone in their right minds is interested in what you have to day? Is this another core issue of yours, getting someone to listen/read what you have to say by shoving it on others' faces?

      I think you're a very lonely and bitter person.

    8. ^ you clearly are interested enough to`s all getting just too much for you eh,joeboy..ha ha ha ha ha

    9. Nargh! Like I said to you yesterday before you run off with your tail between your legs again, I'm always comfortable throwing crud around here, especially at excuses for existences like you.

      You're showing your scars now darling, and they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but in your case it's simply running out of ideas.

      : )

    10. Don't get in such a tizzy Anon. Take some deep breaths and put a blue plastic bag over your head and lay down for awhile.

    11. ^^ ha ha ha ... you hypocrite fool`re so tied up with you effort to control everything in your useless and benefit boy life that you try to control each and every post here ... ha ha ha

      well,keep trying you hypocrite coward

    12. I agree, the anon troll tries to control every single conversation, and then as always turns the tables on what he does.

    13. I've never heard of David Shealy, yet he's the nation's top researcher?

    14. Four toed Skunk Ape versus a 5 toed Sasquatch? And the cast was weird and skinny. I'm calling bull on this and his self proclamation.

    15. Uno confirmed to be another Joe account

    16. 2:33... Confirmed to be anther greasy stained stalker.

    17. ^ confirmed to be the sole obsessive troll here

    18. By who, someone who thinks everyone on the internet, who is Joe by the way, is congregated on a magic air force base planning to commit cyber attacks on people like you?

      Persecutory delusions are also a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia, which is a 'sub-type' of schizophrenia. Sometimes, people who are given a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia may see themselves as being particularly important in some way, and may believe this is the reason why they are being persecuted. People may be given the less common diagnosis of 'delusional disorder' if they experience persecutory delusions but do not experience hallucinations.
      Anyone who experiences persecutory delusions is likely to withdraw from other people to try to protect themselves, and to avoid situations where they may feel threatened, being reclusive to their basements or as close as possible to their home's desktop computer. They will probably spend a lot of time by themselves, worrying about their fears and especially what they fail to keep under their control, such as theories that threaten their security in society. If someone believes that other people are intent on harming them, they start to interpret actions and events in a way that confirms their beliefs, rather than considering alternative explanations... This can manifest in maintaining people who frequent social sites are in fact blog admins out to attack them and cause unrest and hostility for hidden agendas like traffic.


    19. Dude.

      You must have no life at all. Truly pathetic. Get a girlfriend, Joe. She can go hand in hand with that TKD Black Belt from McDojo.

    20. Oh... And don't you get all upset whenever I talk about my girlfriend? Don't worry Daniel, there's someone out there for us all... Especially for someone who plays ten instruments fluently, right?


    21. How utterly disgusting hearing Joeholi talk about gorilla breast, and categorize them as "interesting". Its beginning to make sense as to why Joe plays both male and female characters on this blog.

    22. This is your life, man. I just can't understand why?

      You continue playing in the mud, child.

    23. You don't find something relevant to an adult debate interesting? No wonder you can't keep up with adults, son.

    24. Daniel... You've never been away sweetheart. If you think people are as stupid as you would love them to be, then think again.

    25. Did you know that in 2013 Joeholi claimed that he worked in the music industry for the past 20 years and yet he also said that he was 31 years old at the time. So according to Joeholi, he started working in the music industry when he was 11 years old! Is he the Welsh Michael Jackson!?

    26. Quote him sweetheart! Anyone can say someone said anything... It's school yard stuff!

      : )

    27. Joe, you are susceptible to believe anything, and clearly have shown yourself to be an obnoxious ass.

      I don't care, dude. Truthfully, you are a much bigger troll than I can ever muster up. I just killed some time over two short lay-off periods some 3 or 4 years ago, you are clinical and in for the long haul.

      I have a life, you know an actual Monday through Friday life where I do real people things. My life doesn't consist of M-F BFE, S-S the Pub.

      You are an obsessive person incapable of change, or decency when it is not in benefit of you in some way.

      I truly wish you could be a normal, honest human being. But you aren't, and cannot.

    28. You take care now Daniel, when you're not dropping the occasional anon comment in as a troll, believe it or not I actually miss our exchanges on the subject matter. If ever you want a fight, you know where to find me.

  2. I believe this video is real...content too.

    1. ^ Wrong yet again...though I confess it is one of the only times I have ever bothered to watch any of the videos here...usually it`s much more fun to just troll straight off the bat.

    2. But that's why you are here isn't it? Fill the large attention gap that's like a gaping wound in your life?

      You're not even a funny troll like most, you're not even remotely clever, like some... Just a sad little nerd who just needs a cuddle.

      : )

    3. ^ ha ha ha ...hark who`s talking you useless piece of`re a two faced nasty sly piece of shite...and we`re gonna spoil your day...ha ha ha...did the pastor not turn up yet ? ...too many lonely nights for you eh,joe ? ...facing the wall in frustration with the fat and miserable wife snoring away beside you ? don`t even bother saying hello when they come in or goodbye when they go out ? ...we KNOW just the kind of idiot you KNOW we KNOW...and I shall not be going anywhere you hypocrite c*cksucker.

