This Swan Song Of The Skunk Ape: Teaser Is Brilliant!

Director Brad Abrahams just posted a trailer for an upcoming documentary short about the Skunk Ape. It's a more artistic and atmospheric telling of it's story. A 10 minute cut will be released in a couple weeks. Watch it below:

Swan Song Of The Skunk Ape: Teaser from Brad Abrahams on Vimeo.

“It exists…”
Maybe. A teaser for a short documentary-in-progess about a mysterious creature said to live in deep in the Florida Everglades. At over 1.5 million acres, the 'Glades are the largest wilderness area east of the Mississippi, with thousands of acres untouched by man. If indeed something this strange could exist, it would surely be here. Coming very soon. Produced by Curator Pictures.
Director & Editor: Brad Abrahams
Producer: Matthew Ralston
Exec. Producer: Nate Barr
Director of Photography: Trevor Fife
Color and Titles: Jeremy Stuart
Score: Danny Wolfers
With: Betty Osceola, Dave Shealy, Lucky Cole
Scott Marlowe, Cliff Weeks, & Ted Riggs
A Curator Pictures Film


  1. Replies
    1. No monkeys, just rather large hairy hominids.

      Message to Andy White! Message to Andy White! The fundamental point of your article in fact supports mine;

      Sasquatch are human, go check out some Harvey Pratt forensic sketches... I'll use your article to support my stance in due course, thanks for the pointers. Oh! And I would expect an anthropologist to know the average height of a Native American (5.5 feet) of the day that the skull would have been attached to a living person.

      : )

    2. LOL look at the fool trying to save face once again. Sad little man is obviously still embarrassed aren't you bitch boy? Quit being a whiny little hater and just fess up Andy White destroyed your theory.
      "Oh! And I would expect an anthropologist to know the average height of a Native American (5.5 feet) of the day that the skull would have been attached to a living person." Seriously, what the hell do you drink for recreation? Paint thinner? How is it physically possible for you to be this stupid and still be alive?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Wow! Such an angry boy, aren't you? Here's something, very, very obvious about to come your way. There's about to be a study published that shows that Yet share our exact modern DNA... Would that be possible if Yeti (Sasquatch, etc) weren't merely archaic versions of us? Oh... And if you actually took the time to read Andy's work, you'll know that be struggles finding a comparison on the occipital bun.

      Sorry! I only went and gave tog another meltdown.


    5. You really went overboard on the comment you removed. It was scary.

    6. Ha! I in fact removed an element of the skull's morphology that I am going to get a second opinion on before posting.

    7. Bigfoot is now human. Talk about a retreat.

      We accept your surrender.

    8. I think you will find that for the past three years, I have always maintained that Sasquatch are human. I'm sorry that your fairy tail monkey version that you would prefer everyone adhere to, didn't work out for you.

    9. Happy, happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween. Happy, happy Halloween, Silver Shamrock!

    10. Do you think the PGF is authentic? Do you think Patty looks human?

    11. So any evidence left by a human being is now evidence of bigfoot!? Talk about circular reasoning! What about all that discussion of bigfoot skull morphology being distinct from humans skulls that you went on about for years? I guess we are now supposed to ignore all of that claptrap. -- thanks for the update!

    12. Pull the hair of the darling and she looks exactly that;

    13. 9:01... Would you like to quote me on the skulls of Sasquatch being drastically distinct from modern humans? Sasquatch are an archaic version of human. This without doubt takes enthusiasts into frustrating territory in classification, but that's precisely how the natives have seen it for thousands of years, with reports suggesting a large archaic human.

    14. Oh, and 9:01... I think you need to better understand the idea of circular reasoning. Sasquatch does not exist in my eyes because it is an ancient type of human (which isn't even circular reasoning), it exists based on the level of evidence.

    15. Yes, you cited that 1967 study ad nauseum as evidence of a clearly differing skull morphology showing relict hominid features and you claimed that we were avoiding the study "like the plague" -- or have you conveniently forgotten? You even declared that you had "obliterated" Andy White!

      Now that the findings in the 1967 study have been shown to be completely modern human by someone with a Ph.D in anthropology, you now maintain that bigfoot is even more human! Tell us again how the findings in the 1967 study show a distinct species!

    16. I am in no denial that I listed those traits, but it doesn't take Einstein to point out that it's still a human archaic skull?


      Have you read the actual article? Andy White states himself that the skull has morphology akin to ancient prehistoric people?


      Please bro... Do a little reading first, you're embarrassing yourself.

    17. It appears that you require a little lesson on the settlement of North America by natives. Modern humans emerged in Africa about 200,000 years ago. The earliest that humans arrived in America via the land bridge (locatedy on what is now the Bering Sea) was about 40,000 years ago -- so all of the humans who were part of that migration were modern Homo Sapiens and not "archaic humans" as you understand the term.

      The skulls found in Nevada are "archaic" in the sense that they are old and predate the modern tribes which reside in the area -- native populations regularly dispersed throughout the Americas. But they are still "modern human" in an anthropological sense -- did you not notice how the Humboldt skull matched Brock Lesnar's skull perfectly?

    18. It appears that you need a lesson in modern anthropology, darling; some Native tribes insist that they have in fact inhabited "Turtle Island" for 50,000 years. Some studies would point to there being significant credence in that;

      ... Like all science, it self corrects and evolves based on the emerging evidence. You'll notice that the settlement site in that link predates your timeline by 10,000 years. Also... I would actually listen to the anthropologist Andy White, who states very clearly that he struggles to find an example of an occipital bun that is found in that skull (this is the same in Cro-Magnon, Neanderthals and Paleo peoples) and states that the features are akin to prehistoric people (Cro-Magnon or in this instance the American version; Otamid). Learn to read properly.

