Bigfoot aren't the only creatures stacking rocks in the middle of nowhere

When you something awesome as this out in the middle of nowhere, do you think of sasquatch? Some Bigfoot researchers believe that sasquatch use stacks of rocks as signs or symbols for other Bigfoots. Though no one has ever witnessed Bigfoot stack rocks, there are however rock stackers like this guy here:

This is really amazing!
Posted by Vaski on Saturday, May 16, 2015


  1. That is so cool. I just got my rocks off. well played, my inscrutable Laotian friend

    1. Explain yourself, insect

    2. Iktomi's secret admirer, Stuart

    3. no it's mmc it always has been you dopes

  2. New series of springwatch starts this week. MMG must be raging hard.

  3. They have been witnessed stacking rocks by a logger. A male, female and young forest giant. 1967 outside the town of Estacada Oregon near the Clackamas River in Northern Oregon. This was huge boulders larger than a man could move, apparently in order to find rodent type food in the nests below. More were found in the 80s near Stevenson, WA. Also Mt. Hood in Oregon.

    1. Investors in the Bank of Bigfoot were shocked today to learn share prices had fallen to a new low of DiddleySquatch.

  4. Last fall a member of a motorcycle group posted pics of his trip to upper New England. On top of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire were quite a few stacks of rocks up to 5 or 6 feet high, maybe higher. Asked him if he new what they represent. He did not however another member said people do. Upon further research I found trail guides in this park do this, sometimes to mark trails.

    So who copied who. Humans first with Sasquatch copying, or humans finding rock stacks and making their own. Could be in some cases just a game for the juvenille forest giants.

    1. chirrup chirrup chirp chirp chirp

    2. ^ the sound ur crotch crabs make when they rub their legs together

    3. Sadly, the member of the motorcycle group was recently killed in Waco, Texas.

    4. 5,29 chirp chirp chirp chirrup chirrup chirp chirp chirrup

    5. Stacking rocks is an old method used to mark routes in wilderness areas. I remember following some in the Rubicon back in the 90's. Some people likely misidentify those trail markers, often done with medium to small rocks.

      What is different is when boulders are stacked that would take a group of men to accomplish.

    6. Bend Over Butt Cheeks really took an awful beating from Andy White, Ph.D.

    7. oh boy i see 9:56 has been booted out of his latest site lol..seems they don't take kindly to know it all idiots hahahahaha demon!!!!

    8. 10:42... Dover's article states that Sasquatch are human... Therefore his premise stands until Andy White can address it as opposed to suiting his own versions of an unclassified creature he doesn't believe in; a magic monkey.

      Not very good science.

  5. Bigfoot, crocks in the middle of nowhere.

  6. Replies
    1. i can be there for you in 5 .. get `em spread ready

    2. you sound like my husband

    3. ^ likes the crude type

    4. You know it, Im a JREF footer. HA!

  7. Guys hold onto your gals and Jref footers hold onto your blow up dolls because I am pleased and feel privileged to announce that a Bigfoot was shot yesterday in Oklahoma and the body is being examined as I speak. Expect major news coverage of this historic event in the next few days so buckle up folks, it's going to be a helluva' ride !

  8. The news seems to be spreading. Saw it mentioned on twitter.

  9. GUYS!!!!!!!!!! CHECK OUT CNN RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


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