This Bigfoot Cam Makes Me Think Of Star Wars

The Trail To Bigfoot team is in their new research area, trying to find a place to set up their game cam. This new area looks great, but I'm more impressed with the camera. It reminds me of a Elite Corps Clone Trooper from Star Wars.

Star Wars Elite Corps Trooper


  1. Replies
    1. If you're trying to fool bigfoot don't wrap an article of human clothing around it. It looks totally unnatural and says that they think bigfoot is just like the rest of the dumb animals of the forest.

    2. Don't you always claim that bigfoot is human?

    3. A species of man, but not Homo sapien. That is being born out in DNA studies by Dr. Ketchum, and Dr. Sykes just wrote a book affirming some of that and it working on a paper for peer review.

    4. Is that the same Ketchum who claimed to be mind raped by bigfoot and who maintains that bigfoot braids her horses' hair?

    5. Don't hold your breath.Ketchum is a fraud or very inept at her job at best.and Sykes has been disappointing every step of the way.

    6. Dr. Kethum denies that whole rape thing as made up about her. Ketchum is not a fraud and Dr. Sykes is recognized as one of the foremost geneticists in the world.

    7. Even the nuttiest fruitcake habituators at the BFF (e.g. Sasfooty) completely dismiss Ketchum and consider her a scam artist. And here is Bend Over Butt Cheeks citing her as a reliable source!

    8. I agree with everything you say D Dover, always have....that's why I do not understand your comments toward that Anon troll, about me?

    9. Sykes work has been disappointing to the footers.there's always a next time or new book. I don't doubt his credentials just the results...melba has zero credibility in for money and fame like 99 percent of all researchers

    10. They both were screaming to the hilltops the had proof, and they both flopped bad, same thing with the Erikson Project, Millions spent, claimed they had the goods, and sat their on TV like they had the rug pulled out from underneath them, and all 3 did!

  2. The troll has been identified. He was know as Stank Ape on the forum here. He suffers from Asperger's Syndrome, and is a teenage kid who lives at home with his Mom. He was booted from the forums here for trolling. It's obvious he's become obsessed with you after repeated and consistent schooling sessions conducted by yourself for his benefit. I think he also used to troll under the name Mr. Bigfoot, and Hill Billy at some of the other bigfoot sites. You should report this to the site administrator and see if he can ban his IP agai

    1. People actually post on the forum here?

    2. No it's a battle of trolls and a few nuts who fall for the trolling


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