      And yes... I'm sure if you put that skull over be photogprah of many people who still have the facial tissue still attached, it would match a large amount of people.

    19. Cromagnon is classified as modern human and there is no evidence (outside of fringe circles I suppose) that Neanderthals migrated to America. 40,000 years represents a presumptive date and no one knows for sure, although 50,000 years would still be well before the emergence of modern humans. I am interested in the Turtle Island study though, but I fail to see how it relates to bigfoot.

    20. Modern human with ancient, archaic features; yes.

    21. ... Which is not too different from ancient human with modern human DNA.

    22. Archaic features like those of Brock Lesnar.

    23. All this "science" talk.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

      Still no bigfoot.

    24. Another issue that you did not address was that your now revised claim of bigfoot being a "modern human with archaic features" (whatever that means) directly conflicts with most accounts of bigfoot having a "sagittal crest." (including your beloved PGF). So I guess you have to throw all of that "evidence" in the garbage.

    25. Excuse me... What "issue" have I not addressed exactly? There are innumerable reports of Sasqustch not having saggital crests. Again... One merely has to look at the forensic sketches of Harvey Pratt to see what people are seeing. I am not excluding saggital crests from the Sasquatch reports, but like human facial features in reports, we have more ape-like facial reports being reported.

      The comment about "modern human with archaic features" was meant to be a take on what I have always maintained; ancient human with modern DNA... My classification there's very little difference between the two definitions.

    26. Oh... And if you opened the link I provided up top, you'll notice that when Patty doesn't have hair on her face... She looks very human.

    27. Very human indeed -- like a man in an ape suit! I'm glad that we finally agree!

    28. So now sub saharan African's ,ARE ARCHAIC ,SASQUATCH ,WOW JOE YOU TRULY ARE A RACIST!!

    29. About as human as a living caveman... Now go get a magic proportion altering monkey suit, then you'll have a point.


    31. But if bigfoot is human, no suit is needed. According to you, bigfoot is human with some archaic features. What are the archaic features that make it dinstict from humans (other than all the hair)? Sagittal crest? That's not a modern human feature! All of the "archaic" features in the Humboldt skull that you joyfully cite are modern human characteristics and can be found in humans like Brock Lesnar to this very day! The "magic proportions" are all modern human according to you! Should we now find a magic human suit? Are you going to flip flop and claim that Patty is a distinct species? Which is it?

    32. OK thats it!! now im mad ,,,

      LOVE LOCK SKULL !! Take that
      you Moron troll ! HAAA HHAA Haa Haaa HAA!


    33. Tk, the love lock skulls are a non issue as they have been proven to be within classic native american parameters. now go back to your Glue Huffing.

    34. We know that Cro-Magnon and Otamids (who share our exact DNA) were more robust, larger with longer upper limbs, therefore having morphological and anatomical features different to ours. We also know people can have gigantism via adrenal glands, etc. Considering the different morphology of the skull of Cro-Magnon, it is longheaded, the forehead is straight, the brow ridges only slightly projecting, the cranial vault noticeably flattened, and the occipital bone (at the back of the head) projects backward. The cranial capacity of the Otamid/Cro-Magnon is large, about 100 cubic inches. Although the skull is relatively long and narrow, the face appears quite short and wide. The forward projection of the upper jaw is also distinctive. The eye sockets are low-set, wide, and rather square in shape; and the nasal aperture of the skull is narrow and strongly projecting. The mandible is robust, with massive ascending ramus (the upward projection of the lower jaw, where it attaches to the skull), has strongly developed points of muscular attachment, and a quite prominent chin.

      The standard arm to height ratio of Patty is .44H. The ratio extracted from the film is .49H. The arm length of Patty for example, is 5.5 standard deviations from the human mean which is the 99.9999981 percentile or is present in one out of 52.5 million people. the earliest Homo sapiens had bodies with short, slender trunks and longer limbs. As it turns out, Otamids (American Cro-Magnons and what have been documented around native burial areas linked to giant tribes) are defined as long and low headed with elongate distal limbs (ie. they were hunters like Late Pleistocene Europeans), are present right into the eastern Archaic and Middle Woodlands periods and are described simply as plesiomorphic (meaning primitive ancestral or primitive character) relative to 'derived' Americoids, resembling similar populations in Europe and Siberia and lacking Mongoloid features in their cranium and face. Scientists have discovered that about one in thirteen people have flexible ape-like feet. A team studied the feet of 398 visitors to the Boston Museum of Science. The results show differences in foot bone structure similar to those seen in fossils of a member of the human lineage from two million years ago. All these traits are associated with Sasquatch morphology & anatomy, and are very much human traits. Baring in mind Sasquatch bury their dead and have language, whilst they have always been reported to use clubs (tools)... This is culture in its purest and humans have culture. Oh... And lastly, early human ancestors and most other mammals' brains are wired with straightforward circuits that pick up information from the surrounding environment through the senses and relays that information to motor neurons so the body can move and respond to the surrounding environments.

      No... An image of Brock Lesner with attached facial tissue, with an overlayed cranial shape looks like it fits the skull when put on top of eachother. If I had the means I would put the same skull over the profile of Bugs Bunny.

    35. The length of Patty's leg is computed from frame 326. Using the previously computed subject height as a scale reference, the subject's leg length of 150 pixels is computed as 40" accounting for the bent knee.

      The leg length expected for this height in a human is 46.4" [Winter 1990]. The standard leg to height ratio is .53H [Winter 1990]. The observed ratio extracted from the film is .46H. The leg length of the subject is 3.0 standard deviations from the human mean which is the 99.9 percentile and is present in one out of 1,000 people. While the length of the leg could be the result of a prosthesis, it is the opinion of the author that the probability of this is low because foot flexion is observed in the film.