    4. we






      hypocrite fool


      is ...

      don`t we ?

      eh,joeboy ?

      ha ha ha ha ha ha ha







      hypocrite fool


      is ...

      don`t we ?

      eh,joeboy ?

      ha ha ha ha ha ha ha







      hypocrite fool


      is ...

      don`t we ?

      eh,joeboy ?

      ha ha ha ha ha ha ha







      hypocrite fool


      is ...

      don`t we ?

      eh,joeboy ?

      ha ha ha ha ha ha ha







      hypocrite fool


      is ...

      don`t we ?

      eh,joeboy ?

      ha ha ha ha ha ha ha







      hypocrite fool


      is ...

      don`t we ?

      eh,joeboy ?

      ha ha ha ha ha ha ha







      hypocrite fool


      is ...

      don`t we ?

      eh,joeboy ?

      ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    5. What on the video do you refer to as real? Its mostly people talking about stuff.

    6. Really, grammar king? You would have to now me, know anything remotely significant about my personality to make accusations of me being two faced? You know nothign about me, you know nothing about anything other than your haory palm and your multiple tabs.

      Who's "we"? You, your desktop and your moma calling you to get to bed, finally after 48 hours straight pulling as yourself? I bet you're such a let down for her... I bet that's all she wants is grand kids and all she gets is this bloated pizza stained oaf who's got more of a connection with computer pieces than human beings, pulling his life away like some gross pervert that's bitter at people on the internet, people who even have the ability to make positive interactions, which is what you fail to even accomplish out of site of your gross, off putting appearance.

      You're wavering darling, and your "we" is you and the two aforementioned... You that won't ever get to touch a woman, let alone approach them positively in the cyber world where you might have a remote chance of something, you disgusting racist woman hater, you.

      : )

    7. ...... here boy , here boy ...

      here`s a bit of cheese for you joeboy ...c`mon out of your hole for a nibble ... no ?

    8. You're running out of ideas grammar king... Not to mention chances at defying your moma who's calling you for bed!

      : )

    9. ^ yet the truth is that you`re here on a site that can prove nothing ... nothing to show for all the years of searching .. nothing at all ... you`re the desperado here ...i am here purely to troll idiots like you and have no interest in whether bigfoot exists or not ... you have everything invested here ...and there nothing to show for it,nothing.

    10. Who's making the claim to prove "Bigfoot"? What I can prove, is there's an unclassified bipedal primate that is twice the size of normal human primates. leaving it's sign in the wilderness of the US. For all these years of searching, we in fact have every single source of evidence short of a modern type specimen. I say "modern" because we have hominid skulls that fit the morphology of Sasquatch, found in places where for thousands of years natives have stated they were where they were found.

      You see stupid people like you like to promote the idea that there is no evidence, because from here you don';t have to look stupid trying to explain it away... Until people like me come along.

      You are here to get your backside whooped, and "you have no interest in the subject" so in a few exchanges when I make you look like a twonk, you don't have to look like you care, eh?

      Ha ha ha ha!!

    11. "i am here purely to troll idiots"... Control, control, control... And you have not one ounce of it. People who have sound social pursuits don't act that way, what a sad little psycho you are, eh?

      Ha ha ha ha!!

    12. ^ oh you do try to wriggle out of it ... but you can`t... for every post here is visible to all and sundry... people know what you are ... an obsessive fool with a compulsion to control...indicative of a person with no actual control of anything very much... hence your need to attempt control over the smallest of joetomi...nibble nibble...ha ha ha ...oh you are funny joe and do make me have a good old chuckle

    13. But I've got you under my control haven't I? Who's wriggling son? I've got you thinking about me every day... And you've avoided that notion because the threads are there, and I'm wriggling? That's some serious control there darling... When you wake up in the morning and you post about me, when I'm away and you post about me... THAT'S CONTROL.

      I've got you good sweetheart, remember for every "nibble comment" you are responding, and it's because I've b-slapped you for too long son.

      : )

    14. oh no joeyboy`re the one responding ... the difference here is that I can leave any time I feel and not have my whole day destroyed with vindictive fantasy thoughts about posters here... you must cruise the threads here for anti-joe posts and desperately try to resolve some ludicrous nonsense that obsesses can`t leave here because you`ve sooooo much invested in a sense of value,albeit false,that you build up in your own`re a nonsense and ineffectual moron...pure and simple....carry on...carry on.

    15. Really? I've got a whole comment section here with you responding like you NEED your s**t to stick, kid... I've got you like the little ***** that you are. You keep forgetting, that I leave here every weekend to go and get my social life under way, whilst you are here worrying about what I'm doing, thinking about me and crying my name like you need people to think that you're a troll (like being a psycho is something to be proud of, exactly), when in fact you're the most scared memory on the Internet.

      Where you going grammar king? Someone with such poor writing skills couldn't possibly have the **** to be calling someone else out on their intelligence? Surely I'm not as clever as you, since I'm waiting for you to respond to my comments regarding the subject matter? When are you going to man up, grow a pair and address the issue of you needing react ion the control I have over you?

      Coward, ha ha ha ha!!

    16. Your GF must be one lazy biatch ... ah but you don't have one, do you?

    17. I'd rather not add to your inferiority complex and answer that.

    18. Where did the coward go? Oh well... I guess we'll see him again next when I use him as an example of control.

      I won't have to wait too long.

