Tracking The Corkscrew Giants

If you want to find bigfoot, sometimes all you have to do is follow the signs.

Something Hairy In The Shadows writes:

After visiting the dam 2 times on Saturday and once on Sunday to look the area over for tracks along the highways where they most likely would cross, I did discover that the tracks from the cave area all head Northwest towards the Wellpinit Reservation. Just north of Corkscrew Rd. I found where they are crossing south of Ford, Washington. Several tracks can be found on Corkscrew Canyon Rd. at both ends. The area is littered with new settlements and Squatch prints can be seen all over the dirt roads and trails in the area.The Native Spokane Indians were not kidding when they said Giants lived west of Spokane, Washington. I am 100% sure that this area is Sasquatch habitat-not to mention both of my girls saw one March 1st on the road. . The area seems to be littered with Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Hairy signs linked to businesses, property names, etc. to date I am 15-4 for asking random people if they saw a Sasquatch. 15 yes-4 no. This video explores the views and I film a crossing area where I am certain that the Corkscrew Canyon giants cross the highway.


  1. Next time leave the corkscrew at home.

  2. Replies
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    2. Are you autistic ^

      I ask as you exhibit all the signs

    3. ^^ Did penis guy have to pick out all the sushi like me?

    4. ^ My,I bet you found that great fun.

      Didn`t you,Mr Autistic...?

    5. Why can't ya'll post smart stuff like me ?


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