      As for Patty, I simply reiterate what David Paulides has to say on it. The subject in the footage is without a doubt a relict hominid, what relation that has to the Humbolt skull and more human like, Cro-Magnon type skulls is not known at this time. We however have two different types of Sasqatch reports; the human like and the gorilla like... Take want you will from that.

      The Humbolt skull is archaic in it's morphology, if not... Then find me a modern human skull comparison, it's as easy as that.

      : )

    36. No 2:14... The anthropologist you are celebrating states that the skull has prehistoric morphology; and can't find comparative skull that has the same occipital bun. Go back to sleep, you've had enough school for one day.

      TK!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    37. LOL ,thinks cut copy &paste makes joe the blithering Bird Brain, look smart,,,,,WRONG!! it just Amplify's joe's STUPIDITY

    38. I made no post above.

      I'm more interested in 100's of elongated skulls out of Peru with the wrong number of skull plates. Afew from other parts of the world even had fangs. I'm pretty sure something came out of the cave in Lovelock, and a lot of other places around the US. But the skulls in Peru are plentiful and mainstream science is as scared as they can be of them. Don't want to upset the apple cart and all.

      Nephilim boy's, Nephilim. Boo!

    39. ...Good post at 2:25, Joe...3rd paragraph was a bit speculative(bigfoot buries their dead...) but the info on cro-mags skull was useful to those of us trying to wrap our heads around the (possible) big differences in morphology even though dna is same...We can look at modern humans and see huge differences...Still, its hard to reconcile the descriptions of squatch since 1958 with their alleged human dna...

    40. Hello my friend. My point regarding the burial of Sasquatch is that due to the links with native cultures such as the Cherokee who have claimed to have shared burial mounds with them.

      Thanks for the comment.

  2. Very Very large hominids.
    Message to Iktomi. Message to Iktomi. Sasquatch are indeed human. And in reply to you yesterday I am doing fine buddy.

  3. Hey guys!! . I have David Paulides books ..and he has all those Harvey Pratt drawings. Anyway...great books. The Hoopa project & Tribal Bigfoot.

    1. Hey Ruff Ready. I think it was back in 2010 maybe 2009 when I saw the Harvey Pratt drawings. I think some if not most can be found here

      This is a Paulides website and full of a tremendous amount of information. Have not looked at it in some time but a quick search showed some new updates.
      Anyway seeing those Pratt drawings really helped me to evolve my theories of these magnificent forest giants ( something that never stops). Darn near everything I have learned since point to these being human type hominids.

    2. Tremendous amount of information on something that doesn't exist.

    3. It shouldn't have taken nearly 50 years to realize that Bob Heironimous is human.

    4. 7:08... If something didn't exist, it wouldn't have a tremendous amount of information.

      7:12... Bob H is 6 foot. The McClarin comparisons put Patty in the region of 6.5 and almost 7 foot.

    5. "If something didn't exist, it wouldn't have a tremendous amount of information. "


    6. "Tremendous amount " in this instance a euphemism for the evidence.

    7. Tremendous amount of info on Harry Potter and dragons, you nut case.

    8. Lucky people are seeing them everywhere, eh Einstein?

    9. No one is seeing them. They're reporting that they do.

    10. Yes, and police officers, doctors, lawyers, teachers... All these type of people are all in on the hoax though they have nothing to gain and everything to lose career-wise by reporting it.

      It's ok, I know logic isn't something you're familiar with.

    11. ^ still nothing but circulars. Expect nothing else from someone clearly so inferior.

    12. Notice the ^ pointing to Joes alias,Noting her Inferiority Complex!!!!!!!!

      EH THER BOYO ??

    14. I'm not sure if anyone can ascertain what you're trying to vomit there, old chum.

    15. Thats ok,its known around here ,that your rather SLOW. JOE,

  4. Do footers now pretend bigfoot are human so that any contaminated dna results that come back as human they can now claim is a bigfoot?

    Its almost like footers dont want to prove yhe skeptics wrong. Its either that or they just cant because there is no such thing as bigfoot. Im guessing its the later.

    1. Sasquatch are human... Hey have language, they bury their dead. You'll have a geneticist's study soon enough that'll show far from "contaminated" results... We'll see just who wants what and what not to be proven.

    2. We accept your surrender.

    3. Justice for Iktomi~
      Setting the record straight for the moronic simpletons that are called trolls here.
      Obviously, you never did any independent studying on your own in school or college. There are several references to white skinned/fair skinned Indians in the accounts of Columbus, Pizzaro and Missionaries. GASP! they even still exist today! Some tribes even hold that their members who have white skin and red hair have certain abilities and gifts ie
      Salish and other tribes. To be narrowminded about the indigenous cultures in America is to show the world that the stereotype they hold of Americans as being stupid or slow is correct. How about attending a Powwow or other Native American Celebration> you might just be surprised at the white skinned, card carrying Native Americans that are there.
      Both of my daughters have light skinned, blonde haired and one has blue eyes. For this reason it is accepted in their lineage that there is something unusual.
      I attached a couple of links, but really I could have posted several more, but I know that it is difficult for most trolls here to read more than a paragraph or two before they have begin having a meltdown

    4. Please sir, don't stop there... I would like as many links as you care to reference.

      Thank you for this.

    5. My absolute pleasure sir! I have been reading over some of the atrocious comments here about Native Americans and feel that someone needs to stand up for you and another poster or two here.
      It is disturbing to say the least to see such mistaken ideas taken as fact.
      I would also like to point out that a large amount of the giant skeletons were handed over to the Smithsonian as well as to several American Indian tribes due to the repatriation act that began in the 1960's, even though the skeletons were NOT Native American Indians they were handed over to be buried accordingly. There is ample evidence that the American Government/Smithsonian went along with this gladly so that a thorn was removed from their side. Before you trolls jump on me, try reading up on the subject of Kennewick man and Giant humans.