      : )

    19. How utterly disgusting hearing Joeholi talk about gorilla breast, and categorize them as "interesting". Its beginning to make sense as to why Joe plays both male and female characters on this blog.

      And to the trolls wanting Joes personal info. He left his email on this blog a while back. Its J O E F I T Z It was also revealed by a troll that he used to post at youtube under G E R A L D F I T Z G E R A L D.

  3. ^ ha ha ha ... look at`re completely out of control in trying to control this whole blog ... you have NO control in any areas of your life I guess,which is just why you get soooooo wound have nothing else in life,eh ? ...the truth joeboy,is that you are sooooo lonely and useless that you need to find comfort in the "etherworld",where everything and nothing is real...try getting out more...though it must be hard when you`ve no money...I can see how you`d be upset.

    1. Truth is,joe...I don`t even bother reading a single one of your posts...I just see that you have made a response and then reply...gets you all just soooooo wound up because you`re a nasty fat hypocrite,aren`t you ? ...and you KNOW does everybody else here

    2. You see, you make no sense kid. You've posted around here so many times that you want to troll everyone away and do this and do that, you regularly attack every regular poster and call them obscenities with a perverse level of weird obsessive behaviour, than outlines your deep issues... And I want to control the blog? Every single last one of your "ideas" and insults as what to approach me with have been thrown down the basement steps at you, even on this very comment section, you are stupid to devise your own crud which is all you were put on this planet for, you are as creative as a pair of your stained shorts.

      Wound up? Darling, I was throwing crud around here when you were still going through your BBW addiction meltdown. No money? Darling... My conservatory is bigger than your house. Just ask that Biscardi Bi*ch Haints.

      : )

    3. ^ did you not read the above ?

      it is possible you didn`t as I never read a single [post of yours... i just reply to you... you nobody with no control over any areas of your useless and wasted life... all those opportunities denied you eh joeyboy ? ...and now you`re going to "make `em all see" eh ? ...but you`re the tyoe that really wants to "make `em pay" ...aren`t you ?

      ha ha ha ...truth hurts you eh ?

    4. here boy ... here boy ...

    5. Sorry grammar king... You stupid boy, your posts follow mine like the little cyber stalker you are, imitating every last insult that gets thrown your way because you have the creative efficiencies of a dead rat.

      Like I said little darling, my conservatory's bigger than your house... When I sleep at night I sleep well, I don't think of you, I don't think of posting a comment about you at the first opportunity or the following day here... You on the other think of me all day every day... You think of me when I don't post and you think of me when I'm away with the lads on a weekend.

      I've got you kid, I've got you thinking of me when you wake up and before you go to bed and there are threads and threads that attest to it. I've got you like the screamingly desperate little pervert nerd you are, and I frickin love it.

      : )

    6. ^ from the "man with no control"...ha ha ha ... gettin` to ya` eh ?

      ha ha ha ha ha

    7. I've got you controlled kid... You'll be thinking of me later, and you'll be thinking of me tomorrow.

      Things are pretty OK in my life that I don't have to ficus on other people on the internet that I've never met, ha ha ha!! Ever heard "actions speak louder... "

      : p

    8. Grrrr grrrr grrrr ... is that how it sounds for you joe ?

      ....round and round and round in your head eh ? ... cos nobody listens to ya` huh ? .... never mind , is tough eh ?

    9. You listen to me sweetheart, you've listened so much that you now have to think of me every day...

      I've got you could rat boy.

    10. How utterly disgusting hearing Joeholi talk about gorilla breast, and categorize them as "interesting". Its beginning to make sense as to why Joe plays both male and female characters on this blog.

      And to the trolls wanting Joes personal info. He left his email on this blog a while back. Its J O E F I T Z It was also revealed by a troll that he used to post at youtube under G E R A L D F I T Z G E R A L D.

  4. ... maybe you`ll find time to answer after you`ve collected all the trolleys from the car park.

    1. What's the matter rat boy... You at the limits of your creativity? Go and scan over some of the b-slaps you've been given of late... That might help.

    2. here boy ... nibble nibble...ha ha ha complete and ineffectual idiot...sooooo useless he just HAS to desperately try to control EVERY single are lacking in so many areas of control in your REAL life that you despairingly resort to the "joeyboy real world" of the internet...because you have NO control ... eh ? useless fool.

      ha ha ha ... i am having a real belly laugh

    3. It's called tuning your brain a little... It's called giving you an extra level of meltdown kid... I'll happily follow you round making you hate me that little bit more. I've got YOU controlled kid. I've got you thinking of me when I'm not around... I've got you needing my attention when I'm away... I've got YOU controlled kid, or should I say RAT BOY. He, he, he...

      : )

    4. ^ from the "man with no control"

      .... here boy ... here boy...ha ha ha

      s`all getting to ya` eh ?

    5. I've got you controlled sweetheart... I'll be reminding you of that when I wake up tomorrow with the links to every thread I've got you crying about me, ha ha ha!!

    6. ^ the obsessive fantasising about his control...but has zero control of anything in life ... life can be tough eh ?

    7. I've got control of you at least my little rat boy, grammar king... At least I've got you, eh?

    8. How utterly disgusting hearing Joeholi talk about gorilla breast, and categorize them as "interesting". Its beginning to make sense as to why Joe plays both male and female characters on this blog.

