An Expert Tracker Can't Explain These Bigfoot Tracks

During a workshop, some photos of what appear to be large bigfoot tracks are shown to the person running the class. After questioning the woman with the photos and examining them at great length, the tracker and wilderness survival expert is left with possibility that bigfoot really does exist.

I was teaching a class on wilderness skills to fifth graders in Lake Tahoe last Friday and happened to be talking to a parent during a break. I must have mentioned my tracking experience because the next thing I knew I was staring in awe at four pictures I couldn’t identify.

After carefully examining them and running through a series of questions that would probably qualify me as either a lunatic or a bonafide Sasquatch investigator, I concluded that they are, in fact, beyond the scope of my understanding and knowledge.

For the full article, click here.


  1. Get lost fake indians. Bigfoot isn't real.


    1. These morons carrying on fake conversations with themselves with fake indian name accounts are an all time low.

      Get a new hobby you idiots who still believe in tall hairy men.

    2. Between DS and the fake indians we have the beginnings of an insane asylum for retards.

    3. That's why I love coming here some times. It's great entertainment.

    4. Of coarse you think 'your' funny. You not though, sorry.

    5. 2:14 it's "you're", you moron.

    6. You stupid boy...

      Re-iteration ... you STUPID boy !!!

    7. you'll always be half a man, coarse you no that....

    8. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! What a spoiled little brat the hairy palms space bar guy is for not having his way around here!

      Funny as heck. I'm gonna enjoy giving him a major meltdown.

  2. "Coarse" is what the trolls are here. I don't believe I have ever had the pleasure of discussing the "Anonymous" race of humanity. Please, do enlighten the rest of us.."fake Indians" (notice the proper capitalization) as to where your ancestors come from....I must let some Anthropologist friends know about this unknown race. In case you did not get that ...I was being SARCASTIC....

    1. Oh,look,it`s our old pal,""Joe "Dick"Gerald"".

    2. Oh look! ^ His hero but the dust again here;

  3. If the footprints can't be explained, they must be bigfoot.


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