    6. The eyes of that extinct species of Giant, wose bones filled the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagra as our eyes do now.


    7. Yes Chuck, as I posted awhile back, The Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee by John Haywood is a wonderful testimony to their legacy here in the US.

    8. Also for Stonereader 1. You seem to be the same person that was educating us yesterday on the Lakota. If so glad you gave yourself a name.

      I imagine you have seen some of the forensic geologist, Scott Wolters work on the History series America Unearthed. This would seem explain the fair skin and blue eyes as surely these past visitors to this continent intermingled with the Natives.

    9. No sir, I am a different person from the one yesterday. I am not Lakota, but I am Native American. I have come here to see what was being said about myself and my identity that was stolen apparently. I must admit that I am a tad shocked over the hate speech used here, but I am a staunch believer in defending myself and others who need it. I must say, I am pleasantly surprised to find a few here that actually know what they are talking about and are able to hold a civil conversation. There are several books on the market by various authors who conclusively and convincingly that America's were occupied and visited by other cultures in the pre dawn of history.

    10. You are very, very welcome around here Stonereader1.

    11. ^^ LOL, I love watching Joe talk to himself using his various profiles. Stonereader is quite clearly a Joepuppet.

    12. Hey, "Stonereader1", why are you stealing this young girls photo???

      Busted again, Joe! When are you going to learn with all these fake profiles? Especially ones created in the last week? Seriously, you are one messed up individual.

    13. And the Joepuppet is actually claiming that modern people with some native blood who appear Caucasian is evidence of red haired European giants in pre-Columbian America! I guess that he doesn't realize that his theory is incredibly racist to the actual Native Americans who built the burial mounds and other cultutal wonders which predate European contact.

    14. Dmaker, the paranoid loon who needs to better address the subject matter. Why did you steal a shark avatar buddy? That's right... You must be Joe. Also, I've posted this a great many times in the last week, but here led again;

      "A hair sample from Spirit Cave Man was analyzed by Craig Lahren, then of the Office of the Hamilton County Medical Examiner’s Office. In his report Lahren (1997:2) states, “… density and distribution of the pigment granules in your sample (2064) is typical of a Caucasian individual” and that the “… pigment granules in your sample (2064) are brown.” The report also states that the hair “… has a moderate shaft diameter with minimal variation, and an oval cross-sectional shape. All of these observations are consistent with hair derived from the head or more specifically the scalp of a Caucasian individual.”

      A hair sample was also analyzed by Joseph DiZinno of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratories, who observed “…numerous dark reddish-brown, Asian origin head hairs with broken roots, broken tips and much surface debris” (DiZinno 1997:1).

      Goodman and Martin note (1999:4) “we now judge the hair to be medium to dark brown and straight. In other words, the hair is exactly the color and form [sic that] is most common in Northern Asian or a Native American.” The hair studies performed to date do not allow the assignment of Spirit Cave Man to an affiliation with a particular tribe."

    15. Joe, why do you steal other peoples photos to create fake profiles? Do you do this solely to cheer yourself on?

      Why is it mostly girls photos that you steal and pretend to be?

    16. Joe, no one gives a crap about hair morphology tests from the 1990's. Hair morphology is not a terribly accurate or reliable means of species identification.

      Try to be current. Or are you too busy stealing photos of young girls to impersonate?

    17. Here's a copy/paste for you, Joeholi, since we know you love them so much.

    18. Let me guess. Stonereader is another Caucasian who believes in 10 foot tall hairy men and poses as an Indian.

      That is sooo uncommon. Who could have guessed?

    19. Dmaker, did you read this yet?

      The ISF people should get a good kick out of it.

    20. Forensics being wrong occasionally, like any branch of science left to the hand of humans, does not invalidate the findings found by scientists regarding those hairs. That's circular reasoning Dmaker, come on... You can to better than that? Forensics does just fine as a science, are you getting more and more paranoid, conspiracy like??

      You have a shark avatar, you just be Joe. Did anyone ever wonder how Dmaker is verified?

      : )

    21. It's so painfully obvious. Especially when "Stonereader1" uses exact Joe language and even includes several copy/pastes in the response.

      I mean, seriously....

    22. Stonereader, did you know that IKtomi is not Native American but is from Wales or England. He stole his name from the Lakota people and believes that the hairy bigfoot are Native Americans as evidenced by the Lovelock Skull.

    23. 9:30... Yes, considering half of them desperately cling to the magic monkey theory that provides them with the only means of angle to wangle. Sasquatch are human... Sorry your closure desperation renders you outdated.

      : )

    24. My avatar is from the poster for the original Jaws movie, you nitwit. It's hardly the same thing as stealing photos of young girls and pretending to be them and talking to myself in public.

      I didn't do anything to be verified. It just happened. I suspect that is the same for everyone here. Though I am enjoying watching you squirm and try to deflect from yet another creepy photo steal and fake profile you have created.

    25. I suspect "Stonereader1" will disappear from this blog much like Abholi did.

    26. Dmaker... Would you like to explain to the trolls how you became verified? Where you got your avatar from??

    27. Ooops I actually read your posts Stonereader. You ARE Iktomi.

      Another white guy trying to be Indian. Nothing to see here.

    28. Why don't you approach Shawn, finally, and ask him to show the IP addresses of all these people you claim I am? This will take two minutes of course.

      Why wouldn't anyone think you are Joe, considering you are verified like all his "sock puppet" accounts?

    29. Same profile. White guy playing indian play finding 10 foot tall hairy man.

    30. I have explained several times how I got verified--I did nothing. Soon after you were verified, lots of regular posters were verified. I didn't do a thing. I have no idea if it is an automatic process, or an admin selects posters to verify, but I certainly had zero involvement in the process. Why is that important anyway?