      And to the trolls wanting Joes personal info. He left his email on this blog a while back. Its J O E F I T Z It was also revealed by a troll that he used to post at youtube under G E R A L D F I T Z G E R A L D.

  5. "You want me to wear these ridiculous comedy breasts? No one will think this is real, we will be laughed at!" - Bob H

    "Don't worry these footers will literally believe anything" - Roger

    1. I wish you could be as creative with having supporting data, as you are with your imaginative "comedy breasts" scenario.

      You didn't have "footers" in 1967, and you certainly didn't have magic, proportion altering, decades ahead SFX defying monkey suits with breasts attached to them.

      Got monkey suit?

    2. ^ you have ... at home in pride of place position ... yet hidden away in case people laugh at you ...but why bother ? ... you have no visitors to you hovel aside from the Social Workers and nightly pastor`s "prayers"...keep hitchin` that skirt.

    3. "Son! I've told you ten times! Put yourself away and get to bed!! You've been 48 hours straight and it stinks in there... I'm not administering that thrush cream again, get in that shower before bed!!"

    4. ^ you`ve nothing to offer any more eh ?

      just a desperate attempt to try to control the blog ... bites every time .... ha ha ha ... you prove you have nothing to your life but a fairy tale belief of a thing that has no substance ...desperately longing for the day bigfoot is revealed as a real creature in order to vindicate your unstable mental faculty...only then will your be able to look yourself in the mirror eh ?

      Life is tough eh joe ?

    5. Biting? Darling.. You've been told right though this comment section, if you want to do this aaaaaaaaaaaaaall day, I've got the time for you. I've got nothing in my life for the next few hours for sure, that I can give you all the cyber attention you need before you comply with your moma's wishes. How's this, how about you try and show me that the physical and biological sign for a creature that is not supposed to exist, isn't there, eh? How about I give you a little homework and you come back and I'll beat you down again like the little nerd you are... Here goes...

      Science is founded on the premise that we exist in a rational reality and from this premise it follows that every scientific belief can and should be based on
      evidence, otherwise it is not science. To be completely clear as to what is science it can be defined in one simple sentence; science is the unbiased effort to understand reality based on the observable physical evidence. When you have a long line of highly qualified forensic scientists around the world verifying the dermals of a unclassified bipedal primate in the US, then you have the same procedure respected to which the output of any peer review process adheres to.

      "There is a prominent view in epistemology (the study of knowledge) that “belief” and “evidence” go hand-in-hand. They say that evidence provides the support for belief, and that without evidence, there is no good reason to have a belief. In philosophy, this perspective is called “evidentialism” – the view that a belief is only rational if it is well-supported by evidence."

    6. bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.......bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...

    7. What's the matter rat boy... You need a hand with that, like your grammar?

      "Son! I'm not telling you again, get in that shower, it stinks of gone off cheese in there!!"

    8. bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.......bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...

      bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.......bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...

      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´

    9. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Meltdown achieved people!!!!

    10. ^ well smoked joetomi ... you`ve been kippered good and proper ... and I for one,am laughing my head off ... areal gutsy belly laugh at your expense...ahahaha

      great stuff the hand guy poster ... i have laughed a real belly laugh ... the only thing missing is joe`s penis but i guess he`ll remedy that later on within the confines of his bedroom

    11. You don't seem like you're laughing rat boy... And I'm still waiting on a response to the post about the subject matter that I'm so good in making you look like a twat about... The root of all your little angwy obsessions.

      : (

      I guess middle fingers are your level, ha ha ha!!

    12. How utterly disgusting hearing Joeholi talk about gorilla breast, and categorize them as "interesting". Its beginning to make sense as to why Joe plays both male and female characters on this blog.

      And to the trolls wanting Joes personal info. He left his email on this blog a while back. Its J O E F I T Z It was also revealed by a troll that he used to post at youtube under G E R A L D F I T Z G E R A L D.

  6. Joeboy ... the imbecile sustained by a fantasy.

    1. bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.......bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...

      bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.......bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....bla bla bla bla bla bla...

      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´

    2. The only "fantasy" is by you wondering how someone could be remotely close to you when you turn off the lights at night.

    3. WOW 3:32!!!! Are we at the brink of your purpose in life?

    4. Lol 3:32 just pwned Joe big time

    5. Wow... I've really been put in my place, what will I do?

    6. Yes, Joeholi was destroyed yet again. For your next account Joe, you should make a drag queen tranny. You and Eva can even fight it out.


    7. Hey coward, how's about you posting your name with that filth? You're big and tough and "just don't care", right?

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Eva, just to let you know, that's not the real FFS.

    10. Thanks Iktomi,sorry FFS the lying bad troll up to dirty tricks again xx

  7. One of these must be true:

    1. Bigfoot exists
    2. Bigfoot does not exist

    With no evidence to support the first statement, despite the overwhelming effort to prove it for decades, statement two remains the only logical statement and is the default position that should be held by everyone.

    It ain't rocket science folks.

    1. With evidence that consists of physical, biological, audio, photographic evidence, stopping short of a modern type specimen that we in fact have anthropological studies that show that this is at least attainable (requiring sourcing) that it is at least scientifically feasible that in line with the opinion of the very best conversationalists, primatologists and wildlife biologists on the planet, that the bipedal primate/hominid commonly known as Sasquatch may well reside in relation to the cultural and contemporary reports that span ten thousand years, jumping cultures and ethnicities.