      I already said what my avatar is. It's from a movie poster. It is not a photo of anyone, obviously. Much less lifted from an unsuspecting persons page and used falsely here.

      Joe, there is no way anyone is going to read what Stonereader1 posted and not immediately know it is you.

    31. In fact, why don't you and the troll do exactly that? Why don't you get in touch with Shawn and Matt, and ask them to reveal aaaaaaaaaall these accounts I'm allegedly being?

      It would leave you with the uncomfortable reality of addressing the subject matter, something you're not too hot at of late, eh?

    32. But stop deflecting, Joeholi. Why are you stealing photos and creating fake profiles constantly lately? And then using them to support your own comments. Oh, I guess that answers my question, doesn't it?

      That is so pathetic. You are not confident enough in your own statements that you need to create and operate a fake cheering section? Wow, that is sad.

      Or do you just like pretending to be a young girl?

    33. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... Please be a man and explain to everyone how you became verified, Dmaker.

      How about you and me get in touch with Shawn and settle this sock puppet nonsense once and for all? What are you scared about??

    34. Why don't you get some hair morphology tests that support unknown primate that aren't 15 years or more old?

      Mkay? Thanks.

    35. I've explained my verification to the best of my knowledge. You can believe me or not, I don't really care. I still fail to see how it matters, though.

      And what does it have to do with you stealing pictures of girls and pretending to be them.

      Contact Shawn all you want, Joeholi. I have no questions for him, never have, never will. I let him run his blog in peace. I'm not the one creating fake profiles and talking to myself online.

    36. Shawn doesn't have IP addresses. If you take the time...its very simple......and get a google'll see that the blogs owner can not see the IP addresses.

      I suspect that you know that.

    37. Dmaker, the reliability of the methods used in those hairs has not lacked any in 15 years... Would you like to get a better argument, it's getting boring. Why haven't you got the b*lls to tell everyone how you got verified? Why are you faffing away so pathetically? Are you man enough or what?

      9:48... I think we can easily resolve this delusional behaviour if we all bump heads. What's the matter, are you afraid of what you might lose as a trolling avenue? I'm going to contact Shawn to see what he think can be done.

    38. Meldrum used to believe bigfoot was gigantopithicus.

      My guess is that he's retreating as well?

      Rats is jumpin' ship!

    39. I don't know what you had to do to get verified, Joe, but I have shared everything that I know about the process. Which is nothing. It just happened. Why don't you ask all the others here if they had to do anything? I would guess that their experience is similar, if not identical to mine.

      Go ahead and contact Shawn. What are you going to say, dmaker is being mean to me for pretending to be a girl and talking to myself?

      Good luck with that, little girl.

    40. Good science evolves, self corrects. Im sorry your magic monkey avenue got snatched from you like a haemerrhoid pillow.

    41. Oh, are you done whining and crying about how your latest fake native profile got busted?

      Want a tissue?

    42. I don't see how you would expect anyone to take anything you say seriously. How can you hope to have any credibility when you create fake native profiles to falsely cheer and support your opinions?

      Do you think "good science", as you put it, does this? Is it good science to create your own fake supporters?

      I think you know the answer to that one. You are dishonest and fake, and should be the last person lecturing others on what "good science" does.

    43. Do something constructive. Pick up blue bags around your neighborhood.

    44. Dmaker... Why can't you be a man and start explaining your verification, you're worrying your troll fan here.

      I'm going to contact Shawn about these sock puppet accounts, I'm sure he has an idea of getting to the bottom of it. What will you do when your trolling avenue is denied?

    45. There is no way that anyone is going to read that below post and not know that it was Joetomi that posted it. It's so painfully obvious.

      Stonereader1Monday, May 11, 2015 at 7:30:00 AM PDT
      Justice for Iktomi~
      Setting the record straight for the moronic simpletons that are called trolls here.
      Obviously, you never did any independent studying on your own in school or college. There are several references to white skinned/fair skinned Indians in the accounts of Columbus, Pizzaro and Missionaries. GASP! they even still exist today! Some tribes even hold that their members who have white skin and red hair have certain abilities and gifts ie
      Salish and other tribes. To be narrowminded about the indigenous cultures in America is to show the world that the stereotype they hold of Americans as being stupid or slow is correct. How about attending a Powwow or other Native American Celebration> you might just be surprised at the white skinned, card carrying Native Americans that are there.
      Both of my daughters have light skinned, blonde haired and one has blue eyes. For this reason it is accepted in their lineage that there is something unusual.
      I attached a couple of links, but really I could have posted several more, but I know that it is difficult for most trolls here to read more than a paragraph or two before they have begin having a meltdown

    46. "Good science" to Dmaker is spending his troll time speculating in delusional, paranoid fashion, on the accounts of anyone who agrees with Joe.

      Good science is in abundance in this one. Still... How are you verified, "Dmaker"?

    47. Sigh. I have explained my verification. Since you seem to think that there is much more involved, then why don't you explain yours? I've already stated all that I know.

      But really what does that have to do with you creating fake native profiles to support yourself? And then preach to others about good science. LOL.

      "Justice for Iktomi", indeed. Gawd, you're such a sad, pathetic wanker.

    48. ""Good science" to Dmaker is spending his troll time speculating in delusional, paranoid fashion, on the accounts of anyone who agrees with Joe."

      I believe Stonereader1 was agreeing with Iktomi, not Joe. LOL. I thought Iktomi was not Joe?

      Nice slip there, Joetomi.

    49. Joeholi knows that it is illegal for Shawn to reveal IP addresses without consent, so it is an empty statement.


      "Iktomi" slipped and called himself Joe.

      I took a screenshot of it in case he tries to delete it.

      I even saved the html page.

    51. Busted. Liar Joe/Iktomi. Fake indian.

    52. The conversation over at the Andy White blog is about to get very interesting. "Joe" is there trying to explain to an actual scientists his theory on bigfoot.

      Funny how Iktomi was quoting "Joe" comments from that blog here. Almost as if they were made by Iktomi himself. But that would mean that Iktomi is Joe :)

    53. He has my consent to prove D Dover wrong!

    54. Shouldn't you be looking for blue bags, DS?

    55. Who's Joe?

      Dmaker... Why do you faff around so badly explaining how you became verified? Why haven't you the b*lls to do that?? Anyone would think you have something to hide???

      What's the matter trolls, why are you worried of me contacting Shawn over the IP addresses??

    56. Two of the three hair studies that Joeholi cited show that the hairs were Native American and/or Asian in origin -- just what one would expect from a sample that was found from an early native site -- Native Americans came from Asia.

      The other study was conducted by a county medical examiner who had no demonstrated expertise in identifying the racial origin of hair.

    57. I've repeated stated what I know of the verification process. I have no idea what else you are prattling about. Since you think you know something, by all means please share it with us.

      And, again, what does the verification process have to do with you pretending to be a fake native? On more than one occasion I might add.

      Contact Shawn all you want. I have nothing to hide. I don't know if he can see ip addresses or not. I suspect not, given this format vs something like wordpress that you setup yourself on a hosted server. But if he does, great. It bothers me not at all.

      Go ahead and run to Shawn and cry, Joeholi. Just like the little girls you pretend to be.

    58. Precisely, which proves that native Americans can have caucasoid features, supporting the Stonereader1's comment rather nicely.

      You have at least two reliable sources that point to the same conclusion.

    59. No Dmaker, you are a coward for not addressing the issue, a little coward that hasn't he belly to disappoint your little troll that worships you on a "spiritual" level.
      Ha ha ha ha!!

    60. Fake indians scrambling to support how they can have blond hair blue eyes and and still call them selves indians.

      For some reason they have to pretend to be indian and also on a quest for an imaginary creature.

    61. "A hair sample from Spirit Cave Man was analyzed by Craig Lahren, then of the Office of the Hamilton County Medical Examiner’s Office. In his report Lahren (1997:2) states, “… density and distribution of the pigment granules in your sample (2064) is typical of a Caucasian individual” and that the “… pigment granules in your sample (2064) are brown.” The report also states that the hair “… has a moderate shaft diameter with minimal variation, and an oval cross-sectional shape. All of these observations are consistent with hair derived from the head or more specifically the scalp of a Caucasian individual.”

      That does not lend to genetic classification, it merely states that the hair pigment is authentic... Thanks for trying.

    62. What are the Caucasian features? Red hair? Can you think of another reason why hair that has been degrading for thousands of years would change color?

    63. dmaker, I didn't know you were a female.

    64. Not only that, but talk exactly like Joe and spam links like Joe does. And open their post with "Justice for Iktomi". LOL.

      No one is going to believe that Stonereader1 is not you, Joeholi. Your credibility is destroyed. Creating fake account to falsely support your opinion is not properly or honestly addressing the subject matter.

      You should never have tried to create support puppets. You have a very distinct rhetoric and style and you absolutely suck at hiding it when posting as your puppets.

      How can anyone give any credibility to you when you are now proven, more than once, to be an imposter and a liar?

    65. Will work for pay. Good pay. Really good.

    66. 10:37... Caucasoid, I'll apologise. That was the very purpose of me posting those quotes, because it proves that the pigmant is not a result of degraded hair fibres.

      Dmaker faffing around about his verification... How totally a entertaining.

    67. Joeholi, you should not be haranguing others about addressing the subject matter. Your demonstrated idea of addressing the subject matter includes creating fake native accounts to falsely support your comments regarding Native American legends.

      How can you stand there and lecture anyone? You are a fake and an imposter. You are the last person to instruct anyone on how to address the subject matter. I would rather deal with someone who is, at least, honest. You have demonstrated that you are not an honest person.

    68. What's the nether Dmaker, you're putting extra effort into your delusion today, are you upset about being called out for your verification?

    69. dmaker I did not know you were female until 9:45 PST today.

    70. ^^ I'm not a female. No idea what you're on about.

    71. this joe dude is a crack head,and unstable as hell.

    72. Honestly, Joe, I have no idea what is involved with verification. I had no involvement in mine, and assumed that was same for everyone else.

      Why don't you tell us all what you think is involved in getting verified?

    73. y'all know joe never answers questions.

    74. I'll side with the opinion of the entire community of anthropologists over a county medical examiner, but that's just me.

    75. dmaker the use of "Mkay" (9:45) is highly prissy, effette, effeminate, snitty, sniffy, and female. No educated adult male would utter "Mkay". I concluded that you are female from your use of it, as it reveals a female viewpoint.

    76. Wow, what great detective skills you have there, Scooby.

      It's also a reference to South Park.

    77. Dmaker, notice how Joe is resorting to juvenile insults as his bigfoot fantasy world is falling apart in front of his very eyes?

    78. Hey, Joeholi. Why have you not answered Andy White when he asked you if anything other than lots of body hair makes a sasquatch a sasquatch?

      Maybe you should just drop your classic,

      "Sykes is coming. Tick Tock Tick Tock" on him? See how well that goes over? LOL

    79. Or better yet, you can bust out one of your native girl profiles and tell him everything you learned on wikipedia! That will teach him!

    80. y'all know joe never answers questions.

    81. Dmaker, last week, Joeholi called Andy White "intellectually dishonest" and declared that he had "obliterated" Andy!

    82. In Joes mind, he obliterates everyone. And that is somehow not enough to convince you, have no fear, he will breakout a sock puppet to cheer himself on!

    83. Yes, I can hardly wait for the next fake Indian woman to show up who has the exact same writing style as Joeholi and who advances the identical arguments as Joeholi!