      In reflecting on the evidence that denialists claim isn't there, it is in fact more scientifically illogical to maintain that there is nothing to this data, than it is to at least entertain the idea that something is going on, which any true sceptic, impartial of passing any judgement would come to realise.

      Thank you, I always like helping people with common sense. It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.

    2. "stopping short of a modern type specimen"

      That's the only thing that counts unfortunately for you.

    3. Unfortunately for you, it doesn't make the frequency of data go away, that very much points to a real biological entity leaving it.

      Go get busy and find someone else's argument about it, quick!

    4. Frequency does not help you.

      1000000000 * 0 = 0

    5. It does when it concerns data that you don't have the intelligence to counter.

      Self score that, this time in damage, you stupid nerd.

      : )

    6. What data can not be countered?

      Dmaker has already countered the lot.

    7. Has he? Doesn't he need a moderated forum to do that?


    8. The data in the evidence, physical, biological, audio, photographic, that points to a yet to be classified bipedal primate leaving it.

    9. Physical? None.

      Biological? None.

      Audio? Can never rule out another animal/human

      Photographic? Nothing unambiguous

      That points to f*ck all old chap

    10. Physical; forensically verified dermals.

      Biological; multiple hair samples with uniform morphology accumulated from sightings with supporting physical evidence from the same occurrence.

      Audio;published in fact. Manlike Monsters on Trial by the University of Wyoming, where it was concluded that one of the sounds were primate in origin but exceeded the audible ranges of normal human primates.

      Photographic; the PGF, a piece of footage presented as evidence by a former advisor to the UN and wildlife biologist, a world authority on evolutionary bipedalism and anthropologist, a very prominent primatologist and a pioneering plastic surgeon... That's waiting to be tested (got monkey suit?)

      All points means you look a little stupid, old bean.

    11. Dermals, artifact of casting process proven and repeated by a guy from isf

      Biological, again nothing that proves an 8 foot ape. If you have the evidence publish it and blow the world away. That fact that it hasn't been is a very telling factor.

      Audio, some retarded martial arts audio sped up that some moron latched on to and pwned the whole community with - see Joe rogans interview with the guy for a good laugh

      Pgf, bloke in a suit, confirmed by confession and multiple scientists and Hollywood effects artists who agree its a hoax (combined with zero matching specimens obviously)

      All points means zero bigfoots, the main one being, you know, that there are zero bigfoots.

    12. Dermals cannot be a casting artifect because they show species traits that transcend States and decades apart... Half way down this page;
      ... Dermals in the impression. And half way down here;
      ... A comparison of casting artifacts and actual dermals. Artificial desiccation has it's own uniform style that does not match one school of alleged Sasquatch traits. My emphasis of dermal ridges is on the morphology of the three Elk Wallow track casts, which show the greatest detail, especially in terms of the pattern of dermal ridges that was OBSERVED IN THE ACTUAL TRACKS, and that has been preserved in parts of the plaster casts.

      Biological; nothing that proves an 8 foot ape, but one that proves an unclassified primate, verified by multiple camps of primatologists, sourced from a sighting by government employees where tracks were also attained. When you have two sources of evidence that point to the same phenomena, this case an unclassified primate, then you use Occam's razor to determine that there is an unclassified primate residing in the US leaving it's sign. Let me know if you want the details of this referenced.

      Audio, the language though important, is irrelevant to the published study. The facts remain that the audio was of an unknown primate, who's vocals transcend that of known human primates. Joe Rogan, a failed actor and shoddy comedian/UFC commentator trying to underdtand cryptolinguistics was as funny this end as it was yours.

      PFG; A "confirmed confession by a guy who's lie detector's show was shown to be fraudulent, with a refusal to peer review the results of the test, mutiple Hollywood SFX people who have jobs to look after in the limelight (of course they're gonna say it was easy to make, they don't want to look incompetent) and can't for one of them reference a fur cloth technique of any era to show how the organic looking tissue was made... Whilst we have anthropological papers showing skulls that have morphological traits of Sasquatch AND there being nothing in scientific theory that states that a specimen is required to confirm footage as being real... Purely because you may merely have documented it but not caught it yet.

      All points point to an unknown bipedal primate leaving it's sign in the wilderness of the US. Glad I could help.

    13. When someone owns up to a practical joke you say fair play and move on with your life. Not footers though.

    14. Ten thousand years of practical, culture hopping joke playing right? From a time when natives had no idea what an ape looked like?

      Keep up the logic my friend! I know how you people love it so much.

    15. Also... Desiccation covers the entire cast, whereas dermals don't. That's because as the foot falls on the ground of the wilderness floor, it comes into contact with leaves and sticks that prevent the dermals being impressed into the earth entirely.

      It's when you consult experts, not twonks from ISF, that you come to a little more common sense in the end.

  8. "My mums conservatory is bigger than your house" - Joe F

    1. My mum lives up the road... Happy to do my washing too if need be, I have to admit that's an area in my life I need to sort out.