    84. I think that there are two possibilities: (1) Joeholi is busy creating another fake Indian account or (2) he exploded into another colossal rage and smashed his phone to smithereens again!

    85. He's probably crying and crafting some whiny letter to Shawn in between sobs and hugs from his mommy.

    86. or he's having a wank over Susan Boyle.

    87. "I'll side with the opinion of the entire community of anthropologists over a county medical examiner, but that's just me."

      Actually reads;

      "The evidence is not there because scientists who have not studied it say it isn't... Also the evidence does not exist because Sasquatch doesn't exist."
      - pseudoscience troll.

      Dmaker, I have not answered him because I had things to do, I will respond to him in due course. Dmaker, why are you so upset tonight? Why have you still not addressed the issue as to why you have been verified, it doesn't make sense to anyone that you should avoid this like he plague? Considering how much you have faffed around, who's to say that the Stonereader1's account isn't Dmaker himself? We already know that he used anon mode specifically, even by his own admission.

      Why so angry Dmaker? Your troll friend is certainly unsure as to your real ID, you could be a made up account by Joe to ensure he looks intellectually superior on the subject matter. Is Dmaker a woman?

    88. I have not avoided the question at all. I have answered the question every time you have asked, you just don't like the answer. Well, I'm sorry, but that is the honest answer. I have no idea how I got verified, it just happened.

      I'm not angry at all, Joeholi. I have had a pleasant time demonstrating what a lying snake you are in fact.

      I have never used anon mode, much less "by my own admission". Making things up again, Joe? No surprise. We all know what a liar and imposter you are anyway, what's a few more lies, right?

      So, after being caught and called out YET AGAIN for making a fake native woman profile and talking to yourself, the best you can come back with is, Is Dmaker a woman? Wow.

    89. So Joeholi, because you are now asserting that bigfoot is a "modern human with archaic features," then I assume that you will no longer use the term "relict hominid" which suggests that bigfoot is a member of hominid family, but not a homo sapien. You will likely have to amend most of the language that you have used for years!

    90. No, you haven't answered the question, everyone here knows how one gets verified, the fact that you can't answer the question is indicative that you have something to hide, that you are not honest on an occurance that is painfully obvious to all how to pursue.

      And you have demonstrated what exactly? You have posted the exact same comment by the poster up top, and simply claimed it is me, how is that "demonstrating" anything? Why should anyone listen to what you have to say about me? Are you so far up your own backside that you really think anyone cares what you have to post? Oh you are angry Dmaker, you are always angry when you post comments here, you're a little whiney b*ch that doesn't like me for one sole reason; you don't like being wrong.

      You have used anon mode Dmaker, when you admitted you used the words "you must be confused again", when I made you look like a ten year old fumbling scientific theory and got loads of academics to laugh at you.

      Here's a doozy; prove that I'm posting under different accounts, don't just spout it off like what you have to say washes as gospel... You're nothing, just an angry little nobody who posts on a blog... Prove it.

    91. Joeholi, are there any other "occurances" that you can provide? LOL

    92. I have no idea how one gets verified. I've explained that many times. Please tell everyone what is involved, because I don't have a clue. And you still refuse to answer the question of what does it have to do with anything anyway? You make it sound as if the process of verification would somehow hurt me or discredit me? I am starting to think you don't have a clue of what you're talking about actually. I think maybe because you had to run to Shawn like a little girl and whine and complain to get verified, that you now think that anyone who is verified must have done the same thing. Well, I can tell you that is not true. I did nothing to get verified. Not everyone is a whiny little girl like you.

      Why don't you tell everyone what you had to do to get verified, Joeholi?

      I have never posted anon. You can create whatever fantasies you wish, doesn't make it true.

    93. Didn't you whine to Shawn about my UFO comment, Dmaker? What's discrediting you is your strange behaviour around not admitting you have the same elements to your ID as the people you claim are suspicious.

      You did post anon Dmaker and you know it because you admitted it, you pathetic liar... And being verified is a very easy process, if you can't be open about it, who's to say you're not the poster up top you are accusing me of being? And this is it... When it's all said and done, anyone could accuse you of the same posters, there is just as much evidence and you certainly have the grudge to do it.

      You're a coward Dmaker, a coward that needs a moderated forum, ha ha ha!!

    94. Observe Joeholi in full meltdown mode!

    95. Joeholi no longer wishes to discuss bigfoot, but instead prefers to argue about how accounts become verified on this blog! You know, given Joeholi's dozens of accounts, that is a subject about which I am sure he has a wealth of knowledge!

    96. Hey, little darlings... Prove it. It's as simple as that. If you really think trolling me about being other posters has any level of affect on me, any chance of trolling me away, then you are sadly mistaken. In the mean time you'll have me around here reminding you all how stupid you are regarding the subject matter.

      And there's not a little slimy little thing you can b*tch about that can do a thing about it.

      : )

    97. I see that, even after I provided him a free lecture on the topic, the intellectual powerhouse Joeholi still does not know the difference between "effect" and "affect"! Joeholi, if you want to be taken seriously, please learn elementary English!

    98. Sweetheart, I'm not the one struggling to counter every point put my way... A lesson in anthropology, not to mention relict hominids, is what you've had today and not for the first time, eh?

      No, no... The pleasure's all mine.

    99. Yes I now know that "relict hominids" are equal to "modern humans with arcaic features" (like Brock Lesnar!). I also learned that one out if 13 people who visit some Boston museum are in fact bigfoot! And I also learned that Bob H was wearing a clever constructed "modern human with archaic features" suit! Thank you for having such a wonderful "affect" on me!

    100. And before you mention it, I will acknowledge two typographical errors in my above comment.

    101. "A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."
      - Bertrand Russell

      ... You really aren't as clever as you think you are, are you buddy? Ha ha ha ha ha!! I tell you what'l, why don't you bookmark this comment section, get an adult to help and then ask the ISF for a help with some counter arguments? I'll give you a two day revising spell... What do you say?