    2. Your GF must be one lazy biatch ... ah but you don't have one, do you?

    3. Like I said chump... I'd rather not add to your inferiority complex and answer that.

    4. .. "my washing" not "our washing"...ahaha,slip up their joetomi

    5. Sometimes a man's gotta pretend he's done his own washing... You know what I mean?

    6. bullshit ... joetomi caught in another lie. no wife no gf no life

    7. I'll be sure to let her know that when I'm jumping in bed tonight.

      What's the matter nerd, the thought of someone who frequents a blog as much as you having a girlfriend perturb you?

    8. .. "my washing" not "our washing"...ahaha,slip up their joetomi

    9. Like I implied darling... Sometimes a girlfriend can't do all a man's shorts.

      But hey... I don't want to contribute any more to that inferiority complex now. Pro tip... Go get a massage, you might feel a little better about the idea.

    10. .. "my washing" not "our washing"...ahaha,slip up their joetomi

      bullshit ... joetomi caught in another lie. no wife no gf no life

    11. Awh, are you lonely? I can tell you this now for nothing... Nothing beats the cuddle of a lovely woman who thinks the world you at the end of the day, pal... Regardless of my laundry inabilities, I don't mean to rub salt in the wounds.

      : )

    12. ... It all makes sense,ahahaa

      One of the funniest things to ever show up on bigfoot evidence, was when joe lktomi made up a new female account named Abholi. Joe/lktomi then proceeded to compliment his made up abholi account under his regular joe/lktomi account. And that historic compliment was "nice hair".

      .. "my washing" not "our washing"...ahaha,slip up their joetomi

      bullshit ... joetomi caught in another lie. no wife no gf no life


      Hi there Joerg, I just thought that I'd let you know that the source of the fake photo from your Abohli Fala account has been found.

      The photo is of someone named Iris Padilla and Joerg is using her photo to pretend to be someone else. I will be notifying Ms. Padilla to let her know that you are stealing her identity and pretending to be her.

      One of the funniest things to ever show up on bigfoot evidence, was when joe lktomi made up a new female account named Abholi. Joe/lktomi then proceeded to compliment his made up abholi account under his regular joe/lktomi account. And that historic compliment was "nice hair".

      Then Dmaker and DC came in, amongst many other anon trolls, and called joe/lktomi out for posting as a girl and then complimenting himself. When joe/lktomi first made up abholi, she used perfect english in joe's signature style of penmanship. Then after he was called out and embarassed for posting as a girl and complimenting himself, he changed his strategy.

      He then came back shortly thereafter and suddenly abholi no longer spoke fluent english. Now she spoke in broken english, as if she was unfamiliar with the language. Joe tried to disguise his newest female account, but it was too late. Everyone knew.

      Then the story gets even more pathetic. Joe/lktomi then used the abholi account to state that he was a government worker who was researching bigfoot and helping to keep bigfoot secret by spreading dissinformation. And that his work was highly classified. Again, he was instantly called out for the lies, and for posting as a female.

      This is the biggest spectacle that has ever occured here in my opinion. I mean you cant make this stuff up folks!!!

    14. Yes, yes, yes, yes... We've all read it a million times, you silly little troll. Here's where the doozy comes;

      Prove it.

      Prove that I am at least one other poster around here, let alone Abohli. What do you have as evidence of this? Your delusion, doesn't count kid.

      Like I said... A woman's touch at the end of the day might be something totally outside your immediate experiences, but at least you can go and pay for it somewhere. Make sure you TRY and clean yourself up before going though, you don't want to put the poor soul through that rotten cheese smell any longer than she has to.

    15. I know who the rat boy troll is

      It's DC

    16. To much of a deadbeat t start his own blog. Now he's trying to tear down Sean's

    17. Well I really wouldn't put it past him... He was the main catalyst for the last load of nonsense where people were stealing avatars, he's on record around here for claiming he's able to disguise his writing and be perceived as a couple of different people too. Anyone ever notice that he's "stopped posting" since the Sykes thing hit home, and the trolling increased? And we have Dmaker, who's always in anon mode also.

      You see 5:55, there's really not much difference between my writing and Dmaker's... Have you ever stopped to think why Dmaker has been "verified"? How funny would that be if me and Dmaker were the same troll having you on all this time.

      : )

    18. ^ No work today,again, eh ?

    19. It's called multitasking sweetheart... Takes practice but works wonders once you crack it. Usually woman are the better gender at it, but occasionally a young chap like me springs up.

    20. it's called bullshit you unemployed bum

    21. Sweetheart, I'm just lucky that I'm able to make a buck and expand your mind at the same time. Don't complain, someone's gotta baby sit you.

    22. Buck's correct on your knees you racist unemployed bum

    23. Proof that rat boy troll is DC or Dmaker. They could be one in the same. Rat boy praised them at 5:55. He has no respect for anybody.

      Joe has driven him off he deep end. Great work
      Case solved

    24. 7:13... Quote me sweetheart, it's a sure sign of that **** getting old when people who don't agree with me in the slightest on the topic of this blog, should think you're a total twat.

    25. touched a nerve eh? you racist unemployed bum

    26. Post a quote sweetheart, post an instance where I've been racist... It's really quite simple. I've cheesed off many a poster in my time... But never both mine AND the other theory group.

      You might want to find a friend, loser.

    27. He has multiple personalities iktomi. He's never lonely

    28. touched a nerve eh? you racist, sad, single unemployed bum

    29. 7:45... Yet you can't prove a single one of these alleged personalities... How sad for you.

      7:49... Quote me sweetheart, or are you just another weirdo troll at the end of his creativity?

    30. ^^. Copy and paste. The trademark of a deadbeat. To lazy to type, to lazy to maintain a blog. I always found it amazing that when DC gave the excuse that his computer was broke that he could still post on this blog. All BS

    31. No Iktomi. I meant that DC has multiple personas, not you

  9. T-FATS is going to get his panties in a bunch again. You didn't consult with him first

  10. So idiots believe that bigfoot is real as long as the monkey suit is never found?

    Very scientific!

    1. Uh, uh, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh... How does one test the premise that a subject in a piece of footage is organic tissue?

      That's right sweetheart. Science needs to be tested, not put aside because your ideas can't be supported... That's a suppression of evidence fallacy. And should you fail in that, then the premise put forward by qualified scientific opinion the the subject is organic stands. Now that doesn't prove that Sasquatch is real at present, because the subject in the footage may have died out, may have been the last of it's kind... But considering physical and biological evidence has been accumulated since 1967, not to mention innumerable sightings reports... It at least makes your job a little more difficult in trying to explain things way.

    2. nuts, my atomizer for my clearo has just packed up.

    3. I'll use the hot plate of the cooker and a straw

    4. 8:20 Today,the antics of joetomi at this blogsite has proven what a useless unemployed (and unemployable) moron he is...yet another useless day under his expanded to the last hole belt...he`s a benefit boy and has no income other than what the taxpayer is life on £60 per week ?

      Life is tough,eh ?

    5. Hey, coward's back... And look how much control I have over his mind... BEAUTIFUL!!

    6. ^ keep dreaming you fat benefit boy...another wasted day of useless slob talk at the blogsite,eh ?

      I bet you`re kids are really impressed with what you`ve shown them eh ?

      Ha ha ha ...I bet you`re kids are as utterly useless as you...another British Benefit Family of slobs...ha ha ha ha ha

    7. Hey rat boy, did you get around to explaining away your controlled participation to this place? Did you ever get around to having more than three hours sleep before waking and thinking of me again?


  11. Bigfooters: Over 60 years of foolishness,

    Here's to another 60 years of childish make believe!

    1. Bigfooters are the go-to fools on news reports when they want to show a light-hearted foolish fluff story.

      They, however, now want you to think of them as scientists. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!

    2. Hey chumps, how about you find a scientist to explain away the evidence should be easy right?

      Make believe doesn't leave biological and physical, I would use it however to try and conjure up an excuse as to why ten thousand years of cultural and contemporary reports can somehow manifest into those avenues of evidence, all measurable by consistent science.

      That's unless you think that for all that time, there has been a conspiracy of gorilla suit wearing, culture hopping evil doers, all out to steal your money?


    3. Are you not listening? Hoaxers leave "evidence".
      Bigfoot doesn't exist in science or in reality.

      As far as "witnesses", witnesses see ghosts, chupracabras, ufos all the time. Doesn't make it real.

    4. Joe "It's Real to Me!" Iktomi

    5. Please email: and ask if there is any evidence that bigfoot exists.

    6. 9:26... Is on Jeffrey Meldrum's editorial board for his Relict Hominid Inquiry... Yes.


    7. Ask the question oops! Being part of something doesn't mean you accept, but could be present as a sceptic to validate evidence.

      Please email: and ask if there is any evidence that bigfoot exists.

    8. 9:30 are you saying that Todd Disotell believes there is or is not evidence for bigfoot?

      Disotell always seemed to look down his nose at all the contestants on 10MBounty. Plus, no legit evidence was found on the program.

    9. (;28... I'm listening to anything, I'm reading in fact, and when yo have hoaxers allegedly leaving dermals, then it's a leap of faith to assume that these can be in line with species traits, decades and States apart... Especially when they're good enough to fool a long line of forensic experts world wide. It's ok, I cause many to grasp at straws, you're in good company. Science is measurable by it's effects on physical reality, dear boy... And physical evidence of a bipedal primate that is twice the size of normal human primates is probably as bad as it gets for your self esteem at this time.

      Witnesses are what much of the judiciary system is reliant on,as well as the physical evidence to support their cases... You dig?

    10. 9:37... So tell me this darling, why doesn't Disotell challenge the papers in that journal? His interest is cryptozoology, and he makes more money off it than you care to admit, dear boy.

    11. Why don't you ask him 9:38

      Please email: and ask if there is any evidence that bigfoot exists.

    12. so it is about money and not the truth is that what you are saying Joetomi?

      Why don't you ask him

      Please email: and ask if there is any evidence that bigfoot exists.

    13. 9;42... I don't need to ask him anything, he's a footer no bigger than any one of us enthusiasts, and a part of Meldrum's editorial board to boot. Why don't you email him with the stuff I endorse as evidence, you look like you could do with someone else's argument.

      : )

    14. It's all a game to you. You know it doesn't exist. It's sporty to play scientist with "all" this "evidence".

      You have nothing and that won't change. There is no bigfoot.

    15. Come on sweetheart, why don';t you use that email and show me there's nothing to all this? The only thing that doesn't exist are a pair of ***** between those legs, and a brain between those ears.

      Ha ha ha ha ha!!