    102. You're a mess; picking up on the spelling errors of others and typing your own out.

    103. Wow, you are really reaching now, Joeholi. The same "elements" to my ID as those I am suspicious about? No. DC also got verified. I am sure he probably didn't do anything either. This is all just a pathetic attempt to divert attention away from your creepy fake profiles and your psychotic behavior complimenting yourself in public online. No one will ever forget the nice hair moment. And today we get to add the "Justice for Iktomi" post opening you used as Stonereader. Too perfect. You just make it so easy.

    104. They're not spelling errors you boob -- and I never criticize you for actual typos. I only point out glaring misuse of words such as your regular use of "effect" for "affect" which are indicative of someone with an extremely limited vocabulary and minimal education.

    105. Oh, and for the record, I never said anything to Shawn about your UFO comment. I've never exchanged a single word with Shawn in my life. Why don't you ask him to verify that while you're crying on his shoulder?

      I pity Shawn having to deal with you and your little girl tantrums all the time.

      Try just growing a pair.

    106. Dmaker... Why do you lie about the manner in which you became verified? Just because Daniel Campbell did so, in no way shape or form does that exclude you from the process. Why are you suspiciously cagey about the whole thing. It's very dodgy behaviour. Your troll friend is getting worried... For all he knows you could be me, especially with a stolen avatar and all?

      If you think that I am posting as many different people, then prove it. Making whole comment sections about who I am allegedly masquerading as, isn't providing anything but paranoid rants that for anything, could in fact merely be you pretending to be people as we already know you post in anon mode (that you've been less than honest about).

      I've in fact yet to contact Shawn over your paranoia and an effort to clarify who's posting what... But I can assure you that I will. Just as you have the right to go and cry over a comment that made you look stupid, I do... You seem a little worried by this??

      3:55... Ha ha ha ha!! These are "typos" now are they? Just like when you claimed that my spelling errors were just that after I stated they were typos? You're a mess son, I think you don't really have the slightest frickin' idea what you're talking about, do you?

      Allow me to explain the difference between "if" and "of" at some stage... And it's spelled "archaic" -------------------------------------------- by the way.

      Ha ha ha ha ha!!

  5. Yes cbrippee, That's the sited I ordered all is books from :) ..ot's of info!!

  6. Hahah!! messed up that typing above...need to turn a light on..rooms dark..:P

    Ordered all his books on that site...I was saying...:)

  7. Disotel said he is 99.99% sure bigfoot does not exist. Stuff like that is hard for footers to just sweep under the rug.


    2. 10. The Photographic and Video Evidence is Poor;
      9. Bigfoot Doesn’t Fit in the Food Chain;
      Really? We know some or the largest mammals in be western world manage it.
      8. Bigfoot is Too Big to Go Unnoticed;
      That's why we have ten thousand years of cultural agknowldgememt that transitions three whole databases of contemporary reports.
      7. No Bigfoot Fossils Exist;
      6. Successful Breeding Is Unlikely; to have forensically verified physical evidence that transcends States and decades, then there must be a population across North America, with sightings preceding such evidence being indicative of a breeding population over time.
      5. Misidentification is Widespread;
      Possibly, but police officers are trained in the observance of detail... And bears don't fit the reported human like traits reporter over thousands of years.
      4. There Were No Sightings Before 1958;
      Lies. Wildman reports were very common in the 1800's and like I said before, ten thousand years of Sasaquatch agknowldgememt of Natives kind of smashes that apart totally.
      3. Lack of Killings Despite Reward;
      Plenty of missing hunters.
      Bigfoot is a Hoaxer’s Paradise;
      But not enough to dismiss the consistent science that's been used to verify it's physical sign.
      1. Lack of Physical Evidence;

    3. Disotell's on Meldrum's RHI editorial board... By the way.

    4. He appeared on 10Milliondollar bigfoot

    5. 99.99% sure Disotell is another plant, to muddy the BF truth!

  8. Bigfoot is a Hoaxer’s Paradise


    1. fake indian. Quit stealing.

    2. Stonereader1... Welcome to the delusional trolls, they're as potty as a box of rats.

    3. Fake indian fraud addressing fake indian fraud.

    4. Are you worried what will happen if we get to the bottom of the IP addresses?

    5. You're not. You have a google blogspot and know that administrators don't have ip addresses.

    6. I'll put it to Shawn and see what he says about it... What you so scared about?

    7. Not scared about anything. Go and cry to Shawn, please. Go do it, loud mouth. Stop talking about it, you pansy, little girl.

    8. What are you so afraid of??? Are you worried that your many anon comments will be exposed, "Dmaker"... You petty child, you?

  10. What a hostile, evil petty bunch these trolls are here. Yes, I did just pick a random picture that appealed to me. NO I will not put my IP address or face up on this puerile free for all called a blog.

    It really is too bad that the imbeciles have this much free time to spam and harass the posters on this blog. I am here for awhile. I like the intelligent postings of the limited few that are actually brave enough to stand out and post in spite of the childs play going on here. I am not Joeholi, Iktomi or Joe.
    I am a researcher, contributor and teacher. I have worked with a few other researchers and that is all I will say about myself. I do not have to answer or reveal anything about myself to people who are bullies and cowards of low mentality.
    But, I will thank you for showing me exactly what the other socially acceptable posters are having to deal with here, and I have decided to align myself with them against trolls.
    I recently read that the Admins are the trolls and that this site makes money off of the chaos that is being incited by these scumbags. Welcome to good ol' scamming of a business if that is the case. No wonder they allow chaos to reign.

  11. This is the dumbest tread i have read on this blog in over two years! Grow the hell up all of you!


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