    16. joetomi is too cowardly to take up the challenge and email as he doesn't want to hear the truth. I don't need to email I know the truth, nor would I waste his time with an asinine question.

      Heres a bet and I will stop trolling, post his reply and if he says there is I will vanish. But you will not.

    17. Why do I need to email him, what type of stupid request is that? I have no concerns that I require to be addressed by him...

      You on the other hand need an argument don't you? That's what you need, to support your "version" of the "truth", you stupid boy.

    18. Guy that keeps saying to email disotell:

      Why don't you do it and post the answer here. If you've already done it post the answer here. Quit playing games.

      I do not think that Disotell actual believes in bigfoot but that is my opinion. Post what he actually believes. Quit playing BS games.

    19. You state he is on Meldrums editorial board, and appear to be using that as he believes @ 9:47

      You won't email as you know he is a sceptic and there is no evidence. So would look like a bigger fool that we all know you are.

    20. It really doesn't matter what Disotell thinks other than to embarrass bigfooters if Disotell says its all BS publicly.

      I don't need Disotell to inform me that Bigfoot or chupacabras are not real.

    21. Magazine Editorial Boards -
      "Editorial boards meet on a regular basis to discuss the latest news and opinion trends and discuss what the medium should say on a range of issues. The editorial board is a group of people, usually at a publication, who dictate the tone and direction the publication's editorial policy will take. Book and magazine publishers will often use their editorial boards to review or select manuscripts or articles, and sometimes to check facts."

      Journal Editorial Boards -
      "Editors have to be careful to select reviewers who have sufficient subject matter expertise to do justice to the manuscript. Therefore, highly technical papers or papers from niche subject areas may take longer to review, because it may take editors some time to locate appropriate reviewers. The journal editor or editorial board considers the feedback provided by the peer reviewers and arrives at a decision."

      Why hasn't he challenged the papers in that journal kid? He's made more money off Bigfoot than you can imagine, and there are PLENTY of scientists out there dubious of the evidence but are still open to the idea and find it worthy of further investigation.

    22. 10:05... You need him to find an argument against the evidence I reference, get busy kid... AT this rate you might be able to pretend you have your very own argument for once!

    23. Being worthy of further investigation and having concrete proof which is the point you are missing appears lost on you.

      Disotell is being paid whatever happens as a sceptic and validating evidence which there is none. So again I will ask.

      Please email: and ask if there is any evidence that bigfoot exists.

    24. Ok, so Joe looks foolish. Now what? It doesn't matter how many scientist refute the bigfoot nonsense. Most of humanity doesn't believe in it. Its just amazing from a cultural, sociological, and psychological standpoint that in this point in time anyone could still believe in tall hairy men. We laugh at people having believed in werewolves but will still have people alive today that believe in bigfoot,

    25. QUOTE: "Disotell is being paid whatever happens as a sceptic and validating evidence which there is none."

      What kind of sentence structure is this? That makes no sense. Is English your first language?

      I'm a skeptic but you can't write and sound stupid.l

    26. @ 9:54 above joetomi wrote

      It's when you consult experts, not twonks from ISF, that you come to a little more common sense in the end.

      All I am asking is to consult and ask an expert. These above words are his so practice what you preach and

      Please email: and ask if there is any evidence that bigfoot exists.

    27. 10:13... A lack of proof does not amount to a lack of evidence, and your comment means little when we in fact have proof of a bipedal primate... And as long as there's that, then proof could be around the corner. Again, go contact your source regarding that's you look like you need a hand in countering forensic evidence, dear boy. You need an argument and a means to support your vomit that there is no evidence; not me.

      10:16... Your logic; "The evidence is not there because scientists who have not studied it say it isn't... Also the evidence does not exist because Sasquatch doesn't exist (circular logic, not a trait of the overly intelligent)"

      ... And I look foolish? Go get your contact to prove me wrong on the evidence son, you could even claim it's your own argument, heaven knows you need one as opposed to just using circular logic and ad hominem.

    28. Its all a game to you but none of this "evidence" will make the imaginary exist.

    29. 9:34 Daniel Campbell

      You are an obsessive person incapable of change, or decency when it is not in benefit of you in some way.

      I truly wish you could be a normal, honest human being. But you aren't, and cannot.

      no truer words have ever been spoken about joetomi.

    30. Listen to the podcast "Monster Talk", Disotel has been a guest several times. His views on Bigfoot are very plain, he finds it interesting, but hasn't seen any persuasive evidence. He is happy to continue testing samples, but hasn't found one that indicates a species unknown to science.

    31. That's because Sasquatch share our DNA... If Disotell has an opinion on the evidence I've referenced on this thread, then it should be very, very easy to source that in countering what I've posted.

      All the while Disotell makes his dollar, and gets affiliated with the best names in relict hominid research.

    32. You jerks. It's real to Joe all that's all that matters.

    33. Breaking news. Joe has mapped out the DNA of a mythical creature and informs us that it shares DNA with humans. The loonies are retreating. First it was gigantopithicus, not it's human-ish, pretty soon it will be human.

  12. Unemployed autistic child molesting bum. Thaaaaaaats Iky!

    1. Let's stick to what we know or can prove.

      Joe's a fool but that's libelous.

    2. Joe has DC completely melted down
      Wow, just wow


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